
Script : [Cranky] Msg--Mail_KO_Move

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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It hurts to say good-bye, but
a man can't go back once
he's made up his mind. To
show you I care, I'm giving
you this picture. I think I look
better in real life, though.


Man can't stay in one place.
He has to get out there and
see the world. I hope you
take care of yourself till we
meet again. Accept this pic
of me in the meantime.


I finally got up the resolve
to put this place behind me.
You got your good-byes and
your how-do-you-dos. Well,
that's life! I hope you don't
forget about me too quick.


You were good to me, but
today's the day I leave this
town. Did I manage to leave
an impression deep in your
heart? Anyway, get out there
and live a really good life!


Yup, I've decided to move to
another town! I think 70% of
me is excited for something
new, but 30% of me is sad
to say good-bye to all my
friends in town. Oh well!


Yup, I've decided to move to
another town! I think 70% of
me is excited for something
new, but 30% of me is sad
to say good-bye to all my
friends in town. Oh well!


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