Num | English |
| animWelcome, welcome! |
| delayanimdelayOh my goodness!fun_00010007anim It's fun_00000005.
delaySo good to see you, hm? |
| Construction delayanimis now
complete, yes? fun_00010007animVery good. Let me
know if you need anything else, delayhm? |
| animThanks much for paying your home
loan in full!delay Very good, yes, yes!pageBreakanimI always had faith that you would
fulfill the terms of our little
agreement, fun_00000005.
animNow thendelay.delay.delay.delaydoes your home not
seem delayanima teensy bit on the wee side?pageBreakanimYes, yes, I have to say delayI do feel a
slightly larger home would suit you
much better, hm?
animMore room for furniture delights!delay
animAnd for gratuitous swinging of
elbows too.
If you're interested, delayplease let me
know at any time, delayhm? |
| animThanks much for paying off all of
your home-renovation loan!delay
Yes, yes, thanks much, indeed!
animPerhaps you paid it off becausedelay.delay.delay.delay
animyou're dissatisfied with your space
limitations, hm?
animNo need to worry! No need at all.delay
animI can assist with the enlarging of
your house, fun_00000005!
animLet's chat about the details when
you've got some time on your busy
hands, hm? |
| animMy, you've done it! delayYour home-
renovation loan has been paid in
full! delayThanks much! Yes, yes!
animAnd your reason for taking care of
your financial obligation isdelay.delay.delay.delay
animyour home is not delaybig enough, hm?
animYes, yes, I understand completely,delay
animfun_00000005! I can help you build the
home of your very large dreams!
animWhen you wish to discuss the details
further, delayplease come find me! |
| animYes, yes, yes!delay You've paid off every
bit of your home-renovation loan!pageBreakanimI'm quite conservative in matters of
finance, delaybut I knew you'd take care
of this, animfun_00000005!
animMy faith was such that I drew up
plans for more additions after you
added a second floor, fun_00000005!
animI'm confident you'll be quite pleased
with these plans. delayanimI do hope you'll
give them some thought, delayhm? |
| animOh, happy day! delayYou've paid off all
your home-renovation loan!pageBreakanimAnd your reason for being so very,
very diligent isdelay.delay.delay.delay animNo need for words.delay
I can see it in your eyes, hm?
animYes, I will gladly engage in further
renovation discussions. delayanimCome see
me anytime! delayAnytime, indeed! |
| animThank you much!delay You've paid your
home-renovation loan in full, which
is no small feat, yes, yes!
animAnd you did it so fastdelay.delay.delay.delay animThat can
only mean delayyou're a financial wizard!pageBreakanimSuch a magnificent home and zero
debt! animYour life in fun_00050005 will
surely be delaystress free, fun_00000005!delayanim
animI cannot overstate how incredible
this accomplishment is!delay animTruly,delay it is
something remarkable! Yes, yes!
animIn fact,delay animI believe you deserve a
reward of sorts.delay animNo, no,delay no such
discounts from me,delay animbut, hm...
animYes!delay An old song from the Nook
family lineage,delay animsung in times of
great success to strengthen hearts!
animAhemdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimfun_000A0007GL-delayL-delayL-delayKSK! KEH-delayKEEEH! delay
fun_000A0007FST! FST!delay RrrrrrrrrrrrKLAGH! delay
fun_000A0007CH-delayCH-delaych-ch-mmmMMMmmm! delay
animOh,delay well,delay it is very old animand in the
language of my ancestors,delay animwhich
happens to be Raccoonish,delay yes, yes.
animAnyway, your home may be at a
state of basic completion,delay animbut it
is far from being done, hm?
animI do hope you'll continue to improve
your home's interior and exterior,delay
yes, yes!delay I do!
animIf you're in need of advice, delayplease
let colorLylecolor or me know, yes?delay animWe'll be
quite glad to help you out.
animIn fact,delay be sure to speak with colorLylecolor
right away, as I'm sure animhe'll want to
congratulate you as well.
animYes, yes! delayYour continued patronage
animof colorNook's Homescolor is very much
appreciated. Do come again! |
| Your home has now been built, yes?
animWhat do you think? fun_00010007animYour house is
now the stuff of dreams, hm?delayanim
animAnd now the numbersdelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00010007 animI deducted
your down payment, leaving a grand
total ofdelay.delay.delay.
animcolorfun_000C0004 Bellscolor. delayThat's the total
amount of your paltry little loan.
