
Script : [Lazy] BO_Re_FirstD

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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animOh, delayfun_00080005!fun_00010007
animI bet you think I'm here camping
animNope!delay Not this time!delay I went ahead
and moved here!delay animFrom now on,
we're neighbors!
I'll see you around,delay fun_00070005.


animHey,delay fun_00080005!delay
It's me!delay fun_0003000Efun_00010005!fun_00010007 You asked me
to move here,delay so here I am!
animI really want to explore the town
and meet peopledelay.delay.delay.delay animBut I have to
unpack first.
animLet's hang out tomorrow instead,


animHey!delay fun_0003000Efun_00000005!fun_00010007
animIt's me!delay fun_00010005delay from
animThanks for inviting me here!delay I took
the plunge and made the move!pageBreakanimLooks like we're neighbors now!delay
animIt's gonna be fun times,delay


animWhoa!delay fun_0003000Efun_00000005!delay Hey!fun_00010007
animIt's me, fun_00010005 from
You invited me to move here,delay so I
thought, why not? I'll move!pageBreakanimThis is my new place!delay animYou should
come over whenever you feel like
it,delay fun_00070005!


animHey there,delay fun_00080005!fun_00010007
animRemember me?delay It's fun_00010005delay
from fun_00020011.
animI was weighing my next movedelay
animwhen you invited me to come here,
so it was great timing!
Anyway,delay here I am!delay animFrom this day
forward, we're neighbors!delay
See you around,delay fun_00070005!


animYo, fun_00080005.delay
fun_00010005's the name.delay I just moved
to town.
We actually met when I was
camping.delay animDo you remember?fun_00010007 animYou
asked me to move here!
animYou did say that,delay right?fun_00010007
animAnyway,delay I'm here now!delay I'll be seeing
you around,delay neighbor!


animfun_000A0007Oh,delay fun_00080005!delay
animIt's me,delay fun_00010005!delay We chatted
when I camped here, remember?
animBet you didn't think I'd actually
move all the way here.fun_00010007 animNow you
know I always keep my promises.
animSince we're neighbors,delay I'll be seeing
you around,delay fun_00070005!


animHey there!delay Do you remember me?delayfun_00010007
animI'm fun_00010005.delay I was here
camping before.
animAnd you said,delay "Why don't you just
move here?"fun_00010007 That happened,
animAnyway, that's exactly what I did.delay
animAnd now we have loads to catch
up on,delay fun_00070005!


animOh!delay fun_0003000Efun_00080005.fun_00010007 animIt's me!delay Me!delay
fun_0003000Efun_00010005 from fun_00020011!pageBreakanimSince you were nice enough to
invite me to live in this town,delay I
decided to take the plunge!
animIt's great that we're neighbors
now,delay fun_00070005.


animfun_000A0007Whoa!delay fun_0003000Efun_00080005!fun_00010007 animDo you
remember me?delay I'm fun_00010005 from
fun_00020011!pageBreakanimI wasn't sure where I wanted to
move until you invited me here.pageBreakanimI've only just moved in,delay but I'm
already having tons of fun!fun_00010007 I'll be
seeing you around,delay fun_00070005!


animHey,delay fun_00080005!delay
It's me, fun_00010005!delay We met in
fun_00020011 before!pageBreakanimRemember?delay You invited me to live
in your town.delay And now here I am!pageBreakanimI'm really excited about my new life
here!fun_00010007anim We're gonna hang out all the
time, right, fun_00080005?


animWhoa!delay fun_0003000Efun_00080005!fun_00010007 animDo you
remember me?delay animI'm fun_00010005!pageBreakBack when I came to camp here,delay
you were like,delay "Why don't you just
move here?"
animSo that's what I did!delay I've been here
for about a week nowdelay.delay.delay.delay animI'm glad
we finally ran into each other!
A huh huh huh!delay I'll be seeing you
around,delay fun_00070005!


animfun_000A0007Oh, wow!delay I finally found you,delay
fun_00080005!delay animRemember when I came
here to camp?
You were all like,delay "Hey, you should
move here!"delay Do you remember?delay
animSo that's exactly what I did!
Actually,delay I've been here for a while
now.delay animGlad we finally got to talk.pageBreakWe're neighbors now,delay so I'll be
seeing you around,delay fun_00070005.


