Num | English |
002 | fun_0000000Cfun_0007000CanimHa! delayYou saw me bench-pressing |
003 | fun_0000000Cfun_0005000CanimYes, that's exactly what I saw!delay |
004 | fun_0000000Cfun_0007000CanimYou can work a totally specific |
005 | fun_0000000Cfun_0005000CanimWell, I'm not sure it's the next |
006 | |
007 | |
008 | |
009 | |
010 | |
011 | fun_0000000Cfun_0005000Canimdelayfun_000A0007Waiter! delayPlease! delayI'd like to order |
012 | fun_0000000Cfun_0007000CanimCome on! delayShorter! delayLouder! delayAnd |
013 | fun_0000000Cfun_0005000CanimI can't be louder! delayAnd I'm not |
014 | fun_0000000Cfun_0007000Cfun_0002000Cfun_0003000CanimYep! delayWhen "please" and "thank you" |
015 | fun_0000000Cfun_0005000CanimI couldn't possibly shout again!delay |
016 | fun_0000000Cfun_0007000CanimAll right, then practice this at |
017 | fun_0000000Cfun_0005000CanimUh, I think I'll leave the super-rude |
018 | |
019 | |
020 | |
021 | fun_0000000Cfun_0005000CanimSo you like sporty smoothies, |
022 | fun_0000000Cfun_0007000CanimSmoothies? delayYeah! delayAnd I'm totally |
023 | fun_0000000Cfun_0005000CanimNo, seriously? You'd drink fun_0002000E |
024 | fun_0000000Cfun_0007000CanimYeah, I guess it's really more of a |
025 | fun_0000000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0001000Cfun_0007000CanimYes, I think you'd be bouncing off |
026 | fun_0000000Cfun_0005000CanimReally? delayBut could you even drink |
027 | fun_0000000Cfun_0007000CanimMaybe it's a little chunky, but |
028 | fun_0000000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0002000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0001000Cfun_0007000CanimYes, well.delay.delay.delay What's delicious on a |
029 | fun_0000000Cfun_0007000CanimThen you just gotta power through |
030 | fun_0000000Cfun_0005000CanimWell, I prefer my smoothies to go |
031 | fun_0000000Cfun_0005000CanimReally.delay.delay.delay A smoothie flavored like |
032 | fun_0000000Cfun_0007000Cfun_0001000Cfun_0007000CdelayanimUh, wait a second. I think I got |
033 | fun_0000000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0001000Cfun_0003000Cfun_0002000Cfun_0005000CanimWell, another smoothie disaster |
033 | fun_0000000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0001000Cfun_0003000Cfun_0002000Cfun_0005000CanimWell, another smoothie disaster |