Num | English |
| fun_0001000Cfun_0004000Cfun_0002000Cfun_0006000CWelcome to my pad, you two!fun_0009000C |
| fun_0001000Cfun_0004000Cfun_0002000Cfun_0006000CIt's good to see both of you! fun_0009000C |
| fun_0001000Cfun_0004000Cfun_0002000Cfun_0006000CYou guys are late!delay I thought you'd
forgotten all about medelay.delay.delay.fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0007000Cfun_0002000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0001000Cfun_0008000CdelaySo why did ya call me here, anyway,delay
fun_00010011?fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0007000Cfun_0002000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0001000Cfun_0008000CWell, I came all this way, so spit it
out! What did ya wanna talk about,delay
fun_00010011?fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0007000Cfun_0002000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0001000Cfun_0008000CWell,delay animwhat do ya want, delayfun_00010011?fun_0009000C |
| |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0005000COh,delay I just want to give you backdelay
that thing I borrowed!fun_00010007 animSorry I held
on to it for so long,delay fun_00070005.fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0007000CanimMy fun_00030011?!fun_00010007
animOh, yeah!delay I completely forgot I lent
it to ya! |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0005000CYou know how you said you wanted
fun_00010011?fun_00010007 Well, I have a present!
I found one, so I went ahead and
bought it for you.pageBreakanimYou're always doing things for me,delay
and I just wanted to say thanks,delay
fun_00070005.fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0007000Canimfun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011?!delay
Really?!delay I can't believe ya got this
for me,delay fun_00070005!
animThanks, fun_00010011!delay You're a real
stand-up guy, and I'll always have
your back! |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0005000CanimSodelay I found something lying around
near your house.fun_00010007 animThis is yours,
right, fun_00010011?fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0007000CanimYou bet it's mine!delay I've been looking
for my fun_00030011 for
forever!pageBreakanimI couldn't find it, so I just about
gave up!delay Thanks, fun_00010011! |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0005000CanimI got a cool new air freshener that
smells like fun_00100005!pageBreakanimSince you're such a huge fan of
fun_00100005, I figured I'd
invite you over to take a whiff.fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0007000CanimNow that ya mention it,delay it does
smell pretty good in heredelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimfun_000B0007But did ya really call me over just
for this?!fun_00010007 animHonestly, you must think I
have no life.
animOf course,delay if you actually did have
some fun_00100005,delay well,delay that
would be a whole different story. |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0005000CanimMy house has been really drafty
latelydelay.delay.delay. And I was thinking you might
be able to help me, fun_00010011.fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0007000Canimfun_000B0007Whaddaya want ME to do about it?!fun_00010007
animYou're too good to do a little grunt
work?delay You've got a lotta nerve!
animdelayBrrdelay.delay.delay.delay I guess there is a draftdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimOK,delay fine!delay animI'll get my tools later and
do something about it.delay For now,delay
just put on a heavy sweater! |
| |
| All right.delay Enough chitchat.delay I gotta
boogie.pageBreakanimfun_0002000Cfun_0003000CThanks for walking me here,
delayfun_00080005! |
| OK,delay I'm outta here!pageBreakanimfun_0002000Cfun_0003000CThanks for coming to get me,delay
fun_00080005. |
| OK,delay I've got places to be!pageBreakanimfun_0002000Cfun_0003000CThanks for bringing me here,delay
fun_00080005! |
| |
| |