Num | English |
| animHuh?delay I thought only rich people
decorated their homes with
pictures like thatdelay.delay.delay.delay
animSeeing it in real life, it's actually
kinda nice!delay Adds class!pageBreakanimI guess that's just like fun_00010011
to pull something like that
off!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animDon't repeat this to fun_00010011delay.delay.delay.delay
but I don't know the names of all
these ornamental-plant things.
animWhy can't we just call them all
"green trees" and be done with itdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animfun_00010011 decided to play
colorfun_00030011color as
background music, huhdelay.delay.delay.?delay
animWhat a classic! animJust what I'd expect
from fun_00010011!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!delayanim |
| animI realizeddelay.delay.delay.delaypeople fall asleep to
infomercials late at night and wake
up to soaps in the afternoon, right?
animThat sounds just like fun_00010011's
lifestyle!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animfun_00010011 must really enjoy
learning new things!pageBreakanimLearning how to play something
like the fun_00030011
is probably just one hobby of hersdelay.delay.delay.delay
animI wonder how long she'll keep it up,
though,delay fun_00070005!delayanim |
| animfun_00010011 never really talks about
cooking for herself, does she?pageBreakanimMaybe having such a nice
fun_00030011delay is
enough to satisfy her needs!delayanim |
| fun_00040009 |
| animHey, avoid talking about the bed in
front of fun_00010011 for me, will ya?delayanimpageBreakanimShe's really particular about her
bedroom stuffdelay.delay.delay.delay Bring it up, and
she could go on for 2 or 3 hours! |
| animHuhdelay.delay.delay.delay It's rare to see a room that
fits in fun_0002000Efun_00030011
so well.
animI've seen a lot of different rooms,
but this is definitely one of the
nicest!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| fun_00040009 |
| animFor people like fun_00010011, you
never quite know what's gonna
set 'em off!
animTake the fun_00030011delay.delay.delay.delay
animTo me, I see a normal old chair.pageBreakI dare you to say that in front of
her, though.delay animYou won't know what
hit you!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!delayanim |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
| animYa know, for as much as fun_00010011
drinks coffee,delay she doesn't seem to
be very particular about it.
animShe'll drink coffee made from the
fun_00030011 over there
as much as the instant stuff.
animI suppose instant coffee is better
than it used to be, though.anim |
| fun_00040009 |
| animI'm just gonna warn you, don't make
any comments about what clothes
fun_00010011 is wearing!
animThere are times when you won't say
it right and then times when you
shouldn't have said anything at alldelay.delay.delay.delay
animNot that I can tell the difference!pageBreakanimSeeing as how she's decorating with
clothingdelay.delay.delay.delaya slip of the tongue might
get you in trouble!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
| animfun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011delay.delay.delay.?delay
I'm actually surprised to see that
fun_00010011 has a nice bookshelf!
animI mean, my image of her is that she
only reads whatever's trendy at
the moment,delay fun_00070005! |
| animLeaving something like fun_0002000E
fun_00030011 in plain
sight doesn't seem like fun_00010011delay.delay.delay.delay
animOr maybe she's trying for thatdelay
"Original Interior Expressions" sorta
thing?delay Maybe?delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animDecorating with something bold like
She finally got herself a clue!
animThat fun_00010011, delayshe'd been all
worried that her room didn't have
enough personality!delay
animWell, good choice!delay Good choice!delay
animGAHAHA! fun_0003000Efun_00070005!delayanim |
| animListen up, fun_00080005.delay Under no
circumstances are you to touch
that fun_00030011.
animI've never seen fun_00010011 use itdelay.delay.delay.delay
animIt must be there just for looks or
something,delay fun_00070005!delayanim |
| fun_00040009 |
| animWould you look at the fancy
fun_00010011 hasdelay.delay.delay.delay
I'd expect nothing less from her!pageBreakanimI'm no good with fancy technology
and things like this,delay so I gotta give
respect to anyone who can! |
| animOh!delay Well, look at that! Having
around can brighten up a room!
animI'll have to keep fun_00010011's idea
in mind for the next time I have
company visit!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
| animdelayWhy would fun_00010011 put
fun_0002000Efun_00030011 like
that in such a conspicuous placedelay.delay.delay.delay?
animI can't imagine that conversation
ending well, so best not to bring it
up at all!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
| animHeh heh!delay I'm pretty impressed
that fun_00010011 is raising
animI hope the fun_00030011
is just the start of a wave of bonsai
interest for herdelay.delay.delay.delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| fun_00040009 |
| animUmdelay.delay.delay.delayit's probably best that
we don't bring up the
fun_00030011, right?
animBut then again, delayit might be just
as unnatural and awkward not
to mention it at alldelay.delay.delay.delay
animWell, we're stuck.delay Looks like we'll
have to cut our losses and just talk
about kick the can or something. |
| fun_00040009 |
| animfun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011delay.delay.delay.delay
Exactly what kind of exercise is
fun_00010011 up to now?
animShe's got a real bad habit of
jumping from fitness craze to
fitness craze,delay fun_00070005! |
| animfun_00010011 said she got a mat so
she could meditate at homedelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimDo you thinkdelay.delay.delay.delayshe meant that
fun_0003000Efun_00070005? |
| animHmm. I remember fun_00010011 saying
something about a beauty technique
that uses fresh water, butdelay.delay.delay.delay
animBuilding a fun_00030011
in the middle of her house is a
pretty bold move!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!delayanim |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
| animYup, fun_00010011 used to play that
fun_00030011 every daydelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimI haven't heard her play it at all
lately!delay I wonder if she got tired
of it,delay fun_00070005.
animNah,delay that was probably just me. |
| fun_00040009 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| animHuh.delay So this is fun_00010011's
castle! animIt seems comfortable
enough!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animThere might be things here that
we shouldn't touch!delay animMake sure you
check with fun_00010011 first! |
| animPeople talk a lot, but one thing's
for certain—animyou can tell a lot about
them by their furniture choices!
animThis room is the very essence of
fun_00010011, yeah?delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005?delayanim |
| animIf you compare it to your own place,
you'll realize that other people's
homes have a different smelldelay.delay.delay.delay
animOh!delay animI don't mean this place
stinks or anything like that!
That's not what I meant!anim |
| animfun_00010011 seems kinda nervous!pageBreakanimIt's like she thinks we're over
here doing a surprise inspection
or something!delay animGAHAHA!delayanim |
| animfun_00010011's done a lot to her place
since I was last here! It looks pretty
nice now!
animNot that I really remember what
it looked like before.delay animGAHAHA!delayanim |
| animfun_00010011's done a lot to her place
since I was last here! It looks pretty
nice now!
animNot that I really remember what
it looked like before.delay animGAHAHA!delayanim |