
Script : [Uchi] OT_Ev_Harvest

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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animHey, fun_00080005, delaytoday is the big
colorHarvest Festivalcolor!delay animI'm going to be
cooking up a storm in here.


animAs you can see, delayI've got a lot more
cooking to do. delayanimAnd no,delay you can't
taste anything until it's all finished.


animOh no! delayanimI sautéed what I was
supposed to simmer and simmered
what I was supposed to sauté!


animSpeaking of cookingdelay.delay.delay.delayanimI feel like one
of my dishes is missing a certain
animMaybe you can help me out!delay I need
fun_0002000Efun_00030011.anim I'd
just melt if you brought me some.


animfun_0003000Efun_00070005, delaydid you bring me the
fun_00030011 I need to
finish cooking?fun_0005000F
Yes! Here you go.
No, I don't have any.


It's hard to cook something like
fun_00030011 without any
fun_00030011! Little help?fun_0005000F
Here—take this!
I don't have any.


animOh, delaythat's too bad. delayI could really use
some fun_00030011.anim delayAnd I
bet I have ingredients you could use.


animOhdelay.delay.delay.delaywell, delaythere's still time to track
some down. delayanimThe colorHarvest Festival coloris
all about sharing, delayyou know.
Plus,delay I have so many ingredients to
share with you! animdelayIf we work together,delay
we can make a real feast.


animHey! delayIt's not nice to tease like that,delay
fun_00080005. animdelayYou got my hopes up!


Well, delaythis is awkward.animdelay Because what
I actually needed was


animOh, delayperfect. delayThis is just what I
needed. delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!pageBreakHere. delayanimI've got something for youdelay.delay.delay.delay
It's fun_0002000Efun_00030011!


animAll right,delay I had better get back to
my cooking now.delayanim That pan isn't
gonna deglaze itself.


animThanks,delay fun_00080005!delay Now, delayif you're
going to be doing some cooking
of your own,delay animhere's a little tipdelay.delay.delay.delay


animWhen you're making a dish like
fun_00050012, delayanimtry adding
somedelay colorlemondelay colorfor extra zest!


animFor yummy fun_00050012,delay
add some chopped colorapplecolor. delayanimIt's my
secret ingredient.


animTry adding a few teaspoons of
honey to the recipe when you're
making fun_00050012.
animNot sure where to find honey? delayTry
looking in a colorbeehivecolor. delayanimJust make sure
the bees are long gone first!


animThe secret ingredient in my award-
winning fun_00050012
recipe isdelay.delay.delay.delaycolorvinegarcolor.


animWhen cooking, colorbuttercolor makes
everything better. delayEspecially


animBe sure to use real colorcoconut colormilk in
your fun_00050012. animdelayIt's
the only way to get that rich taste.


animOnce things are a bit calmer,delay I think
I'll head to the event plaza and see
how the festival is going.


animSo delayhow'd you like being a chef
today,delay fun_00080005?pageBreakanimDoesn't the food taste better when
you can appreciate how much hard
work went into making it?


animEverybody should learn to cook a
few classic dishes. delayYou know,animdelay basics
like fun_00130005.


animDid you taste my cooking?fun_00010007
animEverything was sodelayodelayodelayodelayodelayodelayodelayo good,delay
thanks to your help.delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animHey, fun_00080005delaythanks to your
special ingredient, delaymy dishes were
delish.animdelay fun_0003000Efun_00070005, delayI want more!


animToday's the colorHarvest Festival colorhere in
fun_00050005, delayso I'm busy preparing
a feast.


animI've heard hunger is the best sauce.pageBreakAnd I sure hope that's true, delayanimbecause
my food won't be ready for, like,
30 hours.


animThis is my chance to show everyone
in fun_00050005 that I can cook
without using a microwave.




animIt's more fulfilling to cook for
others than it is to cook for
Plus, delayanimyou can usually get out of
doing dishes. fun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animfun_0003000Efun_00070005, delayI guess everyone
really liked my cooking. delayanimThere aren't
any leftovers!


animfun_0003000Efun_00070005, delayI've been standing in
front of a hot stove all day. delayanimI hope
the end result was worth itdelay.delay.delay.delay


animThanks again for your help today,delay
fun_00080005. delayYour secret ingredient
was the key!


animOh,delay fun_00080005,delay I'm so glad you
stopped by with that special
ingredient today. fun_0003000Efun_00070005!
animI'm not sure what I would have
done without it. fun_00010007Oh,delay fine.delayanim I would
have topped everything with sugar.


animNice work,delay fun_00080005!delay Looks like
you and colorFranklin colormake a great team
in the kitchen.
animI'm sure he could teach me a thing
or two about classic harvest


animI have to admit delayI'm a little
disappointed with this year's feast.delay
animSomething wasdelay.delay.delay.delaymissing.
animOh! delayDid you not prepare a dish?delayanim I'm
not being sarcastic. delayThis is just
the way I talk!


