Num | English |
| fun_00030009 |
| animToday is just a little bit special,delay
fun_00080005. delayanimDo you know why?pageBreakanimHere's a hint.delay It has something to do
with the moon. delayanimAnd delicious
animI'm sure if you talk to different
people in fun_00050005 today,delay you'll
learn moredelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animThe moon will be full and bright
tonight. animfun_0003000Efun_00070005, I can't wait
to see it in all its glory!fun_0001000A |
| animHey,delay fun_00080005. delayThere's a special
event going on in this town today.delayanim
Do you know what it is?fun_00050008
Yes, I do!
No, what is it? |
| animWhen the moon is this big and
bright,delay it makes everyone look more
animSo if you need me later on, delayI'll be
out getting new head shots taken in
an open field. |
| animWhen the moon is this big and
bright,delay it makes everyone look more
animIt's the best time of year to get
your head shots taken. |
| animI'm so impressed you know about
colorTsukimicolor! delayanimYou must be some kind of
world traveler.
animWell,delay enjoy the moon tonight, delayand
maybe I'll see you around.delay
fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animAh! delayYou're in for a treat.delay animToday is
colorTsukimicolor, delaythe day when the moon is
as full and bright as it ever gets.
animIt only happens once a year, delayso we
like to have a little celebration to
commemorate the event.
animDon't feel bad that you didn't know
about it. delayEvery town in the world
has its own special traditionsdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00070005, delaythe moon is just
beautiful tonight;delay it's unbelievable.pageBreakanimIt's amazing that something so far
away can have such an effect down
here in fun_00050005.
animI wonder if it's strong enough to
affect my appetite. delayanimBecause I'm
really craving fun_00130005delay.delay.delay.delay |
| animI hope you've had a chance to
appreciate the full moon today,delay
animRight now it's the prettiest thing in
fun_00050005. delayanimWhich is actually making
me kind of saddelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00010008
You're just as pretty.
No need to be jealous.
What do you mean? |
| animThere's something extra special
about moonlightdelay.delay.delay.delay It can reveal
things you wouldn't normally see.
animAnd since this is the brightest the
moon will get all year, delaywe should be
able to see a ton of neat stuff.
animSo tell me if you see something
extraordinarily beautiful, delayOK,delay
fun_00080005? |
| animThe moon has inspired me to change
my name. delayWhich do you like better:delay
fun_00010005 Moondelay.delay.delay.delay
animor Luna fun_00010005?fun_00000008
fun_00010005 Moon.
Luna fun_00010005. |
| animI'm not really superstitious,delay but
there's an old belief that beautiful
women shouldn't look at the moon.
animThe story goes that some kind of
magical creatures from the moon
will come down and kidnap them.
animOf course,delay it's probably just
nonsense.pageBreakanimBut in the event that magical moon
men chase me down, delaypromise you'll
save me, delayOK? |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00070005! delayanimThat's one of the
nicest compliments I've ever
received. delayThank you! |
| animWhat are you saying? delayThat I'm
prettier than the moon?pageBreakanimWell, delaythat's very nice of you to say,delay
but I'm not sure I can compete with
the moon's eternal beauty.
animI can think of a few other celestial
bodies that I've got beat,delay though. |
| animOh,delay good old fun_00080005.delay I knew I
could count on you to be oblivious.animdelay
fun_0003000Efun_00070005delay.delay.delay.delay |
| animfun_00010005 Moon,delay eh? delayDoes it make
me sound too much like a
animBecause I haven't even picked out a
costume yet. delayanimUhdelay.delay.delay.delayI meandelay.delay.delay.delaypretend
you didn't hear that. |
| animLuna fun_00010005delay.delay.delay.delay That does have a
certain ring to it, delaydoesn't it?pageBreakanimOK, delayso I've established a secret
identity; delaynow all I need is the
animDid I just say that out loud? |
| animLuna fun_00010005delay.delay.delay.delay That does have a
certain ring to it, delaydoesn't it?pageBreakanimOK, delayso I've established a secret
identity; delaynow all I need is the
animDid I just say that out loud? |