Num | English |
| colorIf you're the only normal person in
a group of weirdos, does that make
you the weird one? Maaan.color |
| colorSecrets are like scars: everyone has
one, and if you don't, you're totally
a boring person, maaan.color |
| colorIf your heart breaks when your
love leaves, what happens to your
stomach when your meal's gone?color |
| colorIf blues are for when you're sad,
why don't they call salsa music
the reds, maaan?color |
| colorYou tell a kid there's no hope,
man, just wait and see how fast
that kid tells you otherwise.color |
| colorWhat's up with driftwood?
I mean really, you ever think
about THAT, maaan?color |
| colorIf you put off procrastinating to do
some work, is that still you just
procrastinating, maaan?color |
| colorThe earth is round, but we once
thought it was flat, but it's got
four corners...or is that wrong?color |
| colorLove is like a cookie: your world is
great until it's all gone, leaving your
life all crummy.color |
| colorEver notice how they call it "fishing"
and not "poling" or "casting" or
something? Maaan, why is that?color |
| colorWhy is a pizza folded over called a
calzone? Why isn't it still called a
pizza? What's their agenda, maaan?color |
| colorIf you can't climb to the top of the
world's tallest mountain, you should
just climb a bunch of hills, maaan.color |
| colorIf money is no object, then what
does that leave you to pay with?
Maaan, money is COMPLICATED.color |
| colorIf you find out at the end of a book
that it was all a dream, then does
it really matter, maaan?color |
| colorI've seen people excuse their dogs
when they get into the garbage, but
never their kids. What's up there?color |
| colorThe best things in life are free, but
if you try to sell them, you always
seem to make a KILLING, maaan...color |
| colorIf there are seven seas, but they're
all connected, doesn't that mean it's
only one and we got it wrong, man?color |
| colorStars in the sky are just explosions,
but we assume a star shape always
has five points. Why's THAT?color |
| colorOnce you're soaked, that's it.
You've hit maximum soakage.
You can't get any wetter, maaan!color |
| colorYou can predict the score at the
start of every game: it's always
zero to zero, maaan!color |
| colorHeroes aren't necessarily the dudes
who run into danger, but the dudes
who stop you from doing the same.color |
| colorPlucking the right strings on a guitar
can feel great, but plucking the right
hairs always hurts, maaan.color |
| colorIf a couple is two and three's a few,
then why isn't several actually just
seven? Maaan, mind boggled...color |
| colorIf you don't do anything new in a
day, but you've never NOT done
something new, is that new, maaan?color |
| colorMaaan, folks who say they have no
worries are just the folks who know
how to ignore those same worries.color |
| colorIf you try to teach a kid to play
the piano, he thinks that's cool. But
the spoons? He thinks you're crazy.color |
| colorOne fish is a fish, but two fish are
also considered fish. Where are the
fishes, maaan? I wanna know!color |
| colorEveryone loves summer because of
vacations and winter because of the
holidays. But fall, maaan—no love.color |
| colorWhy are they called roller coasters?
I don't wanna COAST, maaan.
Why not roller ZOOMERS?color |
| colorYou see a guy talking, you think he's
the smart one, but maaan, that guy
who's just listening, he's a GENIUS.color |
| colorWhy do people love diamonds?
Don't they know they're just
shiny rocks? Maaan, I don't get it...color |
| colorIf you put stop signs in front of
cliffs, do you think people would
stop but then keep driving? Maaan...color |
| colorHot-air balloons? Maaan, how do
you even STEER one of those?
Do you use a big fan?color |
| colorA full stomach is more likely to let
enemies become friends, but an
empty stomach will do the opposite.color |
| colorWhy do they call people "tourists"
when they aren't really on a tour?
They're just THERE, maaan.color |
| colorDid you know that sharks don't
even care? No, seriously, ask them
anything. Maaan, they don't care.color |
| colorFriends are like seagulls, maaan.
No, wait. That was just seagulls.
