Num | English |
| animOh, delayOK. delayLet me know if you change
your mind. |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00070005! delayOK,delay I'll explain the
rules in a little more detail before
we get started.
animI have 5 pieces of furniture, delayand
you're going to buy 1 of them no
matter what.
animI'll call out one of the items along
with a price, delayand if you don't like it,delay
you just saydelay "Pass!"
animBut remember,delay if you pass 4
times, delayyou HAVE to buy the fifth
item, delayno matter how much it costs.
animReady for round one?anim delayHere we go!delay
colorfun_00090004 Bellscolor.fun_0008000Dfun_00050008
I'll take it.
Pass! |
| animWhoa, delaythat was quick!delay animI guess you
knew exactly what you wanteddelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animAll right, delayyou're a cool customer.delay
Holding out for a better bargaindelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakWell, delayanimwhat do you think of this?anim
colorfun_00090004 Bellscolor!fun_0008000Dfun_00050008
I'll take it.
Pass! |
| animFound something you like already,delay
eh?delay animGood for you. |
| animPicky, delaypicky!delay Don't forget,delay if you
keep passing,anim delayyou'll have to buy the
last item no matter what.
animWith that in mind, delayhow about animfun_0002000E
fun_00030011delay.delay.delay.delayfor colorfun_00090004
I'll take it.
Pass! |
| animAll right! delayI'm glad you found
something you like. |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00070005, delayyou're gutsy! delayOK,delay
one more item to go before you get
animAnd it looks like it's going to bedelayanim
colorfun_00090004 Bellscolor.fun_0008000Dfun_00050008
I'll take it.
Pass! |
| animWell played, delaychamp. delayThis was fun! |
| animHa delayha!delay I'll give you this much:delay you're
fearless!pageBreakanimI can't say I fully agree with your
strategy,delay but it's a bold one.delay animSodelay are
you ready to see what you've won?
animIt's fun_0002000Efun_00030011,delay
and it's going to cost you colorfun_00090004
animSticker shock arriving in 3delay.delay.delay.delay2delay.delay.delay.delay1delay.delay.delay.delay
animOuch! delayNo hard feelings,delay OK? |
| animHa delayha!delay I'll give you this much:delay you're
fearless!pageBreakanimI can't say I fully agree with your
strategy,delay but it's a bold one.delay animSodelay are
you ready to see what you've won?
animIt's fun_0002000Efun_00030011,delay
and it's going to cost you colorfun_00090004
animSurprised?delay I was so impressed with
the way you played the game,delay I
decided to be nice. animdelayCongrats! |
| fun_00030009 |
| animAwww, delaythe game ended so quickly.delay
animBut if you're happy with your
purchase,delay then I'm happy. |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00070005,delay there were so many
more things I wanted to show you.delay
animOh well.delay Maybe we'll play againdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animIt seems like you knew what you
were doingdelay.delay.delay.delay Nice work. delayI hope you
enjoy your purchase! |
| animWell,delay that came down to the wire,delay
but I guess you found what you
wanted.delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animWhen you risk it all, delaysometimes you
lose it all. delaySorry. |
| animI still can't believe you were so
fearless. animdelayWell played! |
| |
| |