animfun_000A0007No way!delay fun_0003000Efun_00080005!delay It's me!delay
fun_0003000Efun_00010005!pageBreakanimYour invitation was the whole
reason I moved here,delay but you've
been nowhere to be founddelay.delay.delay.
animI thoughtdelay maybe I'd messed up and
moved to the wrong town.anim So I'm
glad we finally ran into each other!
I hope I'll be seeing lots more of you
now that we're neighbors,delay


animfun_000A0007No way!delay fun_0003000Efun_00080005!delay It's me!delay
fun_0003000Efun_00010005!pageBreakanimYour invitation was the whole
reason I moved here,delay but you've
been nowhere to be founddelay.delay.delay.
animI thoughtdelay maybe I'd messed up and
moved to the wrong town.anim So I'm
glad we finally ran into each other!
I hope I'll be seeing lots more of you
now that we're neighbors,delay


animIs that you, fun_00080005?fun_00010007 animDo you
remember me?delay It's fun_00010005.pageBreakWhen I was camping here,delay you were
like,delay "Why don't you move here?"delay
animSo I got all exciteddelay and moved here.fun_00010007
animBut then I got slammed with this
animWe should hang out when my cold
gets better,delay fun_00070005.


animIs that you, fun_00080005?fun_00010007 animDo you
remember me?delay I'm fun_00010005 from
I was thinking about places to move,delay
and you were like,delay "Why don't you
move to my town?"delay Remember?
animSo I got all exciteddelay and moved here.fun_00010007
animBut then I got slammed with this
animWe should hang out when my cold
gets better,delay fun_00070005.


animPleased to meet you!delay The name's
fun_00010005!fun_00010007 animHey!delay Do you know
animWhen I was camping,delay fun_00000011
invited me to move to your town,
and that's why I'm here!
animLooks like you and I are neighbors
now!delay See you around,delay


animHowdy!delay I'm fun_00010005!pageBreakWhen I was camping here before,delay
fun_00000011 invited me to live here!delay
animSo that's what I decided to do!
animDo you think fun_00000011 will be
surprised?pageBreakanimAnyway, since we're neighbors now,
I hope I'll be seeing lots of you,delay


animHowdy!delay I'm fun_00010005.delay Say, delayanimare
you friends with fun_00000011?pageBreakanimI was camping here a while back,delay
and fun_00000011 invited me to
movedelay.delay.delay. And now here I am!
animA friend of a frienddelay is a friend,
right?fun_00010007 So that means we're friends
now,delay fun_00070005!


animHi there!delay I'm fun_00010005!pageBreakanimWhen I was living in my old town,delay
fun_00000011 came to visit,
delayfun_00070005.pageBreakanimWhen I heard about fun_00060005,delay
I thought,delay man, I'd like to live
theredelay.delay.delay.delay animAnd look—now I'm here!delayanim
animI need to focus on unpacking today,delay
but we should hang out tomorrow!


animHeya!delay I'm fun_00010005.fun_00010007 animfun_0003000Efun_00000011
suggested I move out here from
fun_00020011, so here I am!
I can't wait to explore this town
and discover everything it has to
animBut first,delay I should really get my
stuff unpacked,delay fun_00070005.


animHowdy!delay The name's fun_00010005!delay
Good to meet you!fun_00010007 animfun_0003000Efun_00000011
suggested I move here, delayso here I am!pageBreakanimSince this is a fresh start,delay maybe I
should get rid of all my things and
really start over.
animI mean,delay unpacking all this stuff is
such a paindelay.delay.delay.


animGood to meet you!delay I'm fun_00010005!fun_00010007
animOh, wow!delay Has anyone ever told youdelay
you look like fun_00000011?
animWhen I was camping here before,delay
fun_00000011 invited me to live here,delay
so here I am.
animYou and I are neighbors now, so I'll
be seeing you around,delay fun_00070005!


animHowdy!delay I'm fun_00010005!fun_00010007 When I was
camping here before,delay fun_00000011
invited me to move here!
animSo here I am!fun_00010007 animDo you think
fun_00000011 will be surprised?pageBreakanimAnyway,delay you and I are neighbors
now,delay so I'll see you around,delay


animHowdy!delay I'm fun_00010005.delay Say, delayanimare
you friends with fun_00000011?pageBreakanimI was camping here a while back,delay
and fun_00000011 invited me to
movedelay.delay.delay. And now here I am!
animA friend of a frienddelay is a friend,
right?fun_00010007 So that means we're friends
now,delay fun_00070005!


