Num | English |
| animOK!delay I can give you advice on how
to make the most of your life!pageBreakanimHmmmmdelay.delay.delay.delay delayanimdelayAh!delay That reminds medelay.delay.delay. |
| I don't think you've gotten to know
your neighbors in town well yet,delay
animhave you, fun_00000005?
animIf you tap the arrow on the colormap coloron
the lower screen, you can see their
names and where their homes aredelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimBe sure to go around and say hi to
each and every one of them! It will
make living here a lot simpler! |
| animHave you met fun_00010011 yet? |
| He's rather calm and very gentle.delay
I'd consider him an oasis for your
heart here in fun_00050005! |
| He's very energetic and active.delay
I'd consider him a mood maker
here in fun_00050005! |
| He might seem scary at first,delay but
he's actually a big softy, even if
he tries to act all serious! |
| You know, he might seem like a bit
of a show-off,delay but he's still quite
the lighthearted gentleman! |
| She's very gentle, kind, and calm.delay
If you talk to her, it will feel like
you've always been friends! |
| She's very energetic and cheerful.delay
I bet she'd be more than willing to
share some of her energy with you! |
| animShe's very calm and grown up.delay animI'm
not the only person in town who
looks up to her! |
| She's like a strong older sister you
can always rely on! No matter what,
she'll have your back! |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00000005,delay please go introduce
yourself to fun_00010011!pageBreakanimIf fun_0007000E house has lights on or smoke
is coming from the chimney,delay it
means fun_0007000E at home!
animThe only reason you'd be denied
entry is if fun_0007000E sick or asleep.
Otherwise knock and go on in! |
| animDo you feel like you've gotten to
know everyone in town now?pageBreakanimI bet all our residents wish they
could become better friends with
you, fun_00000005delay.delay.delay.
animIf you see people from town
walking around,delay feel free to
stop them for a chat!
animdelay.delay.delay.delayHmmmm.delay What elsedelay.delay.delay.delay?delay
animdelayAh!delay I got it! |
| fun_0003000Efun_00000005,delay animhave you ever written
a colorlettercolor before?pageBreakanimEveryone in town loves letters!delay
Even close neighbors often send
letters to each other, just because.
We really do have a fantastic
postal system, if I can boast
for a moment or two...
animIf you want to write a letter,delay
you'll need some colorstationerycolordelay.delay.delay. |
| If you're OK with regular colorlined
papercolor, I have some I can give you.pageBreakJust let me know when you have
room for it in your pockets! |
| animIf you're OK with regular colorlined
papercolor, I have some I can give you.delay
I want you to put it to good use! |
| You can use letters to greet new
neighbors, introduce yourself,delay
or for any reason whatsoever.delay
Anyone would be happy to get a
handwritten letter from you!pageBreakanimHowever,delay sometimes townsfolk get
so happy they show off any old
letters they get to other peopledelay.delay.delay.
animI'd advise you not to write anything
you wouldn't want others to see.
Just assume everyone will read it. |
| animWhen you want to write a letter,delay
press or touch on the Touch
Screen to access your pocketsdelay.delay.delay.
animSelect the colorstationerycolor from your
pockets, and then choose
colorWrite a Lettercolor!
animNext choose the name of the
person you're sending it to. Then
write the contents of the letter!
animAfter that,delay you can attach an item
from your pockets as a present.pageBreakanimOnce your letter is ready to send,
you can mail it using the colorpost office
coloron Main Street! |
| animAre you all set on how
to mail letters?pageBreakanimI could give you some new advice
or talk about letters again.delay
animWhich would you prefer?endTag
New advice!
More about letters! |
| animI can do that!fun_00010007
animHmmmdelay.delay.delay.delay Thendelay.delay.delay.delay
animdelayAh!delay I know! |
| fun_0003000Efun_00000005,delay have you been animto the
colorbeach coloryet?pageBreakanimThis town has two slopes you can
use to get down to the beach!pageBreakanimIf you have a fishing rod or a wet
suit, you can fish or dive and have
a lot of fun down theredelay.delay.delay.
animIt's so relaxing to just listen to the
waves and walk along the beach
collecting seashells!
delay.delay.delay.delayanimdelayOh, I know!delay animIf you have time,delay why
don't the two of us go down there
together right now!
