
Script : [Normal] FU_Ev_Harvest

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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animToday is our colorHarvest Festivalcolor!delay I've
been waiting all month for this.delay It's
one of my favorite holidays!
animI'm going to try making something
new this year.delay Something exciting!


animIs everyone else caught up in the
festivities?pageBreakanimOnce I finish up here, I'll join them.delay
But for now I'm still busy cookingdelay.delay.delay.delay


animEep,delay I need to get started on my
next dish!fun_00010007 Sorry.delay There are just
so many things I want to makedelay.delay.delay.delay


animActually,delay you wouldn't happen to
have fun_0002000Efun_00030011,delay
would you?
animIf you did,delay I'd be willing to trade you
for another ingredient.delay We could
both benefit.


animI can't complete this dish without
fun_0002000Efun_00030011.fun_00010007anim You
don't happen to have one,delay do you?fun_0005000F
Yes, please take it!
I don't have one.


Say,delay if you could give me fun_0002000E
fun_00030011,delay that would
really help me out!fun_0005000F
Here you go!
I don't have one.


animOK.delay Please keep me in mind if you
come across any later.delay I'd trade you
another ingredient for it!


animYes,delay I suppose it's not that easy to
come by,delay fun_00070005.


animPardon?delay Were you trying to give me
something?delayanimanim Oh,delay my mistake.


animThat's awfully nice,delay but I really
need fun_0002000Efun_00030011.fun_00010007anim
If you get one,delay I'd love to trade.


animYou'll trade with me?fun_00010007anim Thank you
very much!delay Here.delay I can give you my
fun_00030011 in return.


animWonderful.delay Now I can finish up this
dish and start another!delay Thank you!


animOh,delay and I'm not sure if you're
interested, butdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimI stumbled upon a way to make a
certain dish taste amazing.delay Would
you like to hear about it?


animSo when you're making
fun_00050012,delay just add
a little colorlemon colorjuice.delay It tastes great!


animReady?delay When you're making
fun_00050012,delay mix in
half a cup of diced colorapplecolor.
animThat crunchy texture really livens
up the dish.


animSodelay I figured this out while I was
making fun_00050012.delay
Just stir in honey from a colorbeehivecolor.
animThe flavor is divine!


animWell,delay I was in the middle of making
this fun_00050012 when I
accidentally added some colorvinegarcolor.
animWouldn't you know,delay it turned out


animWell,delay I discovered when I made
fun_00050012 that you
can include a tablespoon of colorbuttercolor.
It adds a depth and richness that
I really like.


animIf I make fun_00050012,delay
I always add a little colorcoconutcolor milk.delay
It helps to balance sweet and spicy.


animI'll probably head over to the
event plaza when I finish cooking,delay


animI tried so many new recipes today!delay
My long-term goal is to mix and
match ingredients like a real chef!


animThere are still lots of recipes I want
to try.delayanim I've seen some fascinating
shows on the local cooking channel.


animThere's nothing better than fresh
ingredients.delay Thanks,delay fun_00080005!


animThanks again for sharing your
ingredients with me,delay fun_00080005.


animPlease excuse us if we're all buzzing
about like busy bees.delay It's the
colorHarvest Festival colortoday!


animWould you like to help us prepare
for the colorHarvest Festivalcolor today?delay
Guests are always welcome.


animSorry.delay Just a little busy making food
for today!




animI just love the colorHarvest Festivalcolor.delay It's
so much fun to cook together!


animI've eaten so much today that it's
made me sleepy.


animI enjoy cooking for others.delay I get to
demonstrate my culinary skills, and
my food makes everyone smile!


animMy dishes turned out perfect thanks
to you,delay fun_00080005!


animThank you so much for your help!delay
Your ingredients saved my cooking.pageBreakI shared a few dishes with our
neighbors, and everyone loved them.


animWhat a great colorHarvest Festivalcolor.delay
Next year I'm going to try making
some papier-mâché centerpieces!


animWell, this year's colorHarvest Festival coloris
over.delay It was a day full of great food
and friends!


animDid you enjoy this year's colorHarvest
Festivalcolor,delay fun_00080005?delay I hope so!


animI love the colorHarvest Festivalcolor.delay I only
tasted a little of colorFranklincolor's cooking,
but the flavors were amazing.