animHi there!delay I'm fun_00010005!pageBreakanimWhen I was living in my old town,delay
fun_00000011 came to visit,
delayfun_00070005.pageBreakanimWhen I heard about fun_00060005,delay
I thought,delay man, I'd like to live
theredelay.delay.delay.delay animAnd look—now I'm here!delayanim
animI can't wait to hang out a lot with
you,delay fun_00070005!


animHeya!delay I'm fun_00010005.fun_00010007 animfun_0003000Efun_00000011
suggested I move out here from
fun_00020011, so here I am!
I can't wait to explore this town
and discover everything it has to
animIt's really great to meet you,delay


animHeya!delay My name's fun_00010005!delay
Good to meet you!pageBreakanimfun_0003000Efun_00000011 suggested I move here,delay
so I went ahead and did it!pageBreakanimA huh huh huh!delay I can't wait to get to
know you better!fun_00010007 See you around,delay


animfun_000A0007We haven't met yet,delay have we?fun_00010007
animI'm fun_00010005!delay I just started living
here recently.
animI came camping here once before,delay
and fun_00000011 suggested I move
heredelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimSodelay I went for it!delay A huh huh huh!delay
I'll be seeing you around,delay


animHowdy!delay I'm fun_00010005!fun_00010007 animfun_0003000Efun_00000011
suggested I leave my own town,
fun_00020011, and move here.
I've only been here a little bit, delay
animbut I think I've done a pretty good
job of blending in, don't you think?
animA huh huh huh!delay It looks like we're
neighbors now.fun_00010007 animGood to meet you,delay


animHuh?delay I haven't seen you before.delay
animDid you just move in?pageBreakanimfun_000A0007Wait—what?!delay You've been here this
whole time?!pageBreakanimOh man, I thought I was gonna get
to stop being the newbiedelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimI-delayI'm fun_00010005.delay fun_0003000Efun_00000011
invited me to move heredelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimfun_000A0007Huh?!delay You're not gonna give me a
hard time for being new?!fun_00010007
animAwesome!delay That's great!delay
Good to meet you,delay fun_00070005!


animHuh?delay Do you live here?fun_00010007 animOh man,delay
sorry!delay I thought for sure I'd already
met everyone!
animI'm fun_00010005!delay I started living here
because fun_00000011 invited me!pageBreakOf course,delay I guess I've actually
been here awhile now.fun_00010007 animYep, I'm
pretty much a local now.
animYou and I should hang out more!fun_00010007
animGood meeting you,delay fun_00070005!


animHey,delay nice to meet you!delay
I'm fun_00010005!pageBreakBack when I camped here,delay I met
fun_00000011,delay who suggested I move
animSeems like when I moved,delay I brought
this cold along with me.delay Once I'm
better,delay we should totally hang out.


animNice to meet you!delay I'm fun_00010005!delay
I moved here because fun_00000011
invited me.
animSeems like when I moved,delay I brought
this cold along with me.delay Once I'm
better,delay we should totally hang out.


animHey!delay Nice to meet you!delay
I'm fun_00010005, and I just moved
here today!
animWhen I was camping here before,delay
someone who lived here suggested I
move here.
animBut I asked around,delay and it looks like
that person doesn't live here
animMandelay.delay.delay.delay That person must have left
right when I was arriving.fun_00010007 animOh well!pageBreakanimI'm in a new town now,delay so it's time
to have some fun!delay animIt was nice
meeting you.delay I'll see you around!


animHowdy!delay I'm fun_00010005!delay animNice to
meet you, fun_00070005.pageBreakanimSomeone from this town
recommended I move here from
fun_00020011, so I did.
animBut it doesn't look like that person
even lives here anymore.delay I was really
hoping to see a familiar face.
animBut maybe you could be my new
friend?delay animA huh huh huh!delay I'll be seeing
you around,delay fun_00070005!


