
Script : [Cranky] KO_FreeE_Event

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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animI've been thinking something about
the future seems sorta offdelay.delay.delay.delayanim Then I
realized why!
animWe don't have any events scheduled
in the near future!delay But you know,delay
that's not necessarily a bad thing.
animMandelay.delay.delay.delayseeing how busy fun_00050005
is with events all the time, time to
settle down is just as important!
animYou could take some time to fish or
catch bugs or work on whatever
your hobby is!delay animIt's necessary!


animYawndelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00010007 animI think my body is getting
lazy 'cause we don't have any
events planned anytime soon!
animI suppose I should be happy that
I have some time to myself, butdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimAw well. Guess in the meantime I'll
have a chance to build my stamina
for the next event!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animThat reminds me—delaythis Saturday
is the colorFishing Tourneycolor!pageBreakanimI'm pretty confident in my fishing
skills.delay You think you can beat me?
animBring it!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animfun_0003000Efun_00080005,delay are you gonna take
part in the colorFishing Tourneycolor
tomorrow?pageBreakanimHmm? Me?delay animOf course I am!delay As long
as I don't catch a cold, I'll be there!pageBreakanimI'm gonna show everyone I'm not
just dipping my line in the water
every day for nothing!


animThat reminds me—this Saturday is
the big colorBug-Offcolor!pageBreakanimI might not look it, but I'm the kind
of guy who really likes to prepare
before a big matchdelay.delay.delay.delay
animI plan on memorizing the location of
every single bug in town! animObsessive,
you say?delay animI call it SKILL!delay animGAHAHA!


animThat reminds me—are you planning
on participating in tomorrow's
big colorBug-Offcolor?pageBreakanimEither way, I'm expecting there'll be
some stiff competition this time
animThere are plenty of people in this
town who regularly practice their
bug-catching skills, animmyself included!


animBy the way, fun_00080005, are you any
good at dancing?pageBreakanimIt's justdelay.delay.delay.delaycolorFestivalecolor is coming up, ya
know?delay animEven I'm practicing my dance
moves!delay animYeah, ME!
animWell, even if you don't feel like
dancing, make sure you at least
have the right clothes for the day!


animHey, fun_00080005, did you get your
outfit for tomorrow's colorFestivalecolor?delaypageBreakanimHmmm?delay What about me?delay animOf course
I did!delay animJust don't be pants-on-head
surprised when you see my moves!delayanim


animThat reminds medelay.delay.delay.delay It's almost
colorBunny Daycolor, isn't it?delaypageBreakanimYou can't talk about colorBunny Daycolor
without mentioning that big ol'
bunny guy!delay
He's kinda like a sign of the season!
animWhen I see him, I feel like spring has
arrived!delay animCreepy, creepy spring...


animThat reminds me—tomorrow is
colorBunny Daycolor!pageBreakanimYou know what I'm talking about,
right? delaycolorBunny Daycolor!fun_00010007 animEverybody gets
together to celebrate spring!
animYou'll be fine as long as you get in
the middle of everything and just go
with the flow!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animThat reminds me!delay The colorfireworks
shows colorstart up again next Sunday!pageBreakanimIt doesn't feel like summer's started
until I've seen them!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animWow, tomorrow's the day!delay animHuh?
I'm talking about the first colorfireworks
show colorof fun_00000004, obviously!
animSummer is finally here! animAbout time!delay
animGAHAHA!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animTomorrow is the colorfireworks showcolor!
I'm getting excited just THINKING
about it! animPOW! KABOOM!
animI'm hoping to see some original
fireworks animfrom you too!delay animDon't go
disappointing me.delay animfun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animMore importantly,delay tomorrow is the
last colorfireworks show colorof the year!pageBreakanimI'm sad they're already almost over!delay
It's like summer is ending as well!pageBreakanimI hope they make this last one even
better than the others! You know,
a nice finale!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animI hear pretty soon we're gonna
have a colorweed-pullingcolor event in town!pageBreakanimcolorLeifcolor from the gardening store is
apparently running itdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimWell, delayI suppose cleaning up the town
is a good thing. animGives you lazy bums
something to do!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animSay,delay isn't tomorrow the big colorweed-
pullingcolor day I heard so much about?pageBreakanimYou're gonna pull up all the weeds
around town, right?delaypageBreakanimIt's a test of endurance!delay Do what I
can't and won't!delay animCause I'm too busy
to go pullin' weeds. animfun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animSay, have you started getting ready
for colorHalloween coloryet?pageBreakanimYa need a mask or some colorcandycolordelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakYou'd better get them while you can
so you're not crying like a baby on
the day of the event!
animHmmm?delay What about me?delay animLay off.
I'll get cracking on it soon enough!delay


animTomorrow is finally colorHalloweencolordelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimAh! That one freaky guy will be
coming! animThe one with the pumpkin
head! He's in charge of colorHalloweencolor!delay
animanimI think his name'sdelay.delay.delay.delaycolorJackcolor? animWell, I've
got plenty of colorcandy colorready this year,
so he can come whenever he wants!


animOh,delay did you know this Thursday
is the colorHarvest Festivalcolor?pageBreakanimI think now's a good time to start
gathering up the ingredients you'll
You know, like colorfruits coloror colormushroomscolor,delay
that sort of thing. Yeah? You should
get a move on!
animDon't come cryin' to me if you ain't
got any of those when you're half
way through a recipe!


animHey,delay tomorrow's the yearly
colorHarvest Festivalcolor!pageBreakanimI heard the guest of honor is a chef
named colorFranklincolordelay.delay.delay.delay animI wonder what he's
gonna makedelay.delay.delay.delay animBetter be good!
animNow would be a good time to start
gathering colorfruitcolor,delay colorfunguscolor,delay and colorfishcolor,
don't you think? The three Fs!
animOh! And fishing rod! Four Fs!
animBetter make sure you've got
all of those!


animSay, are you gonna go to the end-
of-the-year colorCountdowncolor?pageBreakanimSometimes it's not bad to spend it
relaxing at home, butdelay.delay.delay.delayanimit's also fun
with your friends!
animJust don't forget to do all of your
chores before the big event. animI'll see
you there!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animMan, this year went by real fast.
Tomorrow is already the year-end
colorCountdowncolor, you realize that?
animYou should make sure you've got
nothing left to get done this year!delay
animTime's runnin' out!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animBefore you know it, it'll be the end
of December and colorToy Daycolor!pageBreakanimEven I look forward to this time of
year.delay Don't you? animIt's a time to
animAnd yet people get so hung up on
the toys! Don't they even remember
what the day's about?
animIt's the night colorJinglecolor comes to town!
animTHEN we get toys! Always tryin' to
take the colorJinglecolor out of the holiday...
Get it right, people!delay animGAHAHA!


animTomorrow is finally colorToy Daycolor!pageBreakanimI'm...delaywell...delayjust like I always am!delay
Completely unfazed by it all!pageBreakanim.delay.delay.delayBah! It's no good!delay I can't contain
this raw seasonal joy! Bring on the
toys and other presents!


animTomorrow is finally colorToy Daycolor!pageBreakanimI'm...delaywell...delayjust like I always am!delay
Completely unfazed by it all!pageBreakanim.delay.delay.delayBah! It's no good!delay I can't contain
this raw seasonal joy! Bring on the
toys and other presents!


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