I forget what friends are like.color |
| colorIf you learn a foreign language, is it
even FOREIGN anymore, maaan?color |
| colorIf your dreams are just your brain
working through questions, what
happens when it answers them all?color |
| colorThe high road is supposed to be the
noble one, but, maaan, you can drop
a lot of coconuts from up there.color |
| colorWhy are things always in the last
place you look? Maaan, I wish they
were always in the first.color |
| colorIf color is just light bouncing off of
things into our eyes, maaan, what
does the world really look like?color |
| colorSometimes you gotta wonder if the
sky isn't really the ground and we
just walk around on our heads.color |
| colorIf fish can't close their eyes to
sleep, maybe they're so tired they
think hooks are pillows, maaan.color |
| colorWhy is it you see guys with hair but
they're considered bald? Hair is
hair, maaan, even if it's sparse.color |
| colorPeople only ask how you're doing
because they want to tell you how
THEY are, maaan.color |
| colorPonds are just small lakes. Lakes
are just small oceans. So what are
oceans smaller than, maaan?color |
| colorDo boats float on top of the water,
or does water just not like boats
and pushes them away, maaan?color |
| colorLife is like an orange. I forget why,
but the point is scurvy is no fun. So
be sure to eat your oranges, maaan.color |
| colorIf a king takes up fishing, does that
turn him into a kingfisher?
Oh, maaan, that'd be CRAZY.color |
| colorCatfish are a thing, but not fishcats.
Maaan, why is that? I don't even
know where to begin there...color |
| colorIf people will pay a penny for your
thoughts, but you give them for two
cents, someone's getting ripped off.color |
| colorIf a baby goat is called a "kid," why
isn't an older goat just called a
"man"? Maaan, that'd make sense!color |
| colorIf ninjas are so great about hiding,
why do we know what they're
always wearing? Maaan, weird.color |
| colorSpiders live in webs, but, maaan,
wouldn't that get boring? Why don't
they just make houses from webs?color |
| colorSailboats need wind, but you can
just paddle them if there isn't any.
Maan, isn't that cheating, though?color |
| colorIf you always burn whatever you
cook, maaan, maybe you're just
really good at making burned food.color |
| colorWhy do people think the moon is
made of cheese? Maaan, what kind
of cheese is gray? BAD cheese.color |
| colorLobsters are just longer, skinnier
crabs. Maaan, the sooner they can
just admit it, the happier they'll be.color |
| colorIf a man is only as good as his word,
maaan, what if his word is "bologna"
or something?color |
| colorIf thunder is just the sound that
lightning makes, doesn't that just
make it an onomatopoeia? Maaan...color |
| colorIf everyone has a cell phone now,
why do we still have phone booths?
Maaan, just think about that.color |
| colorNo one likes vultures, even though
they're just the janitors of the bird
world. Maaan, they need better PR.color |
| colorMaaan, why don't you ever see a
race between water skiers? It'd be
an instant hit, you know?color |
| colorBarbers are like doctors for your
hair, but they never make house
calls. Maaan, why not?color |
| colorIf "mouse" turns into "mice", why
doesn't "spouse" turn into "spice"?
Maaan, my head is CRACKIN' here!color |
| colorMaaan, there's no such thing as a
cat person. You've either got a cat
or a person, but never both at once.color |
| colorWho decided oranges have to be
named after the color, but bananas
aren't just called "yellows"? Maaan...color |
| colorIf bears live in caves, but so do
bats, maaan, what if bears just
turned into bats at night?color |
| colorIf you've got two kidneys, maaan,
why not two hearts? That would
solve so many problems...color |
| colorIf you arm-wrestle with your dad
and beat him, maaan, you'll never
know if he was just letting you win.color |
| colorSometimes courage is best defined
as a tough buildup on teeth. Oh, uh,
maaan, that was plaque. Sorry.color |
| colorIf some peppers are hot and some
are mild, then why is pepper always
considered spicy, maaan?color |
| colorCheese is always funny. Maaan, you
may not think so, but you'd be so
wrong. Pelicans are a close second.color |
| colorLove is one of those complicated
things that only experts say they
understand, and they're always sad.color |
| colorElevators should be pitied, maaan.
