
Script : [Characters] NPC_Takumi_Tutorial

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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OK, delaylet's start with a quick lesson anim
on how to colorrotate furniturecolor.pageBreakanimAll you have to do is delayanimgently delaytapdelayanim the
block on the Touch Screen to alter
the orientation of the furniture.
animThis technique will work for any
furniture you place on the floor.delayanim
Ready to give it a try?anim


animPerfect!delay Your instincts are spot on!delayanimpageBreakanimNext, I'll show you how to
colorreposition colorfurniture!fun_00010007pageBreakSimply select the furniture you'd
like to move, and drag the block to
a new place on the diagram.pageBreakanimDecisions, decisions!delayanim Now why
don't you try to move some of the
furnituredelay in this room.


animYou did it! delayWell done. That's great!delay
animYou're a quick learner, delayaren't you?pageBreakanimYou can move furniture that's hung
on the walldelay the same way.delay animThis'll
be easy for you. Give it a try!


animExactly! delayMy, my...delay animYou're a natural!
Let's move on.pageBreakanimNext up, delaywe have some small
furniture delaythat can be placed on top
of larger pieces of furniture.pageBreakanimUsing the skills you just learned,
how about you give it a whirl.delaypageBreakTry to place that sunflower on top
of the desk.


animYes! delayThat's it!delay animI have a feeling that
you've done this beforedelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimHmm...delayanim There's another technique
you should try once we finish up
here. delayIt's a bit more advanced...
animSo if you draw a square around
multiple pieces of furniture,delayanim you can
move them all at the same time.delay
animBut don't even try it when you have
visitors or when the gate is open
at the train station. It's not polite!
animAll right, that's that.delay Training's
complete!delay animNow you're ready for an
interior-design challenge!


animDo you need a reminder?delay animI asked
you to change the orientation of a
piece of furniture.pageBreakanimTap on a block displayed on the
Touch Screen, delayanimand the furniture will
turn around,delaydelayanim bit by bit.


animHmm? Oh yes!delay animI'm waiting for you
to move some of the furniture
currently in the room.pageBreakanimSo select a block,delay and drag it to the
place on the diagram where you'd
like to move the piece of furniture.


animYep? Oh!anim I asked you to move an
object hanging on the wall.


animWhat's that?delay Oh!anim I asked you to
place a piece of small furniture on
top of a larger piece.delay
animTry placingdelay that sunflowerdelay on top
of the desk.


animYes!delay That was perfect!delay
You're already an interior-design
master!pageBreakanimHmm...delayanim There's another technique
you should try once we finish up
here. delayIt's a bit more advanceddelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimSo if you draw a square around
multiple pieces of furniture,delayanim you can
move them all at the same time.delay
animKeep in mind,anim you won't be able to
move all that furniture at oncedelay animif
your ticket gate is open.
animWouldn't that be confusing for
guests in your town?delaypageBreakanimWe're done! Seminar complete.delay
Thanks and good luck decorating.


animYes!delay That was perfect!delay
You're already an interior-design
master!pageBreakanimHmm...delayanim There's another technique
you should try once we finish up
here. delayIt's a bit more advanceddelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimSo if you draw a square around
multiple pieces of furniture,delayanim you can
move them all at the same time.delay
animKeep in mind,anim you won't be able to
move all that furniture at oncedelay animif
your ticket gate is open.
animWouldn't that be confusing for
guests in your town?delaypageBreakanimWe're done! Seminar complete.delay
Thanks and good luck decorating.


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