A mere trifle, really, yes?
animdelayHm? delayanimOh, no, you don't pay me
directly. animPlease make all of your
payments at the colorpost office ABDcolor.
And there's no set schedule, either.
delayPay the loan off at your own pace
or whenever you're able, hm? |
| delayanimdelayYes, yes,delay animone more thingdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakWe do require that all homeowners
become members of the colorHappy
Home Academycolor, hm?
They'll just stop by from time to
time and give your home an in-depth
inspection.delay Very good to get one.
animThe inspection is a comprehensive
look at your room and furniture
layout, delayyour hygiene level, et cetera.
animIf you're given high marks, you
might even receive a wonderfully
elegant commemorative prize!
animThey'll schedule the inspection, delayso
there's nothing for you to worry
about. delayNo worries at all, hm?
What elsedelay.delay.delay.delay animMembers, delayyou see, also
gain access to the colorHH Showcase
colorbehind the shopping district.
animOnce you've received a letter that
confirms your membership, delayyou may
visit the showcase at any time!
animVery good. delayPlease do come see me
if you wish to discuss further
renovations, delayhm? |
| animYes, yes! delayanimHow may I help you?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Down payment!
Never mind. |
| Hm? delayThat so?fun_00010007 animNo problem! When
you've got your down payment,delay
please do bring it to me here, yes! |
| animYou've brought the money?delay
animAh, we Nooks can sense Bells,
yes, yes.delay Old family secret.
animNow let's justdelay.delay.delay.delayanimhm?delay animBut, but,delay
animfun_00000005!delay You do not have
enough!delay Not nearly!pageBreakanimI need the full color10,000-Bell colordown
payment in one lump sum, yes?pageBreakanimLiving in a tent cannot be terribly
comfortable, no, no.delay animWouldn't you
prefer a nice warm house, hm? |
| animYou brought the money?
animLet's have us a look, hm?pageBreakanimYes! Yes! delayExactly color10,000 Bellscolor!delay
That does make me rather happy. |
| animVery good, very good! delayThe money
makes everything official, and work
on your house can begin at once.
animYou can also choose the color of
your newly built home's roof.delay So
what color delayanimwill it be, hm? |
| animYes, yes! Got it!delay I will make sure
your house is ready to go by
tomorrow morning.
animWhat elsedelay.delay.delay.delayto tell youdelay.delay.delay.delay animdelayOh, yes, yes,
of course!delay animI must tell you all about
home remodeling!
animOnce your house is finished,delay I can
help you colorupdate the exteriorcolor!pageBreakThe exterior of your home consists
of the things on the outside, such as
your roof, door, and fence.
animEvery day I will display new samples
here to look through, so you should
come when you've grown curious.
Well,delay for the moment you must be
looking forward to tomorrow, yes?
delayanimThanks much! |
| I'm so sorry! delayI don't have the right
permits to work on homes in towns
other than this one.
However, delayif there are any items
here you would like, delayplease let me
know, yes?
animI can contact the realtor in your
town delayand request a single item at
a time be made available there too! |
| animYour request will be made available
to you right away. delayI only have to
make a few quick phone calls, hm?
animWhen you arrive home, delaybe sure to
visit your realtor before it closes
for the day, hm? |
| animYes, yes! delayanimYou would like to discuss
delayanimyour home, hm?fun_0005000F
I wanna expand!
Never mind. |
| Oh, delayreally? fun_00010007animIf you have any housing
questions, do come see me at any
time, hm? |
| animI am truly very sorry, delaybut until your
existing loan is paid in full I can
accept no new renovation requests.
animYou can pay your loan 24 hours a
day at the colorABD in the post officecolor.pageBreakOnce it's all paid off, come talk to
me again, hm? |
| animHmmdelay.delay.delay.delay animfun_0003000Efun_00000005? It is time to
make your home bigger, yes, yes.pageBreakA loan of coloranimfun_000C0004 Bells colorcan make
this dream a reality. delayanimReady, hm?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Let's do it!
No, thanks. |
| animI've been thinkingdelay.delay.delay.delay animYou know, your
home would be better if it were just
a bit bigger, yes, yes.pageBreakFor a piddling coloranimfun_000C0004 Bellscolor, I
can make such a thing happen. delayanimHm?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Let's do it!
No, thanks. |
| animWelldelay.delay.delay.delayanimlisten, fun_00000005, I believe
your home would be oh so cozy if
it had a second floor.
