Num | English |
| i10_7 |
| i10_7 |
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| fun_00050009 |
| fun_00050009 |
| That's right!delay The fabulous Ms.
fun_00010005 is moving to your
town! animdelayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!
animAll that's left to do is select a
suitable packing outfit.delay animAnd pack,delay
I suppose. |
| animFunny story...delaya little birdie—delayor some
kind of ghost,delay I couldn't tell—delayasked
me to move here.
animI was looking for a change anyway,delay
so it seemed like the perfect
opportunity. delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!
animWell, delayI'm sure we'll have many
other occasions to exchange
pleasantries. delayTa-ta! |
| animOh,delay it's you! delayWhat's up?fun_0006000F
Let's talk.
You should move here!
Never mind. |
| animNever mind? delayYou came all the way
over here to see me, delaydidn't you?delayanim
I expect some banter! |
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| animOh,delay hello. delayThis is a lovely town
you've got here.delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!pageBreakanimYesdelay.delay.delay.I'd hardly change a thing if
I were mayor. Just a few dozen
ultra-minor details here and theredelay.delay.delay. |
| animOh,delay hello.anim animdelayDo you live here?delay
Well!delay It's a pleasure to visit.
Now,delay there's no need to make
a fuss over me.delay animYou can just treat
me like a regular citizendelay.delay.delay. |
| animOoh.delay My shoulders are killing me.delay
Next time,delay I'm hiring a chauffeur. |
| animExcuse me, delaycan you tell me where
to find this campground's spa
service?pageBreakanimfun_0003000Efun_00070005!delay I'm joking.delay
delay.delay.delay.animUnless there really is a
spa servicedelay.delay.delay. |
| animI can't even believe how well one
can live out of a car these days.delay
Isn't it fabulous?delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animPlease don't question my driving
or parking skills. delayYou couldn't begin
to understand the level I'm on. |
| animI never thought of myself as the
camping typedelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimBut delaythen again, delayI never realized that
I could camp in such style! |
| animWhy did I come to this towndelay
specifically? fun_0003000Efun_00070005?pageBreakanimOh,delay I don't know. delayTo see the
sights, delayto taste the flavorsdelay.delay.delay.delay
Why does anyone do anything? |
| animI'm not one of those people who
needs to get a new car every
five minutes, delayyou know.
animI've been perfectly happy with
my vehicle for years!pageBreakNow, delaymy shoes, delayon the other handdelay.delay.delay. |
| animDon't look too closely at anything
in here.delay I haven't been tidying up
to my usual standardsdelay.delay.delay. |
| animI bet you're wondering why I
decided to visit your town,delay
aren't you?
animWell,delay it's funnydelay.delay.delay. I just started
driving,delay and it was almost like
I was on autopilot!
animI didn't check a map or even think
about where I was going. delayIsn't
that bizarre?
animI suppose it's destiny, delayisn't it?delay
fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animI bet you're wondering why I
decided to visit your town,delay
aren't you?
animWell,delay it's funnydelay.delay.delay. I just started
driving,delay and it was almost like
I was on autopilot!
animI didn't check a map or even think
about where I was going. delayIsn't
that bizarre?
animI suppose it's destiny, delayisn't it?delay
fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |