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Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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I set a new record at the
marathon! But the race I
ran was pretty weird. The
people around me were all
riding on floats... Wait. Did
I enter and win a parade?!


If you're reading this letter...
it means I'm bored. Reeeee-
eeeeaally bored. Please save
me from my boredom!


I found some awesome
stationery, so I thought I'd
write you this letter. Yep.
Just writing you a letter.
...Wanna do some push-ups
later? Let me know.


OK, I've just made myself a
promise. I will win a gold
medal within one year! Now I
need to figure out what
sport to compete in. I'll get
back to you on that.


Have you noticed how blue
the sky is on a clear day? I
stared up at it the other day
after running 14 miles.
I'm glad it was blue, because
I couldn't move for hours.


I'm trying to tell my friends
how much they mean to me.
My life is better because
you're in it! Oh, and if you
get a chance, can you mow
my lawn for me? Ha ha!


Lately, I've been having the
worst muscle aches. But
that just means I'm getting
totally buff, right? Once the
pain goes away, I'll be
Super fun_00010005! POW!


I'm declaring today to be
National Friendly Rival Day!
To celebrate, we'll hold
hands and then wage a
thumb war. Will you join me,
my #1 rival and friend?!


I'm not sure what to do.
Someone in town is calling
me "sweet cheeks." Is that a
compliment, or have I been
attracting bees lately?


I'm not sure what to do.
Someone in town is calling
me "sweet cheeks." Is that a
compliment, or have I been
attracting bees lately?


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