A smallish loan of coloranimfun_000C0004 Bells
colorwould be required of course. delayanimHm?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Let's do it!
No, thanks. |
| animHmmdelay.delay.delay.delay animfun_0003000Efun_00000005, wouldn't your
house benefit greatly from an
addition of some sort?
animIn my own expert opinion, I would
suggest the followingdelay.delay.delay.delay animWhat do you
think, hm? |
| animLet's seedelay.delay.delay.delay animfun_0003000Efun_00000005, your home
delaywould be improved much with just
a bit more space, yes, yes.
animAnd if you decided to expand,
may I suggestdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animHmmdelay.delay.delay. animI must say, fun_00000005, your
home needs more space or perhaps
maybe an extra room, hm?
animI could of course help with whatever
you'd like to do. What do you think?fun_0006000F
Extra room!
More space!
No, thanks. |
| animYes, yes! delaySo tell me, delaywhere do you
want the additional room, hm? |
| animExcellent! delaySo tell me, delaywhich room
shall we make larger, hm? |
| animThe new room will be added to the
left side of the first floor, hm? |
| animThe new room will be added to the
right side of the first floor, hm? |
| animThe new room will be added to the
back side of the first floor, hm? |
| animYes, yes, delaya basement is what you
want, hm? |
| animYou want to widen the room on the
left side of the first floor, hm? |
| animYou want to widen the room on the
right side of the first floor, hm? |
| animYou want to widen the room on the
back side of the first floor, hm? |
| animYou want to widen the basement,
do you, hm? |
| animYou want to widen the room on the
second floor, hm? |
| Your loan will come to a total of
colorfun_000C0004 Bellscolor.delay animThis is perfectly
acceptable, yes?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Let's do it!
Um, never mind. |
| animExcellent! delayI will put your order in
right away, hm?pageBreakanimThe work will be fully completed by
tomorrow morning. delayI'm so sure you
must be very excited, yes, yes! |
| animHow do you like your current living
arrangements? fun_00010007I'm always here for
exterior-renovation consultation! |
| I'm terribly sorry, fun_00000005, but
your house cannot be made any
larger. It's simply not possible.
animHowever, there are changes you can
make to the exterior. delayI recommend
you consider your options, hm? |
| I'm very sorry, but delayI do not offer
loans for exterior renovations, hm?pageBreakBut, delayfun_00000005! Compared to your
previous home loans, delayanimthe price is
nothing but a drop in the bucket! |
| Your home has now been updated,delay
animhas it not?fun_00010007 animYes, yes, I believe that it
looks quite different.
I think you will feel like you are
living a brand-new life!delay Alsodelay.delay.delay. |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00000005! Your house delaywill be all
finished in the morning. delayThis is so
thrilling, delayhm? |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00000005, delayyour addition will be
completed in the morning! delayI daresay
you may have trouble sleeping, delayhm? |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00000005,delay construction will be
completed in the morning! delayI can
hardly wait to see it myself, delayhm? |
| Your renovations delayanimare complete, yes?
fun_00010007animIt may be but a small change,delay but I
trust you are pleased, hm? |
| Your house delayanimis much roomier, yes?fun_00010007
animI hope you find it adds to your
quality of life, my friend! Yes, yes! |
| animYour home delayis now a magnificent two
stories high, hm?pageBreakWith an additional floor, you have
much space to fill, delayanimand I'm sure it
will bring you joy to fill it, yes, yes!anim |
| Your addition delayanimis finished, hm?fun_00010007 animOh,
fun_00000005, my friend, your home is
that much homier now. Yes, yes! |
| Did you delayanimlook around your house?fun_00010007
animI daresay you'll not find many that
equal such fine workmanship, hm? |
| animSodelay.delay.delay.delayit's time for business numbers.pageBreakYes, yes, delaythe trifling cost of your
addition comes to delaycoloranimfun_000C0004 Bellscolor.delay
Pocket change, really.
delayanimdelayNo, no!delay I can't accept your money
here! animPlease make your payments
at the colorpost office ABDcolor, hm? |
| animMuch thanks in advance, delayhm? |
| animAnd, delayfun_00000005, by the way—your
house delayis as large as we can make it.