They can only go up or down, but
never side to side. That's a bummer.color |
| colorBad habits are always in the eye of
the beholder, but, maaan, usually
that beholder is RIGHT.color |
| colorWhy don't people have wings and
beaks, maaan? I mean, I guess that'd
just make them birds, but so what?color |
| colorSeaweed is one of the scariest
predators on the planet. Or at
least, it makes you think so, maaan.color |
| colorA vacation is usually more work
than a job, maaan. How do you
take a vacation from a vacation?color |
| colorChowder is just chunky soup. I don't
know who it's tryin' to fool, maaan,
but I'm not buyin' it.color |
| colorI went to the North Pole once, and,
maaan, there's no pole up there.
Really wasted a trip on that...color |
| colorA sneeze is just your body's way of
expressing itself without you gettin'
in the way, maaan. Let it OUT!color |
| colorYou can't get rid of something for
free unless you tell people you're
trying to sell it, maaan.color |
| colorCan black dogs see one another at
night? I mean, wouldn't they just be
invisible? Dude...color |
| colorI still can't figure out what an olive
is. Is it a fruit or a veggie, maaan?
It's a condiment, but so what?color |
| colorThe ocean takes up the majority of
the planet's space, but, maaan, we
know hardly anything about it.color |
| colorIf you decide to play a game best
two out of three and lose, maaan,
you better ask to play again.color |
| colorSquids must know they look like
octopuses, right? Maaan, do you
think one's copying the other?color |
| colorDid you know that diamonds are
just chunks of compressed coal?
Maaan, I want THAT in my stocking.color |
| colorParents are people who put up with
the most hassle in their lives.
Maaan, I don't envy that too much.color |
| colorAliens, maaaan. I think I see them,
but then it's just a cloud. Or is that
what they WANT me to think?color |
| colorHave you ever taken your ball and
gone home? Maaan, that's what the
referee does when the timer's up.color |
| colorIf you can cry yourself to sleep,
maaan, does that mean that tears
make you sleepy? Mind, blown.color |
| colorI heard that space is full of dark
matter and stuff, but, maaan, those
stars make it pretty bright to me.color |
| colorI had a friend who was worried he
was becoming apathetic, but then
he just stopped caring, maaan.color |
| colorThe air bag in your car isn't actually
for sleep, but, maaan, what if it
WAS? Wow, that bakes your pasta...color |
| colorEverything is made up, maaan.
I mean, words? We just made
those up. THINK ABOUT IT!color |
| colorIf you told a white lie about spilling
blue paint, wouldn't that just be a
blue lie? Maaan, that'd make sense...color |
| colorYou ever tried putting peanut butter
on french fries? Maaan, you'd think
it'd be great, and you'd be RIGHT.color |
| colorMaaan, everyone hates rain, but I'm
pretty sure they hate droughts a lot
more. Priorities, maaan!color |
| colorIf you give a man a fish, he'll eat
for a day, but if you give an otter a
fish, he'll put it with his other fish.color |
| colorCan you consider a slide show a
movie that's just in really slow
motion? Maaan, my otter brain!color |
| colorNever trust a hippo to save your
seat. He may say he will, but, man,
that dude's taking everyone's seat.color |
| colorRed peppers look a lot like they're
tomatoes when they're diced up.
Maaan, is that even LEGAL?color |
| colorAll toads are frogs, but, maaaan,
not all frogs are toads. Dude, don't
make that mistake in conversations!color |
| colorYou know sleepwalkers? What if
there are sleep-sleepers as well?
Maaaan, how would we ever know?color |
| colorCamping, maaaan. Why don't we cut
the act and just call it "living in the
woods for a while"?color |
| colorI heard that the earth's core is hot
enough to melt anything. So, maaan,
why hasn't the earth totally melted?color |
| colorI heard that rain is just a bunch of
sprinklers the cloud people turn
on, maaan. That's TRUE.color |
| colorFate doesn't follow any rules but its
own, but everyone tries to change
it anyway. Think about that, maaan.color |
| colorEver been to an ice-cream vendor?
