
Script : [Peppy] GE_Sp_Camp_Igloo

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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animAre you a tourist like me? delayanimI only
visit delaythe trendiest spots! delayThat's
why I justdelay HAD to visit delayfun_00050005.
animIt's been on the top of my list delayfor
a while now. delayanimApparentlydelay folks love
it heredelay even when it's below zero!


animThis town is delaySO cute delayduring the
winter season.delayanim I feel like I'm
trappeddelay inside a snow globe!


animPretty icy outside,delay huh? delayanimWell,delay
come warm up a bit. delayIt's nice
and toasty in here, delayfun_00070005!
animYep, delaythis is a pretty comfy igloo—delay
even though it's made from ice!delayanim I
bet that stew delayisn't half bad either!


animIt looks like someone smothered
this towndelay with delicious, delaycreamy,delay
white frosting!
animExcept that eating snow delayisn't as
fun as eating frostingdelay.delay.delay.delay But either
way, delayanimthis town looks delaySO quaint!
animI hope I get a chancedelay to come back
here someday, delayfun_00070005!


animHi there!delay
animI'm so excited delayto experience one
of delayfun_00050005's famous winters!
animThe fresh air, delaythe great outdoorsdelay.delay.delay.delay
animThis place is gonna do delayWONDERS
for my delicate complexion!


I wasn't sure animif it'd be such a good
ideadelay to set up camp in the winter...
animBut I'm actually stayingdelay cozy and
warm!delay animAnd the icy airdelay is giving my
cheeks a nice,delay pink glow!


I absolutelydelayanim adore camping in this
delayfun_00050005 winter wonderland!
animThe stew's almost done stewin',delay
and I'm delayanimsoaking up the icy-cold
magicdelay of the season!


animI need to find the placedelay where I
want to build my house. delayanimNow I have
to do delaya professional location scout!


animI can't live just ANYWHERE, delayyou
know. delayanimI need to find the hippest,delay
hottest,delay trendiest spot in town!


animYou can really judge a towndelay based
on the folks who live there. delayanimI need
to meet delaysome of my new neighbors!


animfun_0003000Efun_00000011 totally convinced medelay
to move here. delayI'm all like, delayanim"Watch
out, delayfun_00050005delayhere I come!"
animI swear I'll be,delay like,delay the nicest, delaymost
awesomest neighbordelay you ever had!


animfun_0003000Efun_00000011 had the delaytotally brilliant
idea that I move into town,delayanim so get
ready for some delayfun_00010005 fun!
animOnce I'm all settled in, delayanimI'm gonna
really depend on you delayto show me
the ropes arounddelay fun_00050005, delayOK?


animfun_0003000Efun_00000011 just wouldn't shut updelay
about how AWESOME this place
is, delayanimso I've decided to move here!
animThis camping tripdelay just turned into
a recon mission.delayanim I've got to get the
dirt delayon my delayfun_00050005 neighbors!


animCamping stew is the delayBEST stew.delayanim
Maybe it's 'cause all this fresh airdelay
is giving me a raging appetite!
animLook,delay I know I'm no fancy chef or
anything,delayanim but I definitely know howdelay
to make a delicious stew!


animThe best part of campingdelay is looking
up in the night sky delayanimand seeing, delaylike,delay
a bazillion shining stars!
Ianim guess there's just something about
the cold winter airdelay that makes 'em
really POP, delayfun_00070005!


animI'm here to get away from it all,delay but
everyone's making such a fuss delayanimabout
having a superstar like me in town!


animI heard all about this delay"outdoors
lifestyle" from a friend of mine, so I
decideddelay to give it a try for myself.
animIt's a little dirty out here,delay but at
least delayanimI'm getting to meet a whole
bunchdelay of super-cool new friends!


animAll of this fresh air delaymust really be
stirring up my appetite. delayanimEverything
tastes better delaywhen I'm camping!
animLike, delayfun_00100005 is good
and all. delayBut when you eat it in front
of a campfire, delayanimit's suddenly delish!


animThis camping trip has really made
me wonderdelay what it'd be likedelay to live
in a town like thisdelay.delay.delay.delayfun_0005000F
Then move here!
It's not all great.


animI am,delay like, delaySO jealous of you. delayanimI mean,delay
you get to live in this amazing town!fun_0005000F
You should move here!
It's kinda overrated.


animI bet living in a town like thisdelayanim is,
delaylike,delay a total dream come true!fun_0005000F
Then move here!
It's no fairy tale.


animWhat're you talking about? delayThis
town is totally great! delayanimMaybe youdelay
just need to get to know it better.


animOverrated?delay You don't know delaywhat
you're talking about! delayanimThis placedelay is
a diamond in the rough!


animI guess delaya fairy tale for some folks
delayis a nightmare for others. delayanimBut I'll
probablydelay never know...


animI guess delaya fairy tale for some folks
delayis a nightmare for others. delayanimBut I'll
probablydelay never know...


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