animNice to meet you!delay I'm fun_00010005!delay
When I was camping here before, delay
someone invited me to move here.
The thing is,delayanimfun_000B0007 it looks like that
person doesn't even live here
animMandelay.delay.delay.delay That person must have left
right as I arrived.fun_00010007 animBut oh well!pageBreakanimI'm in a new town now,delay so it's time
to have some fun!delay It was nice
meeting you.
animI'll be seeing you around,delay


animHey!delay I moved here from fun_00020011!delay
My name's fun_00010005!delay animI met
someone from this town before.
And that's whydelay I ended up moving
here, butdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakThe thing is,delayanimfun_000B0007 it looks like that
person doesn't even live here
animMandelay.delay.delay.delay That person must have left
right as I arrived.fun_00010007 animBut oh well!pageBreakanimI'm in a new town now,delay so it's time
to have some fun!delay It was nice
meeting you.
animI'll be seeing you around,delay


animHowdy!delay I'm fun_00010005!delay I just
moved here recently!pageBreakanimWhen I was camping here before, delay
someone from this town invited
me to move heredelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimBut the person who invited medelay
was already gone by the time
I arriveddelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimIt's kind of sad, reallydelay.delay.delay.fun_00010007 animBut I can't
dwell on that, not when I'm having
so much fun.
animI hope you and I can be friends!delay
See you around,delay fun_00070005!


animHowdy!delay I'm fun_00010005!delay
I just moved here recently!pageBreakanimBack when I lived in fun_00020011,delay
someone from here came to visit,
animand they invited me to move here.
animBy the time I moved here, though,delay
that person was already gone.delay
animIt's a little sad, right?
animIt's OK, though.delay I'm liking life here,
and animI hope you and I can be friends!delay
See you around,delay fun_00070005!


animHuh?delay I haven't seen you before.delay
animDid you just move in?pageBreakanimfun_000A0007Wait—what?!delay You've been here this
whole time?!pageBreakanimOh man, I thought I was gonna get
to stop being the newbiedelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimI-delayI'm fun_00010005.delay Someone from this
town invited me to move here, so
I did.
animBut when I got here,delay the person who
invited me was already gone.pageBreakanimEven so, I'm really enjoying living
here now.delay I hope we can be friends.delay
See you around,delay fun_00070005.


animHuh?delay Wait. Do you live here?delay
animI'm fun_00010005!delay I moved here from
fun_00020011 a while ago.
animThe thing is,delay I moved here because
someone from here invited me.pageBreakanimBut by the time I got here,delay that
persondelay was already gone!pageBreakanimSo, yeah,delay my life in fun_00050005delay
started off a little bittersweetdelay.delay.delay.delay
animBut I'm not worried anymore!
animI'm really enjoying my life here now.delay
I hope you and I can be friends too!delay
See you around,delay fun_00070005.


animNice to meet you!delay I'm fun_00010005!fun_00010007
animIt looks like when I moved here,delay I
brought this cold with me.pageBreakanimNot only that, but the person who
invited me to live here doesn't
even live here anymore!
animI thought we'd be able to hang out
together.delay Yeah,delay my move just hasn't
gone right.
animOnce I'm better,delay I hope we'll be
able to hang out,delay fun_00080005.delay
animI'll see you later,delay fun_00070005.


animNice to meet you!delay I'm fun_00010005!fun_00010007
animIt looks like when I moved here,delay I
brought this cold with me.pageBreakanimNot only that, but the person who
invited me to live here doesn't
even live here anymore!
animI thought we'd be able to hang out
together.delay Yeah,delay my move just hasn't
gone right.
animOnce I'm better,delay I hope we'll be
able to hang out,delay fun_00080005.delay
animI'll see you later,delay fun_00070005.


animHowdy, fun_00080005!delay
It's fun_00010005!delay Do you remember
A huh huh huh!delay I bet you're
surprised to see me in fun_00050005!delay
We're neighbors now!
animWhen I was camping here before,delay
fun_00000011 invited me to move here,
so here I am!
See you around,delay fun_00070005!


animLong time no see, fun_00080005!delay
It's fun_00010005!fun_00010007 animfun_0003000Efun_00000011 invited
me to move heredelay from fun_00020011.
animI gotta get outdelay and see what this
place has to offer!fun_00010007 animBut first,delay I really
need to unpack my stuff.


animHeya, fun_00080005!delay It's fun_00010005!delay
Remember me?delay I bet you're
surprised to see me in fun_00050005!
animWhen I was camping here before,delay
fun_00000011 invited me to move
animLooks like you and I are neighbors
now,delay so I hope we'll be seeing a lot
of each other,delay fun_00070005.


animLong time no see, fun_00080005!delay
It's fun_00010005!pageBreakanimfun_0003000Efun_00000011 invited me to move
here from fun_00020011, so here I am! pageBreakanimTime to get outdelay and see what
this town has to offer!delay See you
around,delay fun_00070005.