Maaan, that guy never runs out. So
do you think his truck is magical?color |
| colorYou ever been forced to play the
tuba while blindfolded and falling
from a helicopter? 'Cause, maaan...color |
| colorDonuts, maaaaan. Donuts.color |
| colorWhat's up with people scuba diving,
maaan? That's just a hobby based
around not drowning. Weird...color |
| colorIf you walk an unknown road once,
maaan, it's not unknown anymore!color |
| colorFriends gladly lend things to other
friends, but, maaan, don't lend more
than you're willing to lose.color |
| colorOpinions are like birthdays, since
everyone has them. But at least
with birthdays you get free cake.color |
| colorRemember when phones were built
to help us? Maaan, these days, it's
like we're built to help PHONES.color |
| colorYou can't worry about stuff you're
unaware of, so, maaan, save some
of that strife for your mom.color |
| colorIf giving extra money at a diner is
considered a tip, maaan, how much
is the whole? Oh right, the bill...color |
| colorClouds, maaan. What are they
plottin' up there?color |
| colorIf you made a documentary about
another documentary, maaan, just
THINK of the awards you'd win.color |
| colorIf you gotta feed a fever and starve
a cold, how much food do you need
to give laryngitis, maaan?color |
| colorI saw a rhino in a pool once, and,
maaan, he did NOT look happy.color |
| colorWhy are they called "overalls"?
Maaan, they're just suspenders
with some pants.color |
| colorDon't fight it, maaan. When you eat
tapioca, doesn't matter that it's a
starch—you still think it's fish eyes.color |
| colorMaaan, one-hit wonders are just
bands that had other stuff to do.
Think about it! Blows your MIND.color |
| colorHave you ever planned to take a nap
but slept in too late? Is that lazy,
or is it just REALLY on it, maaan?color |
| colorEver look at a bug up reeeeeeally
close? Maaan, don't DO that!color |
| colorWe're all like snowflakes if you think
about it. I mean, maaan, we're all
different but we all still melt in lava.color |
| colorThe grass is always greener, except
when you live in a desert, maaan.
Whoa, I just boggled my otter brain.color |
| colorIf you see a red button somewhere,
maaan, don't PUSH it, even though
I know how badly you want to.color |
| colorHorses are always named goofy
things when they race, but, maaan,
I don't even think they CARE.color |
| colorYou ever seen a spider the size of a
yacht? Maaan, me either. And I want
to KEEP it that way...color |
| colorLions are the kings of the jungle,
but, maaan, they live in the savanna.
Who got their facts wrong?color |
| colorIf big things always come from
small places, maaan, why don't
we just give tiny gifts at parties?color |
| colorThere's a law against driving too
fast, but, maaan, there should also
be a law about driving angry.color |
| colorRevenge is a dish best served cold,
so, maaan, I think revenge is actually
just pizza. THINK about it...color |
| colorIf you just found it on the ground,
maaan, don't eat it. I shouldn't even
have to TELL you why not.color |
| colorIf you wear glasses, you get called
"four-eyes," but a guy with a cane
isn't called "three-legs," maaan.color |
| colorWhat does light look like in the
dark? Maaan, BOOM, mind blown!color |
| colorPeople say there are always other
fish in the sea, but, maaan, there
are giant squids in there too.color |
| colorIf you want to have a secret identity
or something, maaan, you should
just tell people. Who'd believe you?color |
| colorThe ends of the earth exist, but,
maaan, they're just all connected.color |
| colorIf you want to adopt a houseplant,
maaan, make sure it's housebroken.color |
| colorYou gotta be sure to apologize when
you do something bad. Otherwise,
maaan, you've got a world of hurt.color |
| colorI heard some country is planning
to put a prison on the moon, but,
maaan, that'd just be an incentive!color |
| colorWhy don't planes have feathers?