animIt would be nice to find a colorseashellcolor
to take home as a souvenir of
our little tripdelay.delay.delay.
delayanimdelayAh!delay animOh my!delay I should apologize!delay
That was too bold of me, wasn't it?pageBreakanimReally,delay it would be enough if you
from time to time pressed to
quickly pick up some seashells.
animIf you happen to go down to the
beach and remember that,delay it would
be a nice thing to dodelay.delay.delay.for me. |
| Have you animbeen to the colorbeach coloryet?fun_00010007
animOur town has two slopes you can
use to get down there.
animIt can be really relaxing to walk
along the beach listening to the
waves and picking up seashells.
animYou should head down there if
you have the time! |
| animAlso, delayit would make me really happy
ifdelay you'd pick me up a colorseashellcolor as a
souvenir of your little trip theredelay.delay.delay.
delayanimdelayAh!delay animOh no!delay I should delayapologize!delay
That was rather bold of me,
wasn't it?
animReally,delay I'd be fine if you would justdelay
occasionally use to quickly pick
up seashells from time to time.
animIf you HAPPEN to go down to the
beach and HAPPEN to remember,delay
I certainly wouldn't minddelay.delay.delay. |
| animAlso,delay it would make me really happy
if you'd pick me up a colorseashellcolor as a
souvenir of your little trip theredelay.delay.delay.fun_0005000F
Seashell? Here you go!
... |
| animdelayAh!delay animOh no!delay I should apologize!delay
That was rather bold of me,
wasn't it?
animReally,delay I'd be happy if you just
occasionally used to quickly pick
up seashells from time to time!
animIf you happen to go down to the
beach and remember for me,delay
I'd really love thatdelay.delay.delay. |
| animdelayOh my!delay You actually remembered
to bring me a seashell?! |
| animThank you so much!delay I'll put it in my
room and take good care of it!pageBreakanimI think decorating a room with
seashells can make for very
interesting interior design!
animAlso,delay you can sell seashells at the
recycle shop for a handful of Bells!pageBreakanimfun_0003000Efun_00000005,delay I'd love for you to see
all sorts of different shells and find
the one you like the most!
animdelay.delay.delay.delayanimAh!delaydelay I know!delay animPlease take this as
thanks for the seashelldelay.delay.delay. |
| animMy mom recently sent me a box
with fun_0002000Efun_00030011.
Actually, she sent 3!
And she specifically told me I should
share them with people because
animthat's what good puppies do.
animThis town is known for the
fun_001A0005 because it's the
local fruit...delay
But my hometown is famous for
the fun_00030011!pageBreakanimI'm sharing them with you,delay so you
can eat them, delaysell them,delay plant them,delay
or do whatever you'd like!
By the way, if you sell them,delay you'll
get more Bells than when you sell
a regular old fun_001A0005.pageBreakanimI hear there are people who grow a
lot of rare fruits like these in order
to make a nice living for themselves.
fun_0003000Efun_00000005,delay animwhy not give it a try?fun_00010007
animIf you have a colorshovelcolor, it's actually
quite easy to plant and grow them. |
| You can buy shovels at colorTimmy and
Tommy's store colornear the entrance of
the shopping district!
They sell different things every day,delay
so sometimes they might not have
one in stock, of course.
But if they don't, just check back
another day. They'll have one soon
enough! It's where I got mine!
animIf you bring your shovel here,delay I can
teach you how to plant trees, plus
do some other nifty tricks! |
| Ah!delay Right,delay animI said I'd teach you how
to plant trees.delay Well... |
| Since you're carrying a shovel,delay animI'll
give you some pointers on raising
fruit trees!
animFirst,delay use your shovel to dig a hole
where you'd like to plant your tree.pageBreakThen,delay select the fruit you want to
plant from your pockets and
choose colorBurycolor.
animIt's quite simple! delay.delay.delay.delayanimHowever,delay there
are things you can do to make sure
your tree grows nice and strong.
For example,delay where you plant it
will make a huge differencedelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimSomewhere like in the shadow of a
building or too close to another tree
or next to a river or next to a cliffdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimIf you plant in places like those,delay the
tree won't grow up strong.delay It'll just
end up wilting!
animSodelay when you choose a place to
plant a tree,delay make sure you give it
plenty of space to grow! |
| animIf you have a shovel, you can bury
things,delay but you can also dig up
things that were previously burieddelay.delay.delay.
animfun_0003000Efun_00000005,delay animdo you by any chance
know how to dig things up?fun_00010007
animI can teach you if you'd like.fun_0005000F
Teach me!