animSo delaythe colorHarvest Festival coloris all about
sharing. delayEveryone in fun_00050005
pitches in.
animBut the whole thing falls apart when
SOMEONE doesn't feel like
I won't name namesdelay.delay.delay.delayanimbut it was
YOU! fun_00010007animsize"You" is a pronoun, so technically I
haven't named names.size


animcolorFranklincolor is a great chef, delaybut he can't
feed the whole town by himself,delay you
animA few more dishes would have been
nice.delay Ah well, delaynext year.


animEverything I tasted today was good.delay
I just wish there had been more to
animfun_0003000Efun_00070005, delayit seems like
colorFranklin colorcould have used a little
more help in the kitchen.


colorFranklin coloris the real star of the
colorHarvest Festivalcolor, delayanimbut every star
needs a solid supporting cast.
animI'm just sayingdelay.delay.delay.delay


animI have to say,delay the food at the
colorHarvest Festival colortastes great,delay but it
seems a bit less filling than usualdelay.delay.delay.delay
animA little heavy on the light stuff, delayand
a little light on the heavy stuff, delayif
you know what I mean.


animQuite a feast this year. delayQuite a
feast indeed. delayYou and colorFranklincolor
really went all out.
animIf I could offer one TINY suggestion:delay
anima little something sweet at the end
of the meal is always nice.


animOh my goodnessdelay.delay.delay.delay My compliments
to the chef. delayEr, delaychefs! delayYou and
colorFranklincolor have outdone yourselves.
animThat was one of the best colorHarvest
Festivals colorI can remember. delayanimAll I need
now is a nibble of dessert.
On second thoughtdelay.delay.delay.delayanimdelay Oh nodelay.delay.delay.delayI've
had too much already. delay
fun_0003000Efun_00070005,delay excuse me!


animI may have once said that I'm the
greatest chef in fun_00050005, delaysizeor the
world, sizedelaysizeor whateversizesizedelay.delay.delay.delaysize
animBut now I have to take it back. delayanimThe
feast you and colorFranklin colorprepared this
year was phenomenal!
animThe sublime flavors, delaythe elegant
interplay of texture and mouthfeel...delay
I must have the recipes.delay I fun_000B0007MUST!


animAhhh, what a meal! delayFrom the
appetizers to the main coursedelay.delay.delay.delayeven
dessertdelay.delay.delay.delayeverything was delicious.
Of course colorFranklin coloris a master chef,delay
but he couldn't have done this
without your help,delay fun_00080005.
animAnd what WAS that secret
ingredient?delay Truffle oil?delay Saffron?delay
Sea urchin? animdelayI must know!delay


animcolorFranklin colorhas done it again. delayanimThat was
one of the best meals I've ever had!delay
fun_0003000Efun_00070005,delay so delicious.
animAnd you helped with the cooking,delay
right, fun_00080005?delayanim I bet the dessert
was your idea. delayYum!


animWasn't this year's colorHarvest Festivalcolor
the best? delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005, delayI loved
everything about it.
animAnd there were so many tasty
dishesdelay.delay.delay.delayplus dessert.delay animI know it's not
polite to say this, animdelaybut I'm stuffed!
animOn that notedelay.delay.delay.delaythey say that Harvest
food makes you sleepy, delayand they
weren't kidding. animdelayGood night!




animA lot of people are intimidated by
coloroysterscolor, delaywhich is a shame,delay because
they're delicious and healthy.
animSo here's a tip that will make them
a little more approachable: delayadd
fresh colorlemon colorjuice!
animEspecially when you're making
coloroyster saladcolor. A splash of lemon
is just what that dish needs.


animEveryone loves a good colormushroom
saladcolor.delay But here's a fun idea to shake
things updelay.delay.delay.delay
animTry adding some chopped colorapple colorto
the mix! delayThe sweetness and crunchy
texture are always a big hit.
animfun_0003000Efun_00070005,delay I'm getting hungry
just thinking about itdelay.delay.delay.delay


animIf you think regular colorfruit salads colorare
boring, delayhere's an idea to spice
things up.
animDrizzle a little honey from a colorbeehivecolor
into the mix with your dressing!pageBreakanimIt's a nice way to add depth of
flavor and sweetness without
overpowering the dish.


animYou can't make a colormixed salad colorby
just tossing random lettuces and
veggies in a bowl.
animYou have to have a plan, delayand you
have to use the right dressing delaytoo!pageBreakanimI like colorvinegarcolor-based dressings the
best. delayThey're tangy and tart,delay and
they punch up your flavor profile!