animfun_000A0007Whoa!delay fun_0003000Efun_00080005!delay animIt's me,
fun_00010005!delay Remember me?delay I just
moved here recently.
animWhen I was camping before,delay
fun_00000011 invited me to move
heredelay.delay.delay. animAnd I went for it!
animA huh huh huh!delay It's good to see you
again,delay fun_00070005!


animHowdy,delay fun_00080005.delay
animI'm fun_00010005 from fun_00020011!fun_00010007
fun_0003000Efun_00000011 invited me to live here.
I actually just moved here recently.delay
animNot to toot my own horn, but I
think I'm fitting in pretty well.
animA huh huh huh!delay Well, since we're
neighbors now,delay I'm looking forward
to hanging out with you more!


animHuh?delay fun_0003000Efun_00080005!delay What are you
doing here?pageBreakanimfun_000A0007Huh?!delay You've been here the whole
time?!pageBreakanimOh right,delay this is where you're from,
isn't it?delay animYou haven't come to talk to
me,delay so I completely forgotdelay.delay.delay.
animI moved here quite a while ago,
delayafter fun_00000011 invited me to. fun_00010007
Don't be such a stranger, OK?
animSee you around,delay fun_00070005.


animHuh?!delay fun_0003000Efun_00080005?!delay animIt's me!delay
fun_0003000Efun_00010005 from fun_00020011!pageBreakI came to live here after fun_00000011
invited me.fun_00010007 animCourse,delay that was
a while ago now.
animNow I'm another fun_00060005 local!
delayThat's how it feels, anyway!pageBreakanimYou and I should talk more!fun_00010007
animGood seeing you again,delay


Hey, wait a seconddelay.delay.delay.delay Aren't you
fun_00080005?fun_00010007 animRemember me?delay I'm
animWhen I was camping here before,delay
fun_00000011 invited me to move here.pageBreakanimBut it looks like this cold moved
with me.fun_00010007 animOnce I'm better, we should
totally hang out,delay fun_00070005.


Hey, wait a seconddelay.delay.delay.delay Aren't you
fun_00080005?fun_00010007 animI'm fun_00010005!delay
Remember me?
animfun_0003000Efun_00000011 invited me to move
here,delay so I left my old towndelay.delay.delay. animBut it
looks like this cold moved with me.
animOnce I'm better,delay we should totally
hang out,delay fun_00070005.


animHey, fun_00080005!delay
I'm fun_00010005,delay and I just moved
here today.
animWhen I was camping here before,delay
a person from this town suggested
I move here.
animBut when I asked around,delay I found
out that person wasn't here
Mandelay.delay.delay.delay We must have just missed
each other!fun_00010007 animBut I can't stay
bummed out!
animI'm in a new town now,delay so I gotta
enjoy myself!fun_00010007 animIt was good to see
you again!delay See you later!


animLong time no see, fun_00080005!delay
It's me, fun_00010005 from
fun_00020011!pageBreakanimI moved here because someone
from this town invited me!pageBreakanimButdelay apparently that person doesn't
live here anymore.delay Mandelay.delay.delay.delay We must
have just missed each other.
animButdelay at least you're still here,
fun_00080005!delay animGreat to see you again,delay


animHi there, fun_00080005!delay
Remember me?delay I'm fun_00010005!pageBreakanimWhen I was camping here before, delay
somebody came up to medelay and said,
"You should move here!"delay So I did.
animBut nowdelay it looks like that person
doesn't even live here anymore.
animWe must've just missed each other!
animOh well.delay I'm in a new town now,delay
so I'm going to enjoy myself.pageBreakanimIt was good to see you again!delay
See you later,delay fun_00070005.


animHey,delay fun_00080005!delay
Remember me?delay It's fun_00010005
from fun_00020011!
animI was talking to somebody from this
town before,delay and that's actually
what led me to move here.
animBut I guess that person doesn't even
live here anymore.delay Mandelay.delay.delay.delay We must
have just missed each other.
animBut never mind that!fun_00010007 animI'm determined
to enjoy myself in my new town!
animIt was good to see you again!
See you later,delay fun_00070005!


animHi there, fun_00080005!delay
Long time no see.delay It's me,
animWhen I was camping here before, delay
somebody came up to medelay and said,
"You should move here!"delay So I did.
animBut nowdelay it looks like that person
doesn't even live here anymore.
animWe must've just missed each other!
animOh well.delay I'm in a new town now,delay
so I'm going to enjoy myself.pageBreakanimLet's plan to hang out a lot, OK?!delay
I'll see you around,delay fun_00070005.


