
Script : [Smug] Msg--Mail_ZK_Valentine

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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Happy Valentine's Day! As I
stayed up all night making
this treat, I thought only of
you. That's why the flavor is
extraordinary! Being up late
is bad for your skin, though.


Happy Valentine's Day!
It's the day to tell the most
important person in your life
how you feel. It's as if this
day was made just for me...
Please accept this treat!


Have you sent a present to
your dearest friend yet? Of
course, this beautiful flower
representing my warmest
feelings is meant just for
you! Happy Valentine's Day!


Happy Valentine's Day! Has
thinking about your most
precious friend been making
your heart ache? I so totally
understand! I've been feeling
the same thing for days!


I want to tell you how I feel,
my dear friend. Or rather,
this pen will tell you for me.
I know I'm usually pretty
secretive with my feelings,
but happy Valentine's Day!


How many are sending you
presents today? I don't want
to be forgotten, one among
a crowd. Remember, I will
always be by your side!
Happy Valentine's Day!


I've been overwhelmed by a
pile of presents from girls
today. I'm not complaining,
though! But I feel like giving
a gift to you. It seems right.
Happy Valentine's Day!


Happy Valentine's Day!
I wouldn't mind if every day
was Valentine's Day. Then I
could exchange presents and
feelings with my friends all
the time. It'd be the best!


Happy Valentine's Day!
I wouldn't mind if every day
was Valentine's Day. Then I
could exchange presents and
feelings with my friends all
the time. It'd be the best!


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