Num | English |
002 | No items |
003 | No materials |
004 | You can't make any tools |
005 | -1 |
006 | |
007 | |
008 | fun_00060004 |
009 | Items/materials |
010 | Item creation |
011 | Build |
012 | -fun_00060004 |
025 | |
026 | |
027 | |
028 | OK |
029 | Helps you catch your own food |
030 | Used to drive off wild animals |
031 | Nets are helpful in obtaining |
032 | Beware of falling into pitfalls |
033 | This rod can do more than just |
034 | Still a reliable source of |
035 | Not only does this net keep the |
036 | Before you fill in a pitfall, use |
037 | This shining rod can do more |
038 | Does everything a regular |
039 | Not only does this flashy net |
040 | Before you fill in a pitfall, use |
040 | Before you fill in a pitfall, use |