Num | English |
| fun_00010009 |
| animOK,delay nobody else is around, delayso you
can be honest:delayanim What do you think of
I really like it here
It's not my favorite |
| animSo delayhave you tried the local fruit we
grow here in fun_00050005? fun_00010007Oh yeah?delayanim
Prove it!delay Tell me what it is.fun_00050008
OK, it's...
I don't actually know. |
| animSo what brings you to fun_00050005,delay
anyway?delay Business or pleasure?pageBreakanimWait.delay Does everything in the world
really fit into one of those two
categories?delayanim fun_0003000Efun_00070005delay.delay.delay.delay |
| Be honest, delayfun_00080005: delayanimHow is
everyone back in town doing since I
Let me tell you...
I don't know. |
| fun_0001000A |
| animI love traveling and picking up
souvenirs everywhere I go.pageBreakanimBut I used to have a hard time
carrying everything back with me to
my hometown.
animLuckily, delaythey have this new system
down at the train station that's
animJust put something in a train-station
locker in any town, delayand they'll ship
it back to your hometown!
animI don't know how it works, and I
don't care. delayanimIt's fantastic. delayYou should
give it a try! |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00070005!delay I'm so happy to hear
that.delay animI'd love to come visit your
town sometime as well. |
| animThat's what I thought you'd say.delay
animNot every town has all the features
we boast about in fun_00050005.
animYou know,delay bountiful fruit trees,delay
a lazy river,delay ocean viewsdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimYou have all those things in your
town too? delayanimMust be a neat place. |
| animOh,delay so you prefer your hometown?delay
animBut does it have a Main Street
like we have here in fun_00050005?
animI see.delay animfun_0003000Efun_00070005delay.delay.delay.delay |
| animOh, really?delay But this town has a
recycle shop!delay animSurely you don't have
one in your hometown.
fun_000B0007animWhat? delayOK, animdelayI give up. |
| animWell, delayyou certainly do speak your
mind.delay animI can respect that.pageBreakI'm just curiousdelay.delay.delay.delayanim If you dislike
fun_00050005 so much, delaywhat exactly
are you doing here?
animIt must be the fun_001A0005 trees.
delayAm I right? |
| |
| animThat's rightdelay.delay.delay.delay Once you've tried a
local fun_001A0005,delay you'll never
forget it. |
| animSo you've been here all this time
and you still haven't tried a local
animfun_0003000Efun_00070005, delayyou're really missing
out! |
| animOh, delaygood!delay I'm so happy for everyone
there.delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!pageBreakanimIt is a bit sad to think they're all
getting by without me, delayanimbut I really
do wish them the best. |
| animReally?delay Well, delayto be honest, delayanimI'm a
little sad to hear that they don't
miss me tremendously.pageBreakanimButdelay.delay.delay.delaygood for them.delay We've all
moved on to better things, and
we're happier for it.animdelay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animDodging the question,delay are you?delay Well,delay
that's OK.delay I suppose you're just
trying to spare my feelings.
animI do wish everyone back there the
best. |
| animOh, delayplease.delay You're just saying that
to make me feel better.pageBreakanimI appreciate the thought,delay but I'd
rather have everyone be happy than
miss me.delayanim Including you, delayfun_00080005. |
| animWhoa!delay Pull yourself together,delay
fun_00080005.delayanim I'm sure the town only
feels sad because you're so sad.
animLook,delay I'm always around here in
fun_00050005 for anyone to visit.delayanim So
keep your chin up, delayOK? |
| animYou seemdelay.delay.delay.delaydifferentdelay.delay.delay.delaythan the last
time we met. delayanimWhat have you done?delay
I must know!fun_00050008
I am a little different!
I'm the same person. |
| animI can't put my finger on it, delaybut
you've changed somehow. delayanimTell me
what's different!fun_00050008
Nothing has changed. |
| animI know what it is. delayYou've grown up!delay
animOur little fun_00080005 is a full-grown
animfun_0003000Efun_00070005,delay welcome to
adulthood. delayanimNow get a job! |
| animNo?delay Still the same fun_00080005?delay animI
don't know, delayyou seem more stylish
or something.
I meandelay.delay.delay.delayanimyou were always stylish,delay
butdelay.delay.delay.delayoh dear.delay I'll stop talking now. |
| animOoh,delay fun! delayOKdelay.delay.delay.delayanimdid you cut your
hair? delayNo?delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005, delayI could
have sworn that was it! |
| animNo? delayWell,delay you look great. delayMaybe I
just haven't seen you in that outfit
before.animdelay It's cute! |
| animAll right,delay let me have it!delay You're my
only connection back in that town
these days.fun_000A0008
Everyone is great
People are sad |
| animWhy not?delay Did you move away,delay
fun_00080005?pageBreakanimOh well.delay Those were some fun times
we had indelay.delay.delay.delaythat town.pageBreakanimI guess it can't have been THAT
great, delaysince I don't even remember
the town's namedelay.delay.delay.delay |
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| animSo delayhow are things in fun_00060005
these days,delay fun_00080005? fun_00010007animReally?delay
You're the mayor?
animOh, delayI can't wait to visit! delayanimWe get to
ride around town in a convertible
waving at people, delayright? |
| animSo delayhow are things in fun_00060005
these days,delay fun_00080005? fun_00010007animReally?delay
You're the mayor?
animOh, delayI can't wait to visit! delayanimWe get to
ride around town in a convertible
waving at people, delayright? |