
Script : [Jock] HA_Q09_Req

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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animHey!delay You should come by my place
today.delay I can show you around the ol'
workout palace, animheh heh!
I'm pretty sure it won't be boring.delay
animSo how about it?delay You feel like it?fun_0005000F
Not today.


I'm not sure you're fully aware of
everything that makes me tickdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimfun_000B0007But there's a way to fix that!delay Come
over to my house.delay See how I live,delay
animand take the fun_0003000Efun_00010005 101 class!delayfun_0005000F
Sounds good!
Maybe later.


animI'm gonna show you my place today.
The ol' workout palace.pageBreakanimYou want to know how I developed
such an epic physique, right?pageBreakanimHeh heh!delay Take a tour of the famous
fun_0003000Efun_00010005 Mansion, and learn!fun_0005000F
Count me in!
Count me out!


animCompetitive sports get you fired up,
because you're not just playing
against yourself or the clock.pageBreakanimMake no mistake!delay Home decorating
is also competitive!delayanim But I, your rival,
will give you a peek inside my home!
animSo what do you say?delayanim Want to take
a look at the enemy training camp?fun_0005000F
OK, let's go!
No, thanks!


Hey, fun_00080005!delay
Come over to my house!pageBreakanimYou know, just a crazy idea off the
top of my head!delay No big deal!pageBreakanimWhat do you think?delay Want to see my
legendary training palace?fun_0005000F
Can't keep me away!
Let's rain-check it.


Hey, fun_00080005!delay
Come over to my house!pageBreakanimYou know, just a crazy idea off the
top of my head!delay No big deal!pageBreakanimWhat do you think?delay Want to see my
legendary training palace?fun_0005000F
Can't keep me away!
Let's rain-check it.


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