
Script : [Peppy] GE_FreeA_Friend

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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animfun_00010011 and fun_00010011 are two
peas in a pod. animThey shop together,
eat together, play together...
animI'm not jealous or anything. I have,
like, a bazillion friends. animBut their
relationship is something special!


animHave you ever seen two friends
as perfect for each other as
fun_00010011 and fun_00010011?
animThey're like PB and J.delay Peas and
carrots.delay animfun_0003000Efun_00130005 and


animDo you think fun_00010011 and
fun_00010011 are good buddies?
animThey seem like they would be.
animI mean, it's not like they're BFFs or
anything...but they don't hate each
other. animThat's a good start!


animCall me crazy, but I just don't know
what to think about fun_00010011 and
animIt's, like, sometimes they're total
besties. delayanimBut other times I get the
feeling they don't like each other.
animFriendships can be complicated,
I guess. animMaybe they just need time
to get to know each other better.


animEvery time I see fun_00010011 and
fun_00010011 hanging out together,
I'm all like, animlook at those two!
animThey seem to have the perfect
friendship. Nothing too serious,
but totally not shallow, either.
animSometimes I forget that friends
are for fun, you know? animWe could
learn a lesson from those two!


animI'm sick of hearing fun_00010011 and
fun_00010011 fight like a couple of
bratty kids! Honestly!
They argue about the silliest things.
animLike, whether you should put mayo
or ketchup on your french fries.
animEveryone knows the correct answer
is pesto!


animfun_00010011 and fun_00010011 are
driving me batty! They're always
making me take sides.
anim"Who's wearing the cuter outfit,
fun_00010005?" they ask me. animAs if!pageBreakanimEveryone knows I'm always wearing
the cutest outfit in town!


animEvery time I see fun_00010011 and
fun_00010011, they're in a big fight.
animSo much drama!
animAlthough it makes you wonder why
they keep hanging out together.pageBreakanimMaybe they're taking the whole
"keep your friends close but your
enemies closer" thing too seriously!


animYou know who's a good listener?
fun_00010011. animI can yammer to her for
hours on end. What a great friend!


animSomeone asked me if fun_00010011
was my total BFF, delayanimbut I think
we're more like FFFAW.
animYou know, Fine Friends for a While.
We like to have tea parties animand go


animI absolutely adore fun_00010011,delay animbut
she drives me batty! She always has
to be the winner, no matter what.
animBut being the winner is MY job!fun_00010007
How can I be friends with my rival?
animIt's sooooo complicated!


animYou know who's kinda awesome?
fun_00010011. animWe can talk for hours,
and I totally forget what I'm doing!
animWe had fun_0002000Efun_000E0005
party, and before I knew it, animI drank
32 cups of the stuff! Like, yum!


animI feel like I can really be myself
around fun_00010011. animPlus, she's a
really good listener!
animThat's important to me in a friend,
'cause I like to talk about myself
a lot, fun_00070005.delay animHahahaha!


animHave you noticed that fun_00010011
has been kinda snippy lately? animI'm all,
like, check yourself at the door!
animMaybe she just got up on the wrong
side of the bed this morning—delaydelayanimand
every morning this week!


animFriendships are like flowers! You
need to feed them and water them
before they really blossom.
animMy friendship with fun_00010011 is
kinda like that. animWe're not super
close right now...
animbut if I work a little harder, maybe
we could be better friends!


animfun_00010011 is totally cool—for a
boy, that is! animI mean, he's actually
fun to hang out with.
animWe like to take long walks together.
animAnd he's always willing to hold my
purse for me when we go shopping!


animHave you noticed that fun_00010011
is, like, super stylish? animI'm always
asking him for fashion tips!
animWe've bonded over our mutual
adoration of fancy clothes, animbut I
hope our friendship grows deeper.
animNot that fashion is shallow or
anything! animBut I like to talk about
serious stuff too, you know?


animThings are totally weird between
me and fun_00010011. We had a huge
fight the other day!
animI said fun_00100005 was
yummier than fun_00100005delay.delay.delay.delay
animand he said I was wrong!
animI mean, everyone's entitled to
their own opinion, right? animI hope
we're able to forgive and forget...


animYou know, I never really gave
fun_00010011 a second thought...pageBreakanimBut we've been getting to know
each other recently, and he's
actually pretty cool!
animWe have more in common than I
ever realized. Here's hoping our
friendship will grow!


animEveryone in town knows I'm stylish.
I guess that's why fun_00010011 has
been asking me for fashion advice!
animI told him I'd take him on a shopping
spree. animDoesn't that just sound like
the most fun ever?
We'll see how it goes, but I think
fun_00010011anim is definitely someone I
can become better friends with!


animfun_00010011 has been acting so
distant! animIt's driving me batty.pageBreakanimWe used to bond over our mutual
love of fun_00100005. animBut
lately, he won't touch the stuff.
animWhat's up with that? I hope he still
wants to be friends with me...


animI totally misjudged fun_00010011. animHe's
a pretty cool guy!pageBreakanimI didn't think we had anything in
common, but it turns out we like
a lot of the same stuff!
animLike fun_00130005! How
could I not be friends with someone
who likes something so yummers?


animI totally misjudged fun_00010011. animHe's
a pretty cool guy!pageBreakanimI didn't think we had anything in
common, but it turns out we like
a lot of the same stuff!
animLike fun_00130005! How
could I not be friends with someone
who likes something so yummers?


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