Num | English |
| animHmm?!delay I've already signed that.fun_00010007anim
It's easy to forget sometimes. |
| animWait a second!delay animI feel like I already
signed this, fun_00070005. |
| animA petition?delay Let me see.
fun_00010012delay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimHmm.delay I don't think this is for me.
fun_00010007animSorry, delaybut I have to decline. |
| animWhat's this?delay You're collecting
signatures for a petition?delay
animIt's nothing personal, but I can't
support this.delay animThanks for thinking of
me, though. |
| What's this you want me to sign?delay
fun_00010012, huh?pageBreakdelay.delay.delay.delayWell, delayI never sign anything without
really looking into an issue.pageBreakSo I'm sorry,delay but I can't help you
right now. |
| animWhat's that petition you want me to
sign?delay fun_00010012?fun_00010007
animSure!delay I'll happily sign my name! |
| animWhat's this petition you're
collecting signatures for?delay
animNice! delayI'd love to support your
cause!delay Where do I sign? |
| animYou want signatures for a petition?
delayfun_00010012?pageBreakanimThat sounds absolutely great!delay
Of course I'll sign! |
| animAll right, delayall done!pageBreakanimYou must be very devoted to this
cause,delay coming all the way here to
get signatures!
animKeep up the good work! |
| animThere.delay How's that?fun_00010007 animThanks for
coming all this way just to get our
animI hope you get all the signatures
you need soon,delay fun_00070005! |
| animOK,delay all signed and ready to go!delay
animIt's great that you're so passionate
about this cause.
Coming all this way to gather
signatures.delay.delay.delay That's dedication!pageBreakanimGood luck getting the rest of your
signatures! |
| animOK,delay all done.fun_00010007 animAnd it looks like your
form is completely filled in!delay
Congratulations!pageBreakanimYou must be excited to turn in your
petition,delay huh,delay fun_00070005? |
| animAll right,delay all done!fun_00010007 animHey, delaylooks like
mine was the last signature on the
sheet.delay How lucky!animpageBreakanimAnd now that you have all the
signatures you need,delay I bet you can't
wait to turn in your form! |
| animDoes that look OK?fun_00010007 animSay,delay your
signature column is all filled up now.delay
That's great!
animDon't get so excited that you forget
to turn in your form. |
| animDoes that look OK?fun_00010007 animSay,delay your
signature column is all filled up now.delay
That's great!
animDon't get so excited that you forget
to turn in your form. |