Num | English |
| animLots of people think of camping in
the summer,delay but it's just as pretty
in the winter if you stay warm! |
| animDo you visit fun_00050005 often?delay It's
such a nice place for a vacation. |
| animIt's fun to camp and be part of the
great outdoors,delay but it also makes
you realize how small you are!
animI think it's a good opportunity for
self-examination. |
| animOne of my favorite things about
camping is the food.delay I'm trying a
stew recipe I learned here in town. |
| animOh,delay hello!delayanim Are you from this town?fun_00010007
I thought it might be a little cold for
camping,delay but it's actually very nice. |
| animOh,delay hello!delayanim I heard a rumor that this
was a lovely town to camp in,delay so
here I am.delay It's nice to meet you! |
| animHello!delay Thank you for building a
campground in your lovely town.delay I'm
enjoying my visit so much already! |
| animHmmdelay.delay.delay.delay Where should I build my
house?delayanim I'd really like a spot that
has pretty scenery. |
| animFrom what I've seen,delay the winters
here are nice and mild.delay I'm looking
forward to moving in! |
| animI think I'll take a walk around and
look for a place to build my house. |
| animDid you know fun_00000011 convinced
me to move here?delayanim It's so nice to
feel welcomed by the whole town! |
| animDid you hear?delay Pretty soon, I'll be
a permanent resident of fun_00050005!
fun_0003000Efun_00000011 convinced me to move! |
| animOh, hey!delay Your friend fun_00000011
convinced me to move to town.delay
Everyone here seems so nice! |
| animI love hearing the crackle of a fire
at a winter campground.delay There's
something so magical about it. |
| animHow do you like my house of ice?delay
Pretty sturdy,delay isn't it?delayanim It does make
it tricky to hang things on the walls. |
| animI'm making the most interesting
meal for dinner!fun_00010007 I got the recipe
animfrom a book about shoe polish. |
| animI've been sitting by the fire reading
all the books I brought with me.delay I've
even read some of them aloud! |
| animI love living outdoors for a while.delay It
makes me feel like I'm the heroine
in an adventure story! |
| animThis is such a pretty town.delay I get the
feeling I'd fit in well heredelay too.fun_0005000F
Move in with us!
Eh, it's all right. |
| animThis is such a beautiful town.delay I could
stay here forever!fun_0005000F
You should move here!
It's not that great. |
| animEveryone in town has been so nice.delay
A big part of me wishes I never had
to leave.fun_0005000F
Then move here!
Ignore that part. |
| animdelayJust all right?fun_00010007anim Well,delay at least I'm
enjoying my camping trip here. |
| animYou really feel that way?delayfun_00010007anim That is,delay
I see what you mean. |
| animYes,delay I suppose you're right.fun_00010007anim At least
I'll always have the memories of this
camping trip. |
| animYes,delay I suppose you're right.fun_00010007anim At least
I'll always have the memories of this
camping trip. |