Num | English |
002 | animfun_0003000Efun_00080005!delay Talk to me, baby.pageBreakanimI know this is kind of sudden, but...delay |
003 | animHmmdelay.delay.delay.delay Really? You're OK with the |
004 | animAlrighty!delay Hit me with it, brozinsky.delay |
005 | delay.delay.delay.delay"fun_0003000Efun_00070005."delay |
006 | OK, OK!delay Let's try this again. |
007 | fun_00000009 |
008 | anim"fun_0003000Efun_00070005"delay.delay.delay.delay |
009 | anim"fun_0003000Efun_00070005"delay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimThis is BOLD.delay My image is about to |
010 | fun_00010009 |
011 | animThis path of awesome we travel!delay |
012 | animSometimes it's good to leave things |
013 | animAll right then!delay I guess I can squeeze |
014 | fun_00010009 |
015 | animHa ha!delay Can't wait to sling this one |
016 | animHoo!delay The new me is gonna be |
017 | animI knew you'd nail it, fun_00080005!delay |
017 | animI knew you'd nail it, fun_00080005!delay |