Maaan, just think about how much
SENSE that'd make!color |
| colorAn open window is just a door for
someone who locked themselves
out. Maaan, just think about it...color |
| colorEver swim with a group of dolphins
in the ocean? Maaan, I just wanna
know, 'cause that sounds awesome.color |
| colorSwimming is like flying, except it's
in water instead of the sky. So I
guess it's nothing like flying, maaan.color |
| colorIf you have nine apples, and I take
three away, maaan, you're gonna
be really mad at me.color |
| colorStores sell beds, but, maaan, as long
as you're asleep, that place is a bed.
I mean, just think about it...color |
| colorSave the otters, maaan! Beavers?
Meh, sure, save them too.color |
| colorNever let a dog know you're scared,
or that you have a biscuit in your
pocket, maaan.color |
| colorIf I walked off a train in another
town, would that make me the
mayor? Maaan, I should try...color |
| colorEver seen a sea horse? You might
think they'd be fun to ride, but,
maaan, they don't feel the same.color |
| colorI wish I could dye my fur blue so
that when I hopped in the water,
I'd be invisible. NINJAS, maaan...color |
| colorIf you bury all your Bells in a bag in
your yard, maaan, you either dream
big or you just don't trust anyone.color |
| colorWhat if you already met yourself
from the future, but you thought
he was a dork? Maaan, just think...color |
| colorYour brain is just like a sink of dirty
dishes, and teachers, maaan, they're
the ones scrubbing the greasy pans.color |
| colorDo you think possums who play
possum just call it "playing"?
Maaan, I mean, SERIOUSLY!color |
| colorI heard that cafeteria food is grown
from radioactive space worms.
MAAAAN. That's CRAZY.color |
| colorEver seen an elephant sneeze?
Maaan, EVERYONE gets caught
in the crosshairs there.color |
| colorYou ever have a dream that you're
in your underwear, except it's not
really a dream? Maaaaan...color |
| colorI cooked a grilled-cheese sandwich
on the engine of a car once. Maaan,
it worked, but the driver was MAD.color |
| colorEyes can see anything except for
themselves, maaaaan. Well, unless
you use a mirror, I suppose...color |
| colorIf you grow a toe on your hand, do
you just call it a finger? Maaan...color |
| colorI heard that pet birds get fed three
times a day, but they have to live in
a cage. Maaan, fair trade...color |
| colorSome people just like to hear the
sound of their own voices. Maaaan...
I TOTALLY understand why.color |
| colorNever ask a ballerina how she can
dance on the tips of her toes.
Maaan, it's all special effects.color |
| colorLove is just a descriptionless way
you feel, but, maaaan, don't tell that
to the greeting-card people.color |
| colorA glass is never half full or half
empty. Maaan, it's all full of itself!color |
| colorStarfish don't glow in the dark.
Maaaaan, doesn't that just feel
like such a WASTE?color |
| colorIf you can make a mountain out of
a molehill, maaaan, what can you
make out of a beehive?color |
| colorWeeds are just flowers that no one
thinks are pretty. Maaan, that's sort
of depressing, isn't it?color |
| colorHow many times have you seen a
superintendent? Yeah, think about
THAT, maaaaaan...color |
| colorWhy are they called marshmallows?
They're neither marshy nor mellow,
if you ask me. Maaaaan, crazy.color |
| colorIsn't April Fools' just "be mean and
get away with it" day? I mean,
think about that, maaaan...color |
| colorThermal underwear is sometimes
called long johns, so, maaaan, how
long was John really...?color |
| colorI hear that honesty is the best
policy, but I also hear that the
best policy has low interest, maaan.color |
| colorYou know that some people still
believe rabbits like to eat carrots?
Dude, that's GOATS, maaan...color |
| colorIf a teenager pig's room is clean, do
you think his mom gets really mad?
Maaan, just think about it for a bit...color |
| colorI think the ocean is THE place to be,
but not everyone can swim, maaan.