I already know how. |
| animOf course.delay Leave it to me!pageBreakHave you ever been walking around
outside and noticed a mark animon
the ground?
animThat mark means something's
buried there that can be dug up
with your shovel.
Sometimes, you might even be lucky
and find a colorfossilcolor!pageBreakanimHowever,delay amateurs like us animcan't tell
what kind of fossil it is or its value
just by looking at it.
animBut never fear!pageBreakanimAt the edge of the shopping district
is a colormuseumcolor. If you take your fossils
there,delay they'll be assessed for free!
If you donate them to the museum,delay
animwe'll have a better collection in our
museum for everyone to see.
I'm sure the museum curator,
colorBlatherscolor, will be delighted as well!pageBreakanimYou can also take assessed fossilsdelay
to colorRe-Tail colorand sell them for a fair
amount of Bells.
animAs a staff member of the town hall,delay
I love seeing the museum develop
as a result of donationsdelay.delay.delay.
animBut feel free to do whatever works
best for you, fun_00000005! |
| animI'm glad to hear that!fun_00010007
Please use your shovel to
dig up all sorts of things!
animI can't think of anything else I need
to tell you about shovels,delay so let me
think of some other advice to give.
animHmmmdelay.delay.delay.delay animdelayAh,delay why don't we talk
about some of the things people
do for fun in our town? |
| This area has a lot of natural
resources,delay so you can find many
different kinds of fish and bugs.
animThat's why there are so many
people who've made fishing or
bug catching their hobby.
animdelay.delay.delay.delayActually, it's more than a hobby.delay
Everyone around here makes a lot
of money catching fish and bugsdelay.delay.delay.
animYou can find colorfishing rodscolor for fishing
and colornets colorfor bug catching at colorTimmy
and Tommy's storecolor periodically.delay
If you see them, be sure to pick
them up right away! |
| animDuring this season, I'd recommend
both fishing and bug catching!pageBreakanimBy the way, fun_00000005,delay which do
you think animyou'd like to try first?endTag
Bug catching! |
| animSince it's winter right now, you
can't find many bugs outside,delay so I'd
recommend fishing at the momentdelay.delay.delay.
animfun_0003000Efun_00000005,delay which do you think
animyou'd like to try first?endTag
Bug catching! |
| animIn that case, why don't you use this
as an opportunity to make your
fishing debut? |
| animIn that case, why don't you use this
as an opportunity to make your
debut as a bug catcher? |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00000005,delay have you ever touched
the icon on the lower window
animto open up your colorencyclopediacolor?
animThat's where a record of all the
bugs and fish you've caught will go! |
| Sodelay get a fishing rod, and catch at
least colorthree different kinds colorof fish.delay
Then show me your encyclopedia! |
| Sodelay get a net, and catch at least
colorthree different kinds colorof bugs.delay Then
come show me your encyclopedia! |
| delay.delay.delay.delayanimAh!delay If you're finding it difficult
to get your hands on a fishing rod,delay
animcome back and let me know.
For now,delay animgood luck! |
| delay.delay.delay.delayanimAh!delay If you're finding it difficult
to get your hands on a net,delay
animcome back and let me know.
For now,delay animgood luck! |
| animHow's the fishing going?fun_0006000F
Check my encyclopedia!
How do I fish?
You know, it's going... |
| animHow's the fishing going?delay
Were you able to get a colorfishing rodcolor?fun_0007000F
Check my encyclopedia!
I need a fishing rod!
How do I fish?
You know, it's going... |
| animHow's the bug catching coming?fun_0006000F
Check my encyclopedia!
I can't catch anything!
It' know... |
| animHow's the bug catching coming?delay
Were you able to get a colornetcolor?fun_0007000F
Check my encyclopedia!
I can't buy a net!
I can't catch anything!
Oh, you know... |
| animWell, good!delay I hope you're having
a lot of fun!pageBreakAnd I look forward to checking out
your encyclopedia, fun_00000005! |
| delayanimdelayOh!delay Let me explain the basics of
fishing to you then.pageBreakFish live in the ocean, rivers, and
ponds.delay So, you know, in water.pageBreakIf you look very carefully, you'll
sometimes see the shadow of a fish.pageBreakWhen you see a shadow,delay aim for
near the fish's head and press to
cast your line.