animfun_000A0007Whoa!delay fun_0003000Efun_00080005!delay
animIt's me, fun_00010005! Don't you
remember me?
I only just moved here recently.delayanim But
when I was back in fun_00020011,delay I
met someone from here.
animThat person suggested I move here,
butdelay animwhen I got here,delay that person had
already moved awaydelay.delay.delay.
animIt was sad when I found that outdelay.delay.delay.fun_00010007
animBut I'm OK now!delay animI like my new life,
and I hope you and I will be friends.
I'll see you around,delay fun_00070005.


animHuh?delay fun_0003000Efun_00080005!delay What are you
doing here?pageBreakanimfun_000A0007What do you mean, you've been
here the whole time?!pageBreakanimOh, I get it.delay This is where you live,
huh.pageBreakanimWell, let me introduce myself again.
animI'm fun_00010005!delay animSomebody from this
town invited me to move here. pageBreakanimBut by the time I got here,delay that
person was already long gone.pageBreakanimBut I'm not bothered anymore!delay
animI really like living here now!pageBreakanimI hope we can get to know each
other better, fun_00080005!delay Good
seeing you again,delay fun_00070005.


animHuh?!delay fun_0003000Efun_00080005?!fun_00010007 animIt's me,delay
fun_00010005 from fun_00020011!delay I live
here now!
Of course,delay I moved here kind of a
while ago.delayanim Actually,delay I moved here
because someone suggested it.pageBreakanimBut by the time I got here,delay that
person was already gone.pageBreakanimSo, yeah,delay my life in fun_00050005delay
started off a little bittersweetdelay.delay.delay.delay
animBut I'm not worried anymore!
animI'm really enjoying my life here now.pageBreakI hope you and I can become
better friends too, fun_00080005.delay
See you around,delay fun_00070005.


animWait.delay Aren't you fun_00080005?fun_00010007
animI'm fun_00010005!delay I just moved here!pageBreakanimButdelay it looks like I brought my cold
with me.delay animOn top of that,delay the person
who suggested I move here?
Apparently,delay that person doesn't live
here anymore.delay animMan,delay I thought we'd
be hanging out all the time.
My whole move just hasn't gone
right.fun_00010007 animPromise me we'll hang out
when I'm better, fun_00080005!
animAhdelayfun_000B0007CHOO!delay animWell, it was good seeing
you again,delay fun_00070005.


animWait.delay Aren't you fun_00080005?fun_00010007
animI'm fun_00010005!delay I just moved here!pageBreakanimButdelay it looks like I brought my cold
with me.delay animOn top of that,delay the person
who suggested I move here?
Apparently,delay that person doesn't live
here anymore.delay animMan,delay I thought we'd
be hanging out all the time.
My whole move just hasn't gone
right.fun_00010007 animPromise me we'll hang out
when I'm better, fun_00080005!
animAhdelayfun_000B0007CHOO!delay animWell, it was good seeing
you again,delay fun_00070005.


animAw man, fun_00080005!delay Thank
you SO MUCH for inviting me here
back at the campground.pageBreakYou may have figured this out
already, but animI did it!delay I moved here!pageBreakanimI can't wait to see every nook and
cranny in this town! Let's go!delayanim Oh,
wait. I need to unpack, don't I?pageBreakanimAs soon as I'm done with all this
boring stuff, we'll go on a sweet
adventure, delayfun_00070005!


animHey hey hey!delay You remember me,
don't you?pageBreakanimIt's fun_00010005! I was here at the
campground and then...then...pageBreakanimI know SOMETHING important
happened at the campground.delay
Anything ringing a bell?pageBreakanimThat's right!delayanim You asked me to move
in, and I did. delayanimGood times.pageBreakanimNow that I'm here, we can hang out
all the time! YES!delay Don't be a
stranger now, delayfun_00070005!


animAh!delay fun_0003000Efun_00080005!delayanim Finally! delayWhere
have you been?delay It's me, fun_00010005!pageBreakanimI hope you remember inviting me
here. I moved in, but delayanimI couldn't find
you anywheredelay.delay.delay.
animTo be fair, delayI gave up looking pretty
soon after I started.pageBreakanimWhat a relief to find you after I lost
hope!pageBreakanimLet's celebrate by eating as many
jelly beans as our stomachs
will allow, fun_00070005!


