
Script : [Uchi] Msg--Mail_OT_SendNormal

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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If you write a letter late at
night, you might discover in
the morning that you wrote
something embarrassing! I
was often guilty of it myself
when I was younger...


I bought some adorable new
stationery, so I thought I'd
write you a letter to try it
out. What do you think? My
impeccable taste led me
straight to it.


If you think about it, letters
have the power to stop time.
They capture one moment in
ink for eternity. I love that.
And it means you can never
age in letters either!


You might think I would be
embarrassed by my messy
handwriting, but in this day
and age it's outweighed by
how impressed I am that I
still handwrite my letters.


I hope you've been well. I'm
fine for the most part, but
I've had my moments lately.
Like when I went out to pick
some fruit and got stung by
that bee... How absurd.


How are you? I don't have
anything to say in particular,
but I felt like writing a letter
to you. Keeping up on one's
correspondence is integral
to being a true lady.


Can you get your message
across using only one line? If
you practice, as I have, it can
become very easy. Observe:

I hope you're doing well!


I hope you've been well. See,
there's something I've been
meaning to tell you, because
you help me so much. It's
very important. But now I've
run out of space... Oh no...


I'm trying to thank everyone
who has helped me out in the
past, so here it is, your one-
time-only thank-you letter:
thanks for everything you
do! You are appreciated!


I'm trying to thank everyone
who has helped me out in the
past, so here it is, your one-
time-only thank-you letter:
thanks for everything you
do! You are appreciated!


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