So many people are missing OUT.color |
| colorEver tried to knit a scarf while in a
tornado? Maaan, it's not as easy as
it sounds...color |
| colorSometimes I like to listen to music
backward, just to see if it sounds
cooler. Maaaan, it doesn't...color |
| colorHave you ever seen a submarine fire
torpedoes? Maaan, what about a
torpedo that fired submarines?color |
| colorIf there are so many languages in
the world, maaaan, that must get
REALLY confusing for the aliens...color |
| colorI've always wanted to visit the zoo
for a bit, but maaaan, the rent there
is OUTRAGEOUS.color |
| colorMaaan, I used to love soccer.
Then one day, I loved philosophy
a lot more. I was bad at soccer...color |
| colorSquirt-gun fights always go smooth
until someone grabs the hose.
Maaan, that kid knows how to win...color |
| colorSometimes you have to just go
ahead and eat that last cookie.
Maaaan, if you don't, who will?color |
| colorI heard that scientists just learned
how to talk to animals. Maaan, they
should've just called.color |
| colorBoogeymen only come out when
we're all sleeping, so, maaaan, how
do we even KNOW?color |
| colorIf you throw your garbage in the
ocean, maaaaan, I'll just start
throwing my garbage in your bed.color |
| colorSwimming pools are like the ocean,
except lame. I mean, why eat salad
when you can eat pizza, maaaan?color |
| colorIf you give a keepsake to someone
else, does that make it a givesake?
Maaaan, my brain is POPPING.color |
| colorYou ever seen a cowboy before?
Maaaan, they aren't even really
cows—they're just dudes in hats...color |
| colorI used to play the flute, but,
maaaan, flutes rust really fast
if you're always in the water.color |
| colorIf you can have a pair of pants, then
what's just one pant? Maaan, I can't
even FATHOM that!color |
| colorFrozen food is pretty great, maaan,
but how do they keep finding those
fish all frozen like that?color |
| colorTeachers just invented math so
that schools always had a really
frustrating subject, maaaaan.color |
| colorPotatoes, maaaan. Those are just
french fries in a less convenient
form, aren't they?color |
| colorIf you're a reporter but you report
on something we already know...
Maaaan, you must have slept in...color |
| colorThe speed of light isn't so fast.
Maaan, I want to travel faster
than the speed of TIME. Whoa...color |
| colorYou can't fool Santa. I heard he
calls your school gym teacher,
and, maaan, he's ALWAYS mad.color |
| colorIf you're wearing a new white shirt
to eat spaghetti, maaaan, you're
just inviting disaster to the table.color |
| colorWhy does furniture grow on trees?
And who's planting furniture trees?
Maaaan, let that bake your noodle...color |
| colorI heard the sky isn't blue at all, but
we just THINK it is. Maaaaaan...
Makes you wonder, huh?color |
| colorIf you can't swim, that's fine.
But, maaan, if you can't FLOAT,
oh, you're in serious trouble.color |
| colorPeople decided that roses represent
love, but, maaaan, you sure do hate
them when their thorns poke you.color |
| colorCheetahs are supposed to be so
fast, but, maaaan, I'm pretty sure
they aren't playing by the rules.color |
| colorIf you can get seasick, does that
mean that the sea can get person
sick? Maaaan, what if...?color |
| colorWhat if sharks aren't trying to hurt
those guys in cages? Maaan, what if
they're just trying to free 'em?color |
| colorWhy do we need scorpions? Maaan,
I can understand spiders and bees,
but scorpions? No, thanks.color |
| colorEver seen a whale sneeze?
Maaan, you are missing out!color |
| colorWhat if dinosaurs never actually
went extinct and they were always
just big skeleton lizards? Maaan...color |
| colorMaaan, a hat is just pants for your
head. Doesn't that scramble your
melon? MIND BLOWN.color |
| colorWhy do birds need baths anyway?
Maaaan, how stinky do they get?color |
| colorYou know what the difference is
between hard tacos and soft tacos?