animUrghdelay.delay.delay.delay Is that you, fun_00080005?
animdelayI hope this cold hasn't affected
my visiondelay.delay.delay.
animYou remember me, don't you?fun_00010007 It's anim
fun_00010005...pageBreakYou asked me to move here,delay at the
campground. animSo delayI just floated on
over and set up shopdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimThings have not gone well since.delay animBy
any chance, do you have some
warm soup on hand?


animHi! delayIt's so awesome to meet you!delay
Folks around here call me
animdelayOf course, they call me that
everywhere, reallydelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimI actually just moved here!delay A certain
someonedelayanim invited me to live here
when I was over at the campground.
animWhat time is it? delayI'm really in the
mood for breakfast!delayanim Ack! I forgot!pageBreakanimI gotta get back to unpacking! Catch
ya later, delayfun_00070005!


animHey there! delayHave we met?delay I don't
think so. I'm fun_00010005!pageBreakanim.delay.delay.delayYou may have heard of me.delaypageBreakanimThough, most people actually
haven't.delay Someone down at the
campground suggested I move here.
animI'm very impressionable. delayanimBe sure to
visit me later!delay I have a feeling we
could be best friends!


animHuh?delay I'm pretty sure we've never
ever met before.delayanim Are you the new
one around here or am I?pageBreakanimReally?delay You've been living here for a
while?pageBreakanimIf that's so, I bet you have a lot of
wisdom to bestow about this
animThe name's fun_00010005.delay animA certain
someone invited me to come live
heredelay a while back.
Long story short, delayI did!delay I guess I'll
be seeing you around, delayfun_00070005!


animHey! Great to meet you!delay I'm...
COUGH! ...fun_00010005!pageBreakanimI moved here after a certain
someone back at the campgrounddelay
invited me to live heredelay.delay.delay.
animAnd I've been sick and delirious ever
since.pageBreakanimSo, fun_00080005, delayI'm not quite
sure if you're a figment of my
imagination or not.
animIf you're still here when I get over
this, let's chill.delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005.


animWhat up, fun_00080005!delay I hope
you remember your old buddy
What?delayanim Are you surprised to see me
moving in?pageBreakanimI'm as shocked as you are! I was
just camping here when I got an
invite I couldn't pass up.delay
animSo I just shoved all my belongings
in a few boxes and trash bags,
and I moved to fun_00050005!pageBreakanimI'd love to hang out. You doing
anything right now?delayanim Ack! I have to
keep unpacking, don't I?


animDuuuuude!delay animLong time no see,
fun_00080005!delay It's fun_00010005,
reporting for awesome!pageBreakI came to camp here a while back
and got the go-ahead to move right
in. animSo that's what I did!
I'm pretty pumped you're going to
be around here too. delayLet's do
something nuts soon! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animWhat up, fun_00080005? delayBet you
didn't expect to see fun_00010005
roaming around town!delay
Remember me? We met at the
campground!delay But now I live here,
anddelay it's just the coolest.
animSome have said they had no idea
that I wasn't from delayfun_00060005
originally.pageBreakanimOf course, they also said they had
no idea I existed in the first placedelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimThose jokesters! Well, I look
forward to seeing you around,
neighbor! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!


Ahdelay.delay.delay.delay Is that...fun_00080005?pageBreakanimHey!delay It's me, fun_00010005!delay Don't you
remember all the shenanigans we
pulled back in the day?
animHa! I'm kidding!delayanim We met at the
campground back before I moved.delay
I was so excited about that invitedelay.delay.delay.delay
But now look at me!anim I'm sicker than
I am after I eat 12 bags of
tortilla chips!animdelay
animWhy don't we chat when this has
cleared up delayand I'm back to my
superhuman self, delayfun_00070005?


Ahdelay.delay.delay.delay Is that...fun_00080005?pageBreakanimHey!delay It's me, fun_00010005!delay Don't you
remember all the shenanigans we
pulled back in the day?
animHa! I'm kidding!delayanim We met at the
campground back before I moved.delay
I was so excited about that invitedelay.delay.delay.delay
But now look at me!anim I'm sicker than
I am after I eat 12 bags of
tortilla chips!animdelay
animWhy don't we chat when this has
cleared up delayand I'm back to my
superhuman self, delayfun_00070005?


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