animI'm already looking forward to next
year's colorHarvest Festivalcolor.delay I can't wait
to watch colorFranklincolor in action again!


animI love the colorHarvest Festivalcolor.delay I only
tasted a little of colorFranklincolor's cooking,
but the flavors were amazing.


animIt looks likecolor Franklin colorwas trying for
a healthier menu this year.delayanim I'm glad,delay
because I still ate a lot of soup!


animI think I ate too much today.delay Far too
much.fun_00010007 animBut if there was dessertdelay.delay.delay.
I'm sure I could find room for it.


animToday was so much fun,delay and that
main!fun_00010007anim I wish I knew
how colorFranklin colormixed his ingredients!


animI can't remember a better colorHarvest
Festivalcolor!delay All the food was delicious,delay
and dessert wasdelay.delay.delay.delectable!
animWhatever colorFranklin colordid to his usual
recipes really worked!


animI heard you helped colorFranklin colorfind
some of his ingredients this year!pageBreakanimNot only that,delay but you supplied
someanim special ingredients that made
everything taste amazing.
animI'm really impressed,delay fun_00070005!


animThis year's colorHarvest Festival colorwas
quite the success!delayanim colorFranklincolor's
four-course meal was delicious.


animWhewdelay.delay.delay.delay I'm stuffed!fun_00010007anim You deserve a
big pat on the back for helping
colorFranklincolor cook,delay fun_00080005!




animSodelay I like to eat coloroysters colorwith a little
colorlemon colorjuice on them.delay Just a spritz
is enough.
Of course it's just my opinion,delay but
I think any dish that uses oysters
tastes better with lemon.


animSodelay when I make a salad with a lot
of colormushroomscolor,delay I feel like it needs
something to give it texture.
I used half a cup of diced colorapples colorthe
other day on a whim,delay and it was


animOK,delay have you ever made colorfruit saladcolor?delay
In most salads you'd use vinegar.pageBreakBut in colorfruit saladcolor, I think you should
use honey.delay Preferably straight from
a colorbeehivecolor!delay It's just delicious.


animSodelay adding dressing to a salad with
very different ingredients can be
tricky.pageBreakWhen it comes to colormixed saladscolor,delay I've
found my best friend is a bottle of
colorvinegarcolor.delay It's simple but effective!


animOK,delay do you worry that salads with
a lot of colorfishcolor smell too,delay well,delay fishy?pageBreakanimIf you didn't already know,delay adding
some colorlemon colorjuice really helps with
that.delay I highly recommend it!


animSodelay you know it's the season for
collecting mushrooms, right?delay I've
been using them a lot lately.
I especially like to make colormushroom
bisque colorat night.delay My own little trick
is melting a pat of colorbuttercolor on top!


animWell,delay when I collect lots of colorshellfishcolor,delay
I turn them into a soup.delay Then I add
a pat of colorbutter coloron top.
That extra touch of cream and salt
makes the soup truly delicious!


animI just love making a soup with lots
of different colorfish colorin it,delay fun_00070005.pageBreakanimMy trick is to squeeze a little colorlemoncolor
on top.delay It mixes well with the other
flavors and smells good.


animSodelay have you ever tried making colorfruit
soupcolor?delay It's not just for dessert.delay It
works as a regular soup course too.
animI've discovered that adding some
colorlemon colorright before you serve it
works well to keep it fresh.


animOK,delay let me tell you.pageBreakanimI caught a lobster while free diving
and used it to make colortom yum kungcolor.pageBreakanimWhen I added milk from a colorcoconutcolor,delay
it turned out great!delay The perfect
accent, and I highly recommend it.


animOK!delay Anytime you're cooking fish,delay
it's crucial to use colorlemon coloror colorvinegar
colorfor flavor.pageBreakWhich one tastes better depends on
the type of fish you're cooking!


animOK.delay Anytime you cook with fish,delay
it's crucial to use colorlemon coloror colorvinegar
colorfor flavor.
Which one tastes better depends on
the type of fish you're cooking!


animOK!delay Anytime you're cooking fish,delay
it's crucial to use colorlemon coloror colorvinegar
colorfor flavor.pageBreakWhich one tastes better depends on
the type of fish you're cooking!