animWhen made right, delaythere's nothing
like a fresh colorfish saladcolor. animdelayBut there's
an art to preparing one.
animOf course you want to start with
the freshest colorfish coloryou can find. delayAnd
a sharp vinegar dressing is key.
animBut the real secret is colorlemon colorjuice.delay
Add a generous splash to get that
classic zing!


animOh, delayfun_00080005, delayif you've never
tried colormushroom bisquecolor, delayyou're
really missing out!
Of course the mushrooms offer a
lot of savory goodness. animdelayBut a little
colorbutter colormakes them even better.
animMmmdelay.delay.delay.delay Melting butter makes ME
melt.animdelay Yum!


animIf you're in the mood for a really
rich meal to savor, delaycolorshellfish
chowder coloralways hits the spot.
animBut if you only use cream, delayyour
chowder won't be as rich as it could
be.pageBreakanimThe trick is to add plenty of colorbuttercolor!delay
Butdelay.delay.delay.delaykeep it to yourself. animdelaySome
people are scared of a little butter.


If you make colorbouillabaisse colorwithout
colorlemoncolor, animdelayyou're doing it wrong.pageBreakanimOf course some people say anything
goes in a colorbouillabaissecolor, delaybut I just
don't buy it.
animYou need fresh fish, delayyou need
savory broth,delay and you definitely
need that lemon juice!


Some people think a colorfruit soupcolor
should only contain sweet fruit.animdelay But
they haven't tried MY fruit soup.
animThe secret ingredient is colorlemon colorjuice.delay
You need that citrus bite to balance
out all the sweet flavors.
Trust me, delayanimyou appreciate the
sweetness more when it's balanced
with zesty lemon!


animIf you want an exotic dish that will
really impress your guests, delayyou
should make colortom yum kungcolor!
animIt's a spicy soup with delicately
balanced flavors and buttery
animAnd if you really want to put the
"Yum!" in your colortom yum kungcolor,delay the
key is colorcoconut colormilk.
Oh, delayif you're having trouble sourcing
lobster, delayanimyou might try a more
hands-on approachdelay.delay.delay.delay


animWhen you're cooking seafood,delay you
need to use a light touch in order to
avoid overpowering the fish.
Like colorsautéed sea basscolor,delay for example.delay
It's good to use butter in the pan,delay
animbut you should also add colorlemoncolor.
Yepdelay.delay.delay.delayone little drizzle adds a ton of
sizzle.animdelay Just trust medelay.delay.delay.delay It's tastier
than that rhyme.


animI know it sounds pretty exotic,delay but
colorpan-fried olive flounder coloris actually a
simple dish.
animIt's basically crispy fried fish,delay which
is clearly delicious.delay animAnd it's great
with colorvinegarcolor,delay like fish-and-chips.
Trust me,delay pronouncing the name is
harder than making the dish.animdelay Try it!delay


colorPan-fried red snappercolor sounds
simple, delayright? animdelayJust throw a snapper
in the pan and fry it!
animBut if you want to do it right, delayyou
should season the fish with either
colorlemon colorjuice or colorvinegarcolor.
animWhich one is better? fun_00010007You'll just have
to try them both and see for
yourself, delayfun_00080005.


animOK, delayif you like fish-and-chips,delay you'll
love colorpan-fried dabcolor!pageBreakanimIt's a little fancier, delayand it doesn't
come with chips,delay animbut it does go
great with a high-quality colorvinegarcolor.
animfun_0003000Efun_00070005, my mouth is
watering just thinking about itdelay.delay.delay.delay


animWhen in doubt about how to season
a fish, delaygo with the all-time classic:delay
colorlcolorcoloremon colorjuice.
animEspecially with something like
colorseared barred knifejawcolor.delay animA fish like
that needs a tangy kick.
A little butter never hurts,delay either.animdelay


animIf you want to take home the blue
ribbon in a pie-baking contest,delay
I've got a tip for you.
animAdd a little honey from a colorbeehive colorto
the recipe! delayIt's perfect in any colorpiecolor,delay
but it goes especially well in colorapplecolor.
As for pie-EATING contests, delaywell,animdelay
you're on your own, delayfun_00080005.


animOne time I tasted a colorcherry pie colorthat
was made with too little sugar.fun_00010007 animMy
taste buds are still recovering!
animSo that's why I always add a little
honey from a colorbeehive colorto my pies.pageBreakanimIt's a natural sweetener that
complements the tartness of the
fruit.anim delayYou're welcome!


animYou would think the mixed fruits in
a colormixed-fruit pie colorwould provide all
the flavor you need.
animBut it turns out that a little colorlemoncolor
juice adds something special.pageBreakanimYou need a tangy kick to balance all
that sweetness. delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005, now
I'm craving a pie!


animI have an amazing recipe for a
colorcoconut tartcolor.delay It's so good that
even coconut haters will love it!
animThe trick is adding a little bit of
honey from a colorbeehive colorinstead of
just using sugar.pageBreakanimIf you use the recipe, delaybe sure to
give me credit, delayfun_00080005!