Make sure you have your fishing rod
equipped first, of course!pageBreakIf the fish realizes something's
there, it'll move closer to it.pageBreakOnce it bites and the bobber drops
below the water's surface, press
again to reel it in!
animIf you press the button quick enough
before it gets away, you can catch
it.delay Give it a try. And good luck! |
| delayanimdelayOh no!delay In that case, animI'll go ahead and
explain the basics of bug catching
to you.
Depending on the type of bug,delay they
might be flying,delay sitting on trees or
flowers,delay or even hiding in places.
Equip your net first. Then if you
spot a bug, press to swing the net
and catch it!
animIf you miss your bug, it might get
scared and run away, so be careful
where you swing your net!
animBy the way, if you hold down ,
you can get your net ready and
creep closer to the bugsdelay.delay.delay.
I recommend you try that when
you want to sneak up on a bug
without it noticing you!
animThat's about all you need to know
to catch bugs,delay so get out there and
give it a try. Good luck! |
| animOh!delay Of course!delaypageBreakanimLet's seedelay.delay.delay.delay According to your
fish encyclopediadelay.delay.delay. |
| animOh!delay Of course!delaypageBreakanimLet's seedelay.delay.delay.delay According to your
bug encyclopediadelay.delay.delay. |
| animOh dear medelay.delay.delay.delay
That is indeed a problemdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimIn that case,delay why don't you buy one
of the ones we keep here at the
town hall for situations like thisdelay.delay.delay.delay? |
| animWhen you have the space for it,delay
I can let you have one of ours if
you bring me color500 Bellscolor. |
| If you bring me color500 Bellscolor, I can let
you have one from the town hall.delay
animWould you like to do that?fun_0005000F
I'll buy it!
I don't need it yet. |
| delayanimdelayOh?delay Are you sure?pageBreakanimThey were bought to help support
everyone in town,delay animso please don't
hesitate to ask if you reconsider! |
| animUnderstood!fun_00010007 Then please take this
colorfishing rod colorhome with you! |
| To use the colorfishing rodcolor, first you
have to equip it from your
pocketsdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakStand near the water's edge. If you
see a fish's shadow,delay aim near it,delay
press ,delay and cast your bobber.
When the fish takes the bait and the
bobber drops completely under the
surface of the water,delay press again.
animYou can reel in the fish if you press
the button quickly before it gets
away.delay Anyway, give it a try!
After you catch colorthree different
types colorof fish,delay come back again to
show me your encyclopedia! |
| animOh goodnessdelay.delay.delay.delay
That is indeed a problemdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimIn that case,delay why don't you buy one
of the ones we keep at the town
hall for situations just like thisdelay.delay.delay.delay? |
| animWhen you have the space and
color500 Bellscolor, come see me and I'll
sell you one! |
| For color500 Bellscolor, I can let you
have one from the town hall.delay
animWould you like to do that?fun_0005000F
I'll buy it!
I don't need it yet. |
| delayanimdelayOh?delay Are you sure?pageBreakanimWe have a few for the purpose of
bettering the town,delay animso please don't
hesitate if you change your mind. |
| animUnderstood!fun_00010007 Then please take this
colornet colorhome with you! |
| To use the colornetcolor, first you have to
equip it from your pocketsdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakWhen you see a bug, swing your net
with to catch it!pageBreakanimIf you see a bug sitting on a flower
or tree,delay it's easier to catch if you
hold down and creep closer first.
That's just about everything you
need to know to catch bugs,delay so
get out there and give it a try!
Oh.delay After you catch colorthree different
kinds colorof bugs,delay come back here and
show me your bug encyclopedia! |
| delayanimdelayOh my.delay It seems you haven't caught
a single fish yet.pageBreakanimFish live in the ocean, rivers, and
ponds.delay If you watch carefully, you'll
sometimes see the shadow of a fish.
When you see a shadow,delay equip your
rod, aim near the fish's head, and
press to cast out your line.
