Num | English |
| fun_00030009 |
| fun_00030009 |
| fun_000B000DcolorHelloooodelay.delay.delay. Can you hear me?delay
If you can, delayfollow my voicedelay.delay.delay.colorfun_000C000D |
| fun_000B000DcolorI'm sorry to bother you when you're
in the middle of something,delay but
would you please come over here?colorfun_000C000D |
| fun_000B000DcolorUmdelay.delay.delay. I'm really sorry about this,delay
but I quite desperately could use
some assistancedelay.delay.delay.colorfun_000C000D |
| fun_000B000DcolorHelloooodelay.delay.delay. delayI only need a minute
or two of your timedelay.delay.delay.pageBreakI'd be ever so grateful if you'd
make your way over heredelay.delay.delay.colorfun_000C000D |
| fun_000B000DcolorE-excuse medelay.delay.delay. delayYou, delayover there!delay
Would you mind coming over
here? delayPlease?colorfun_000C000D |
| fun_000B000DcolorAh!delay No, delaynodelay.delay.delay.
Over HERE. delaySorrydelay.delay.delay.colorfun_000C000D |
| fun_000B000DcolorWait!delay Not that way! delayI'm over HERE!delay
Sorry, delayI know it's confusingdelay.delay.delay.colorfun_000C000D |
| fun_000B000DcolorWell,delay I don't feel like you're NOT
going in the wrong direction,delay if
that helps anydelay.delay.delay.colorfun_000C000D |
| fun_000B000DcolorOh,delay not that waydelay.delay.delay. delayPlease, find me!delay
If you candelay.delay.delay.colorfun_000C000D |
| fun_000B000DcolorOh, delayyou're not actually that close.delay
Just a bit more THIS way!colorfun_000C000D |
| fun_000B000DcolorYes, delaythat's right!delay This way! delaySorry
to bother you like thisdelay.delay.delay.colorfun_000C000D |
| fun_000B000DcolorYes! delayYou're on the right track!delay
Just a bit more this way!colorfun_000C000D |
| fun_000B000DcolorKeep up the good work! delayYou're
almost here. delaySo sorry to make
you do thisdelay.delay.delay.colorfun_000C000D |
| fun_000B000DcolorI'm right over here!delay You're so
close. delayAnd I'm so sorrydelay.delay.delay.colorfun_000C000D |
| fun_000B000DcolorThank goodness, delayyou're almost
here.delay It's confusing, delayI knowdelay.delay.delay.colorfun_000C000D |
| |
| fun_000B000DOh, delaythank goodness!fun_000C000D |
| fun_000B000DWell,delay hello! delayAs you can see,delay I'm a
lamp. delayI mean, delayI'm INSIDE a lamp.delay
Rather important distinction.
Anyway,delay I feel a bit awkward asking
for another favor, delaybut would you
mind rescuing me?
That's right,delay just pick up the lamp
and take it somewhere quiet. Like
your house, for example.
I'll make it worth your while.delay
What do you say?fun_000C000Dfun_0005000F
Here we go!
No way. |
| fun_00020009 |
| fun_000B000DOh, delaythank you so much!delay I can't
believe someone finally found medelay.delay.delay.pageBreakI'm already in your debt,delay but I'm
afraid I have another teensy favor
to ask.
Would you take me somewhere
away from,delay well,delay wherever we
currently are?
Somewhere quiet. delayYour house
would be the perfect spot,delay I think.pageBreakI can make it worth your while.delay
Will you help?fun_000C000D |
| fun_000B000DYes! delayYou found me! delayThank you!pageBreakEr, delaynot to cut the celebration short
or anything, delaybut I actually have just
one more small favor to ask.
You see,delay it's a bit scary being inside
a lamp like this.delay You have no idea
what's going on in the world.
What if wild animals found me and
began chewing on my handle?pageBreakOr worse,delay I could just sit out here
until nightfall,delay and then a ghost
could appear, delayanddelay.delay.delay.
Excuse me.delay I must remember that
there are no such things as ghosts.pageBreakNevertheless,delay it's a scary world
when you're trapped in a lamp
like this, delayI assure you!
Sodelay is there any chance you would
consider taking me somewhere
quiet and safe?delay Likedelay.delay.delay.your house?
I'd be extremely thankful.delay And I'd
be sure to express those thanks
in the form of a rewarddelay.delay.delay.fun_000C000D |
| fun_000B000DHello. delayI'm so sorry to drag you
over here again,delay but I'm not going
to beat around the bush.
Can you find it in your heart to
rescue me? delayJust pick up the lamp,
and take it back to your house.
That's all.delay It's no big deal.delay I'll owe
you one. delayAnd I promise that I will
pay you back handsomely.
Honestly, delaywho finds a talking lamp
and just leaves it sitting there?delay
Not you,delay friend. delayNot you.fun_000C000D |
| fun_000B000DHello there! delayHey! delaySorry to keep
calling you,delay but I'm in a real
bind heredelay.delay.delay. thing led to another,
and now I find myself here. delayInside
the lamp.
I'm looking for a rescuer. delayAnd I'm
not picky. delaySomeone just like you
would be perfect.
Would you consider taking me
home with you?delay Naturally,delay I'll
repay you somehowdelay.delay.delay.fun_000C000D |
| fun_000B000DReally? delayYou'll do it?delay
Oh, delaythank you so much!pageBreakI'm a bit shy, delayand I don't love wide-
open spaces like this. delayYou never
know who's looking at you funny.
All right,delay I'll leave it to you!fun_000C000D |
| fun_000B000DOh, delaywell, delaythat's OK,delay I supposedelay.delay.delay.pageBreakI mean, delayit IS a bit dodgy to take a
strange lamp home just because it
asked you to.delay I get it.
Well, delayif you change your mind, I'll
just be sitting here,delay getting rustier.pageBreakUnless a wild animal or a ghost
gets me, delayof coursedelay.delay.delay.fun_000C000D |
| fun_00010009 |
| fun_00010009 |