Num | English |
| animNice fun_00030011 you've
got there.fun_00010007 animJust one can make your
home feel quite sophisticated. |
| animNo wonder the air feels so fresh!delay
Your fun_00030011 must
help keep it clean. |
| animfun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011!delaypageBreakanimI can just picture you hanging out in
heredelay listening to some upbeat music. |
| animWhat a nice fun_00030011
you have.pageBreakanimI spend most of my time at home
reading,delay animbut it's nice to watch TV
sometimes too! |
| animfun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011,delay huh?fun_00010007
animI've always thought it'd be great to
write a song for a friend! |
| animThat fun_00030011 is
neat!delay animI'll bet it makes cooking that
much more fun.
animJust looking at it makes me want to
whip up some fun_00100005,delay
fun_00070005! |
| animYour fun_00030011 looks
so cozy.delay I bet you sleep well. |
| animWhat a nice fun_00030011
you have.delay Perfect for diving deep
into dreamland! |
| animI'll bet your fun_00030011
is perfect for reading and relaxing! |
| animYour fun_00030011 is the
perfect size!pageBreakYou could share it with a frienddelay anim
or stretch out and relax on your
own,delay fun_00070005. |
| animYour fun_00030011 is just
perfect!delay animI'd love to curl up in it with
a good book! |
| animIs that bug in the cage a pet?!fun_00010007
animDoes he have a cute name like
Mr. Pickles? |
| animWow!delay I really, really like your
fun_00030011!pageBreakanimI'm always trying out new ways to
organize,delay so I should see how you
do it.fun_00010007 animVery nice. |
| animNice fun_00030011!pageBreakanimFreshly brewed coffee tastes
divine!fun_00010007 animEspecially when paired with
a serving of fun_00100005. |
| animYour fun_00030011 just
makes the whole room feel more
festive.delay animI absolutely love gyroids! |
| animClothing can also be used as
home décor,delay you know!pageBreakanimTake your fun_00030011.delay
Just displaying that gives the room
a whole different feel! |
| animHey,delay fun_0002000Efun_00030011!fun_00010007
animIt's important to play,delay no matter
how old you are, fun_00080005! |
| animYour fun_00030011 might
be the reason you always look so
stylish, huh.
animI'd love to pick your brain about
fashion someday. |
| animNeat! delayDo you mind if I look at your
animI'm quite a reader myself.delay Right now
I'm in the middle of a book called
It's really good! |
| animIf you're displaying fun_0002000E
fun_00030011 like this,delay
you must really love cleaning! |
| animThere's something so romantic
about fossilsdelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00010007 animYou get the history
of the earth in a nice, neat package! |
| animI love your fun_00030011.fun_00010007
animThere's nothing like a nice cup of
tea with some fun_00100005! |
| animInteresting place to put fun_0002000E
fun_00030011delay.delay.delay.delay |
| animDo you write magazine articles on
your fun_00030011?fun_00010007
animYou seem good at so many things! |
| animI love flowers too!fun_00010007 animI could never
have too many flowers in my house,
delayfun_00070005. |
| animIt's pretty handy to have fun_0002000E
fun_00030011, huh?pageBreakanimIt keeps food fresh,delay and on hot days
it acts as an air conditioner! |
| animI took one look at your
fun_00030011,delay animand I'm
suddenly very hungry. |
| animYour fun_00030011 makes
me think you're quite health
animOr maybe you just like to weigh
stuff.delay Who knows. |
| animI've been really into video games
lately.pageBreakanimI'm playing this one game where you
run your own towndelay but also have to
keep all these needy animals happy. |
| animYour fun_00030011 shows
that you're still a kid in some ways.delay
animI really like it! |
| animSuch a cute fun_00030011
you have!pageBreakanimIt's just like you to have something
whimsical in your house,delay fun_00080005! |
| animYour fun_00030011 is
really cool!pageBreakanimI like how it's diminutive in size delaybut
still exudes natural strength.delay animThat's
the beauty of a well-cut shrub! |
| animDo you have a hamster,delay fun_00080005?pageBreakanimTaking care of them is a lot of
work, delayanimbut they compensate you in
cuteness! |
| animYour fun_00030011 is
awfully sweet.pageBreakDoes it remind you of being
a little kid? |
| animThis room feels so serene.delay
animIt's probably because of the
fun_00030011! |
| animWith fun_0002000Efun_00030011
in your room,delay animit's hard NOT to get
fired up! |
| animIsn't it funny what a difference your
fun_00030011 makes?delay
I'm feeling tougher already! |
| animYour fun_00030011 keeps
things feeling cool!pageBreakanimI'll bet it's nice to take out into the
yard on sunny daysdelay.delay.delay.delaydelay |
| animUmmdelay.delay.delay.delay Did I just stumble into your
bathroom?pageBreakanimSorry! delayI didn't mean to go into such
a personal area,delay fun_00070005! |
| animUmdelay.delay.delay.your fun_00030011 is
in kind of a weird place.fun_00010007 Sorry,delay
I just had to say something!delayanim |
| animI bet your fun_00030011
makes your place smell delicious! |
| animI like your fun_00030011.fun_00010007
animI've always thought I'd like to learn
to play more instruments!pageBreakanimJust think!delay Wouldn't it be lovely
to play a song you wrote for a
friend? |
| animIt's not glamorous, but every house
needs a trash can. |
| |
| |