animNot sure what to make for dessert?fun_00010007
animA tart is always a great choice.delay And
there are so many types!
One of my favorites is colorbanana
tartcolor.delay animMmmdelay.delay.delay.delay So rich and creamy.pageBreakanimThe secret ingredient in my colorbanana
tart colorrecipe is honey from a colorbeehivecolor.
delayanimKeep that to yourself, delayOK?


animThis is my favorite part of the
colorHarvest Festivalcolordelay.delay.delay.delaysampling as many
different foods as possible.
animI'm still trying to decide which of
my fabulous specialties to prepare
for fun_00050005.
I'm sure inspiration will arrive soon.delay
animIn the meantime, I just want to
enjoy this feast.


animOh! delayExcuse me. delayI don't want to talk
with my mouth full.pageBreakanimAnd I expect my mouth to be full of
delicious foods pretty much all day
animIf you're looking for cooking tips or
ingredients,delay try knocking on some
doors around fun_00050005.


animMmmdelay.delay.delay.delay Can you smell that? delayAlmost
everyone in fun_00050005 is cooking
something special today.
animThat's why I love the colorHarvest
Festivalcolor.delay It's a chance to try so
many different types of food.
If you need a special ingredient for
your own dish,delay most folks are happy
to help. animdelayJust knock on their doors!


animYou picked a great day to visit
fun_00050005. animdelayWe're having our
colorHarvest Festival colortoday!
Stick around if you want to share in
some amazing food.anim delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005,delay
now I'm hungrydelay.delay.delay.delay


animIf everyone in fun_00050005 seems
preoccupied, delaythat's because today
is our colorHarvest Festivalcolor.
animDon't be surprised to find most
folks hard at work in their kitchens.


animYou sure picked a great day to visit
fun_00050005.delay We're celebrating food
during our colorHarvest Festivalcolor!
animThe more the merrier. delayThat's what I
always say for events like this.pageBreakanimOr is it "fun_00070005" that I always
say?delay animI can't rememberdelay.delay.delay.delay


animAnother successful colorHarvest Festivalcolor
in the books. delayanimfun_0003000Efun_00070005, delaythat
was fun!


animI'm not sure it's possible to "win"
the colorHarvest Festivalcolor.pageBreakanimAnd that's a problem I'd like to see
addressed. delayanimI'm in it to win it,delay


animIf you thought this year's colorHarvest
Festival colorwas good,delay wait until you
see what I'm planning for next year!
Sorry—delayno hints. delayYou'll just have to
wait and anticipate. delayanimHunger is the
best sauce!


animTo be honest,delay I'm disappointed with
this year's colorHarvest Festivalcolor. delayThere
just wasn't enough food.
animcolorFranklincolor, delayyou had one job!


animI wonder what was up with colorFranklincolor
this yeardelay.delay.delay.delay He seemed a little bit off
his game.
animUsually he can pull together an
impressive array of foods for
everyone in fun_00050005 to try.
animI mean, delayhis appetizers left me fully
appetized, delaybut now what?delayanim


animcolorFranklin colordefinitely had some tasty
dishes this year, delaybut it seemed like
something was missingdelay.delay.delay.delay
animOh yeah. delayA main dish! delayHow do you
forget something like that?pageBreakOh well.delay More room for pie,delay I guess.delay
Wait—delayyou're telling me there's no
pie either? delayanimfun_000B0007NOdelayOdelayOdelayOdelayOdelayOdelayO!delay


animMmmdelay.delay.delay.delay That was a great meal.delay
colorFranklin colorreally outdid himself!delay All
that's left is to enjoy some dessert.
Wait—delayanimwhat? delayThe meal's over? delayanimI was
told there would be dessert!


animWell done, delayfun_00080005! delayYou and
colorFranklin colorpulled off one of the best
colorHarvest Festival colormeals ever.
animEverything was delicious, and you
even served my favorite dessert.delayanim
fun_0003000Efun_00070005, delaygreat job!


animWell, delaywhat do you think of how we
celebrate the colorHarvest Festival colorin
I hope you had a great time visiting.delay
animCome back anytime, and bring your


animWe're lucky to have colorFranklin colorcome
cook for us every year. delayNot every
town has a special chef.
Wait—delayanimyou're telling me your town
also has a special chefdelay.delay.delay.delayand his
name is colorFranklin colortoo?
That can't be a coincidence. delayanimI'm a
little freaked out right now.delay


animIf you thought this year's colorHarvest
Festival colorwas good,delay wait until you
see what I'm planning for next year!
animWait—delayyou ARE coming back next
year, delayright?


animIf you thought this year's colorHarvest
Festival colorwas good,delay wait until you
see what I'm planning for next year!
animWait—delayyou ARE coming back next
year, delayright?


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