animOK.delay Anytime you cook with fish,delay
it's crucial to use colorlemon coloror colorvinegar
colorfor flavor.
Which one tastes better depends on
the type of fish you're cooking!


animOK!delay Anytime you're searing fish,delay
it's crucial to use colorlemon coloror colorvinegar
colorfor flavor.pageBreakWhich one tastes better depends on
the type of fish you're cooking!


animHere's my tip for baking a colorfruit piecolor.delay
Just accentuate the fruit's natural
sweetness with a little honey!
animAnd the best honey comes from the
town's colorbeehivescolor.delayanim It's the perfect
dessert for the colorHarvest Festivalcolor!


animHere's my tip for baking a colorfruit piecolor.delay
Just accentuate the fruit's natural
sweetness with a little honey!
animAnd the best honey comes from the
town's colorbeehivescolor.delayanim It's the perfect
dessert for the colorHarvest Festivalcolor!


animRegular fruit pies are delicious,delay but
using colormixed fruits colormakes a pie even
better!delay There's only one difference.
I use a little colorlemon colorin mixed-fruit
pies to temper the fruit's natural
sweetness.delay It's the perfect balance!


animHere's my tip for baking a colorcoconut
tartcolor.delay Accentuate the fruit's natural
sweetness with a little honey!
animAnd the best honey comes from the
town's colorbeehivescolor.delayanim It's the perfect
dessert for the colorHarvest Festivalcolor!


animHere's my tip for baking a colorbanana
tartcolor.delay Accentuate the fruit's natural
sweetness with a little honey!
animAnd the best honey comes from the
town's colorbeehivescolor.delayanim It's the perfect
dessert for the colorHarvest Festivalcolor!


animSome of our neighbors are inside
preparing food for the colorHarvest
Maybe I'll drop by their houses and
pick up some cooking pointers.


animMmm,delay I smell something yummy!delay It
must be all the delicious food being
cooked for the colorHarvest Festivalcolor!
animMaybe if I stop by a few houses, we
can share ingredients,delay fun_00070005.


animI really look forward to the colorHarvest
Festival colorevery year.delay I love trying out
new recipes and ingredients!


animDoesn't fun_00050005 smell delicious?delay
Today is our colorHarvest Festivalcolor,delay so I
hope you can stay and celebrate!


animIf you notice everyone cooking,delay it's
because we celebrate our colorHarvest
Festival colortoday!
animSome of the residents might be too
busy to say much,delay but maybe you
could help them.


animFall is the season for heavy eating!fun_00010007
animAt least that's what a lot of animals
do before they hibernate.
animAnyway, we're holding our colorHarvest
Festival colortoday.delay We've even got a
professional chef visiting!
He's set up his equipment in the
event plaza.delay You could stop by to
see it!


animI'd say that was another successful
colorHarvest Festivalcolor.delay We all got to eat
delicious food and had a great time!


animWell,delay the colorHarvest Festival coloris over.delay
I'm going to apply all the cooking
skills I learned to winter dishes!


animEveryone did a tremendous job this
year with all the food.delay colorFranklincolor was
a big hit too!


I'm a little disappointed that I didn't
get to try any of colorFranklincolor's cooking,delay
but I still had a great time.


animI think colorFranklincolor was trying out a
healthy menu this year with smaller
portions.delay That appetizer was tasty!


animDid you try colorFranklincolor's cooking?delay
There wasn't much food,delay but his
presentation was lovely.


animWhat a great colorHarvest Festivalcolor!delay I'm
glad I got to try colorFranklincolor's cooking.delay
That main course was delicious.


animcolorFranklin colormade us such an amazing
four-course meal this year!delayanim I was
pretty full after the main course.delay
animBut everyone knows there's always
room for dessert!


animThis year's colorHarvest Festival colorwas full
of good food and good friends.fun_00010007 animAnd
I'll be getting a good night's sleep!


animOne thing I love about the colorHarvest
Festivalcolordelay is the amazing smells that
still waft through town hours later!


animMmm,delay my stomach is happy after
another successful colorHarvest Festivalcolor.delay
animI might not need to eat for days!


animMmm,delay my stomach is happy after
another successful colorHarvest Festivalcolor.delay
animI might not need to eat for days!


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