Num | English |
| animHuh? delayHey! It's fun_00000005!fun_00010007 animLook at
you,delay showing up all bright and early!
fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| Hey, delayfun_00000005!delay You came to play!
delayanimLook at you all fit and shiny!
delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| Hey, delayyou're fun_00000005, aren't you?!i10_11 |
| Yeah, delayfun_00000005!delayanim Lookin' good, kid!
But I bet...delayyou always look pretty
good. fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| Ho ho! delayIf it isn't fun_00000005!i10_11 |
| Yo, delayfun_00000005!delay animGood to see ya, pal!
And also, fun_00070005!pageBreakanimYou know, delayI had a feeling this was
gonna be a sweet night! |
| animHey, hey!delay Is that fun_00000005?!
Ya caught me off guard, pally!animpageBreakanimWhat're you doing wandering around
town in the middle of the night?
fun_0003000Efun_00070005?i10_11 |
| You came all the way to fun_00050005
early in the morning in the pouring
rain to see me,delay fun_00070005? |
| You came all the way to fun_00050005
this early to play with me?delay And it's
raining to boot? fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| You came all the way to fun_00050005
in the pouring rain just to play with
me?delay animGood!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| You came all the way to fun_00050005
in the pouring rain just so you could
see me, fun_00070005?
animSo that must mean...delayyou love the
rain too!delayanim We can be rain buddies!
delayanimGAHAHA!delayanim |
| animGlad you made it out here in all this
rain!fun_00010007 animYou know I can kick the rain's
tail anytime,delay right?delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animHey, ya goober! Glad you made it!delay
So you like walking around animin the
rain too, rain buddy?pageBreakanimYeah, I love it!delay I feel like all I do is
wait around, hoping today'll be the
day it rains.delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| You must be nuts if you're willing to
come out here in the rain. delayanimGAHAHA!delayanim
And, hey...delayfun_00070005! |
| animI know what's goin' on here, pal...delay
You woke up all happy 'cause of the
raindelay.delay.delay.delayright? delayanimMe too! delayanimGAHAHA!delayanim |
| animI know what's goin' on here, pal...delay
You woke up all happy 'cause of the
raindelay.delay.delay.delayright? delayanimMe too! delayanimGAHAHA!delayanim |