Num | English |
| You have colorfun_00070004 minutes colorto fill this
flower bed with flowers.pageBreakThe type and color don't matter.delay
Just plant as many flowers as
possible! Really, go nuts!
If you finish within the time limit,delay
you'll be rewarded with medals. |
| You have colorfun_00070004 minutescolor
to fill this flower bed with
If you finish within the time limit,delay
you'll be rewarded with medals. |
| You kids have colorfun_00070004 minutes colorto fill this
flower bed with flowers!pageBreakThe type and color don't matter.delay
Just plant as many as possible!pageBreakIf you finish within the time limit,delay
you'll be rewarded with medals. |
| You kids have colorfun_00070004 minutescolordelay
to fill this flower bed with
If you finish within the time limit,delay
you'll be rewarded with medals. |
| You kids have colorfun_00070004 minutes colorto fill
this flower bed with flowers.pageBreakThe type and color don't matter.delay
Just make sure it's carpeted with
If you finish within the time limit,delay
you'll be rewarded with medals. |
| You kids have colorfun_00070004 minutescolordelay to
fill this flower bed with
If you finish within the time limit,delay
you'll be rewarded with medals. |
| But don't just plant flowers all
willy-nilly! delayYou'll be penalized if
you plant the wrong kind!
animAlso, once you plant a flower, you
can't pull it back up. |
| And just so you know, once you
plant a flower, you can't pull it
back up. |
| animBy the by, delayyou can take the leftover
flowers home with you, sprout. |
| You'll lose points for planting the
wrong type of flower, so pay
animAnd once you plant a flower, you
can't dig it back up. |
| The type and color of the flowers
don't matter, so just fill that
flower bed as fast as you can! |
| What are you doing, sprout!
Fill that flower bed with
fun_00030011! |
| The clock's ticking, whippersnapper!delay
Get to planting! |
| The clock's ticking, whippersnapper!
Hurry up, and fill that flower bed
with fun_00030011! |
| Good work, young fun_0006000E!delay
Let's see how you fared.fun_00090007 |
| Good work,delay you two.delay
Let's see how you fared.fun_00090007 |
| Good workdelay, sprouts.delay
Let's see how you fared.fun_00090007 |
| size
Time's up!sizefun_00090007 |
| |
| Looks like the time's up!delay
Seems some gardening skills
are in need of brushing up! |
| You filled the flower bed with
colorfun_00070004 fun_0009000E and colorfun_00070004 fun_0009000E
colorcolorto spare! |
| But you planted colorfun_00070004 colorof the wrong
type of flower, delayso that's gonna hurt
your time.
After your misplant penalties,
your remaining time was
colorfun_00070004 fun_0009000E and colorfun_00070004 fun_0009000Ecolorcolor. |
| animYou didn't misplant any flowers,
so you get away without a penalty.
| Tough luck!delay The misplant penalty
puts you over the time limit.pageBreakThat means you'll be leaving
empty handed today.
Better luck next time! |
| By the skin of your teeth!
Here you go—colorfun_00070004 colorfun_0009000Ecolorcolor! |
| I've seen faster, but you did well.
animYou've earned a Bronze Tortimer
award and colorfun_00070004colorcolor colorfun_0009000Ecolorcolor! |
| animPretty fast! You should consider a
career in gardening!pageBreakYou've earned a Silver Tortimer
award and colorfun_00070004colordelaycolor colorfun_0009000Ecolorcolor! |
| animWhoa there, delaySpeedy McGreenthumb!delay
You've earned a Gold Tortimer
award and colorfun_00070004colordelaycolor colorfun_0009000Ecolorcolor! |
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