If the fish sees your bobber, it'll
move closer to snag it.pageBreakOnce it bites and the bobber drops
below the water's surface, press
again to reel it in!
animIf you press the button quickly
enough, you can catch your fish.
delayGo give it a try. And good luck!
animWhen you catch a new fish,delay it will be
recorded in your color encyclopedia
colordown on the lower screendelay.delay.delay.
animOnce you've caught colorthree different
kinds colorof fish,delay please come back to
show me your encyclopedia again! |
| delayanimdelayOh!delay You've caughtdelay one type of fish!pageBreakanimKeep at it, and catch colorthree different
kinds of fishcolor.delay Then come back to
show me your encyclopedia again! |
| delayanimdelayOh!delay You caughtdelay two kinds of fish!pageBreakanimKeep at it, and catch colorthree different
kinds of fishcolor.delay Then come back to
show me your encyclopedia again! |
| delayanimdelayOh!delay It looks like you're catching fish
without any trouble whatsoever!pageBreakanimIn this town, you'll find different
fish depending on the place, season,
or time of day.
That just means there's a lot to do
all year long and new fish to find
as you live here!
I hope you have fun catching bugs
with the net in the same way as you
enjoy catching fish! |
| delayanimdelayOh my.delay It looks like you haven't
even caught a single bug yet.pageBreakanimDepending on the type of bug,delay they
might be flying,delay sitting on trees or
flowers,delay or generally hiding all over.
If you spot a bug, press to swing
your net and catch it. Assuming the
net's equipped, of course.
animIf you miss your mark, it might get
scared and run away, so be careful
where you swing your net!
animAnd remember, if you hold down ,
you can get your net ready and
creep closer to the bugsdelay.delay.delay.
I recommend you try that when
you want to sneak up on a bug
without it noticing you!
animThat's about all you need to know
to catch bugs,delay so get out there and
give it a try. And good luck!
animWhen you catch a new bug,delay it will be
recorded in your color encyclopedia
coloron the lower screendelay.delay.delay.
animOnce you've caught colorthree different
kinds colorof bugs,delay please come back and
show me your encyclopedia again! |
| delayanimdelayOh!delay You've caught one kind of bug!pageBreakanimKeep at it, and catch colorthree different
kinds of bugscolor.delay Then come back to
show me your encyclopedia again! |
| delayanimdelayOh!delay You caught two kinds of bugs!pageBreakanimKeep at it, and catch colorthree different
kinds of bugscolor.delay Then come back to
show me your encyclopedia again! |
| delayanimdelayOh!delay It seems like you've gotten
the hang of catching bugs!pageBreakanimIn this town, you'll find different
bugs depending on the place,
season, or time of day.
That just means there's always
something new to see every day!pageBreakI do hope you find as much joy in
fishing as you do in bug catching! |
| Welldelay.delay.delay.pageBreakI think that's about all the advice
I can give you, fun_00000005. |
| animFinally,delay I'd like to give you a small
present! Sort of a last welcoming
gift of sorts. |
| animFinally,delay I'd like to give you a small
present!pageBreakdelay.delay.delay.delayanimBut animit looks like you're carrying so
much stuff at the moment that you
can't take it with you.
animI'm sure it's something you'd find
very useful,delay animso please come back
for it later! |
| It's a colorwatering can colorthat you can use
to water flowers here in town!pageBreakIf you give water to flowers you
see,delay even wilted ones will be happy
and perk up again the next daydelay.delay.delay.
animIf you take good care of flowers
and give them water,delay sometimes a
new flower will bloom!
animAnd sometimes one will even bloom
in a rare color! |
| animI don't know if you have an interest
in gardening, butdelay.delay.delay.animI really hope you'll
use that watering can! |
| animAlsodelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimI know there are still many more
things for you to learn and discover
about living in this town.
animJust think about the advice I've
given you so far, and enjoy living
the life you most want!
animI'm sure you'll figure out a lot on
your own while you go about your
days enjoying our town! |
| animI'll continue to be here to support
you to the best of my ability.pageBreakanimI hope I can help you for many more
years to come! |
| fun_0003000Efun_00000005,delay animdo you remember me
telling you that I plan on giving you
a present?
animI'm sure you'll find it useful,delay so I
hope you'll reorganize what you're
carrying and come to get it soon! |
| fun_0003000Efun_00000005,delay animdo you remember me
telling you about a present I'm
planning to give to you?
animIt looks like I can give it to you now,
sodelay.delay.delay.delayanimhere you go! |
| |
| |