Num | English |
| animI'd really like to give something to
fun_00010011, butdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimCould you give it to fun_0007000E for me?
delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005?delay animIt'd really help out!pageBreakdelay.delay.delay.delayanimWhy do I need help?delay animWe had a bad
fight the other day, and now I feel
awkward about seeing fun_0007000E! |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00080005! Perfect timing!pageBreakanimIf you're seeing fun_00010011 today,delay
delaycould you deliver something to fun_0007000E
for me?
animIt's this thing I borrowed when I was
over at fun_0007000E house the other day,
but I don't need it anymore. |
| animAh, great timing,delay fun_00080005!
You're always so good about
appearing when I need you!
animIf you're going to fun_00010011's place
today, delayanimcould you deliver something
important for me?
animThe other day,delay fun_00010011 somehow
forgot something at my house, and
I want to give it back, delayfun_00070005. |
| animImpeccable timing,delay fun_00080005!pageBreakanimIf you're going to fun_00010011's place
today, delaycould you do me a favor and
deliver something important?
animFor some reason, a package meant
for fun_00010011 came to me by
mistake,delay fun_00070005. |
| fun_0003000Efun_00080005,delay can I ask you to do me
a small favor?pageBreakanimActually, delayit's really more a favor for
fun_00010011, as fun_0007000E asked me to pick
something up while I was out.
animCould you deliver it under secrecy?delay
animYou know,delay we have to think about
fun_00010011's privacy, after all. |
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| animAre you sure, delayfun_00080005?delay animOK, I'm
going to entrust you with this.
animDon't lose it now! |
| animThank you, delayfun_00080005.delay I really owe
you one!delay animLet's hope WE never
get into a fight, fun_00070005! |
| animThanks, delayfun_00080005.delay Well,delay I'm going
to entrust you with this. animPlease
don't lose it! |
| animThat would be great, delayfun_00080005!delay
Well then,delay I'm going to leave this
with you.delay animYou know what to do! |
| animSorry for the trouble, delayfun_00080005.delay
Hopefully you're good at delivering
items. animThat colorPetecolordelay.delay.delay. |
| animHeh hehdelay.delay.delay.delay I'm leaving the rest to
you.delay animThe future of a close friendship
is in your hands, delayfun_00080005! |
| animSorry to rush you,delay but can you make
sure to do this by the end of today? |
| animIt's already pretty late today,delay so I'm
OK if you want to do it sometime
tomorrow insteaddelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animIt's already very late,delay so you
can do it in the morningdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| |
| animFine, delayI'll just hand it over myself.fun_00010007
animHeh heh hehdelay.delay.delay.delay I never imagined you
would give me a supportive push. |
| animYou're rightdelay.delay.delay.delay After all, this is really
something I should take care of in
person, huh? Thanks,delay fun_00080005! |
| animYou're right. I borrowed it, so I need
to be the one to return itdelay.delay.delay.delay animAll right,
delayfun_00080005,delay I'll deliver it myself! |
| animOK, you're right. I'm the one who
found it, so I should return it.
I'll deliver it myself after all. |
| animI seedelay.delay.delay.delayanim Well, delayI guess sometimes I
should see things from colorPetecolor's point
of view and just deliver it myself. |
| animIf I get you involved with this,delay
fun_00010011's secret could come out
by accidentdelay.delay.delay.delay
animHmm.delay You're right.delay It'd be better if
I just went ahead and delivered it
myself,delay fun_00070005. |
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