Maaan, it's the CRUNCH.color |
| colorIf I had a million Bells, maaaan,
I would LOVE that...color |
| colorWhat if high tide and low tide isn't
the ocean rising and falling, but the
LAND falling and rising? Maaaan...color |
| colorIf you went back in time and gave
yourself a noogie, maaaan, why
would you do that?color |
| colorIf you follow your heart, maaan,
you always end up finding clams.color |
| colorOtters are adorable. Maaan, you
can't dispute that. Don't even try.color |
| colorSomeone needs to make bubble gum
that tastes like clams. Maaaan, just
think how well that'd SELL.color |
| colorThere is no such thing as a free
lunch. Unless you didn't pay for
it, I guess. Maaaan, my brain...color |
| colorYou ever read the thesaurus?
Maaaan, that author just keeps
repeating himself.color |
| colorBees, maaan. Why they gotta hate?color |
| colorYou can't change your spots, unless
you never had spots to begin with.
Maaan, then just GO for it.color |
| colorBurps are just another way for
nature to make a joke, maaaan.color |
| colorLife is just like a big clam.
No, wait—that's just what I
want for dinner. Maaaaan...color |
| colorI bought an oven, but I live in the
ocean, which makes it really hard to
use it. Maaan, why did I buy that?color |
| colorMaaaaan, fish always stink a lot,
but you don't have to call attention
to it. Fish have feelings too.color |
| colorQuality over quantity is always the
way to go, unless it's a buffet.
Maaaan, it's ALL quantity there.color |
| colorPeople are only heroes when
someone else calls them that.
Maaan, isn't that NUTS?color |
| colorWho invented algebra? I heard it
was a guy who really hated kids.
Maaaan, I bet that's true.color |
| colorSome bugs can glow, but I don't get
why that is. Maaan, why are they
trying to confuse me like that?color |
| colorLast year, I learned how to sew.
I have nothing to sew, though, so...
Maaan, lost my train of thought...color |
| colorSand is just really tiny rocks.
Maaan, JUST THINK ABOUT IT!color |
| colorSwordfish have swords as noses.
I don't have anything to say to that,
because, maaaan, that's cool.color |
| colorIf you can grow a mustache, maaan,
you should ALWAYS do it.color |
| colorSometimes elephants DO forget.
I swear I heard one tell me that.
Maaaan, I forget who, though...color |
| colorYou don't need to be on your own
to be alone, man. Remember that.color |
| colorDon't bottle up your feelings.
It's bad for you, maaan!color |
| colorYou gotta live a life you can be
proud of. Otherwise, what are
you really doing, maaaan?color |
| colorYou gotta be strong, maaaaan.colorcolor
Like a scallop or something.
Mmmm, scallops...color |
| colorYou can always do it if you can.
Maaan, don't let anyone tell you
anything different.color |
| colorThe ability to speak doesn't mean
you have anything important to
say, maaaan.color |
| colorSometimes it's not so bad to be a
cog in a machine. Maaan, even cogs
are important in their own way.color |
| colorTrends are just things that will be
boring in a few weeks. Maaan, those
are words to LIVE by.color |
| colorI don't care if you're really short.
Maaan, everything looks short from
really far away.color |
| colorLove means accepting there will
be times when you don't get the
last scallop, maaaan.color |
| colorIn school, they give you a free study
period, but you're not free to NOT
study. It's just an illusion, maaaaan.color |
| colorThe worst restaurant in the world
can still brag about that fact, but,
maaaan, second worst is just bad.color |
| colorMaking someone cry is easy, but try
making that same person laugh.
Maaaan, that's really DIFFICULT.color |
| colorSometimes know-it-all kids end up
as know-nothing adults, maaaaan.color |
| colorIf you wanna change the world, you
should start by changing yourself.
Then change your socks, maaaan.color |
| colorPeople who set the trends only do
so by accident. They just get really
lucky, maaan.color |
| colorPeople who set the trends only do
so by accident. They just get really
lucky, maaan.color |