We cannot build it any larger.
animI trust this new information is all
perfectly clear, hm? delayThanks much! |
| delayanimdelayOh!fun_00010007 That reminds me, fun_00000005delay.delay.delay. |
| That fun_00030011delay is a
special sample used for exterior
However, fun_00000005, as you are
preparing to do some construction,delay
animyou may purchase it afterward. |
| That fun_00030011delay is an
exclusive sample used for exterior
renovations, yes?
But your house is not yet finished,
fun_00000005.delay You may purchase it
once construction is done, hm?anim |
| That fun_00030011delay is a
sample used for door renovations. |
| That fun_00030011delay is a
sample used for roof renovations. |
| That fun_00030011
is a sample used for exterior
If you make the order,delay we can then
renovate your house, just like the
model shows! Yes, yes!
animBy the way,delay things like the color of
your home's roof or siding will not
be changed in the renovation.
animThat sort of thing requires more
work, animand we're not a charity! |
| That fun_00030011delay is an
excellent sample used for exterior
aesthetic changes, hm?
animMake your house bigger, fun_00000005,delay
and then we can make large-scale
renovations as well! animYes, yes! |
| That fun_00030011delay is a
sample used when replacing your
mailbox, yes? |
| That fun_00030011delay is a
sample used when doing work on
your fence, yes? |
| That fun_00030011delay is a
sample used for renovating your
exterior walls, hm? |
| That fun_00030011delay is a
sample used for renovating your
paving stones, hm? |
| fun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011?fun_00010007
animIf memory serves, fun_00000005, you
have the same door on your house. |
| fun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011, hm?fun_00010007
animIf memory serves, fun_00000005, you
have the same roof on your house. |
| fun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011, yes?fun_00010007
animIf memory serves me, fun_00000005,
your house has the same exterior. |
| Ah, fun_0002000Efun_00030011?fun_00010007
animIf memory serves, fun_00000005, your
mailbox is identical to this one. |
| fun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011, hm?fun_00010007
animIf memory serves, fun_00000005, you
have the same fence at your house. |
| Oh, fun_0002000Efun_00030011?fun_00010007
animfun_0003000Efun_00000005, if memory serves, your
house has the same exterior. |
| fun_0003000Efun_00030011, yes, yes?fun_00010007
animIf memory serves, fun_00000005, your
paving stones are identical to these. |
| The cost is colorfun_000C0004 Bellscolor.delay animWould
you perchance be interested, hm?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
I'll buy!
No, thanks. |
| I seedelay.delay.delay.delay animNo worries, no worries.delay
Still plenty left to look at, hm? |
| |
| animThanks much! delayanimUmdelay.delay.delay.delaydelay animHm?pageBreakanimBut you...delayyou don't have enough
money, no, no!pageBreakanimAs I said, I do not make loans for
exterior renovations.delay animYou clearly
understand this, yes? |
| animThanks much!pageBreakanimI will help make all of the necessary
arrangements, and...fun_00010007animeverything will
be completed tomorrow! Exciting! |
| Hm. fun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011.
Butdelay you do not live in this town, sodelay
I cannot accept your order, no.
I can contact the realtor in your
town delayand arrange for the item to be
available there. animWhat do you think?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Yes, please!
No, thank you. |
| Yes, fun_0002000Efun_00030011.
Butdelay I can only contact your town
about a single item at a time.
I can, however, make a request that
this item replace the item we talked
about earlier. animWhat do you think?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Yes, please!
No, thank you. |
| Very well, delayI understand.delay animPlease do
not hesitate delayto tell me if there's
anything you wish to request. |
| animUnderstood. delayI'll arrange for the item
to be available in your town's real-
estate office when you return home.
animOnce you arrive, delayplease do stop by
your realtor before they close for
the day, hm? |
| animVery good! delayI will cancel your prior
request and see to it that this item
is sent to your realtor instead! |
| That fun_00030011delay is a
sample used for exterior
renovations, yes?
animThis is but one way owners of large
homes can change their style in just
a snap! |
| delayanimdelayOh, that's right.delay You were busy with
your shopping, were you not? |
| animI have, of course, completed running
the numbers on your home loan,
fun_00000005, yes, yes.
animNow let us discuss the costdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimYou know, fun_00000005,delay we can't
build you a house unless you have
all necessary costs covered, hm?
animSo the down payment is nothing
more than a paltry color10,000 Bellscolor.fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Let's do it!
I can't afford that! |
| Very good!delay Though,delay we can't break
ground on your home until your
down payment is received, hm? |
| animNo, no?!delay animThat's fine! delayYou're fine!delay
You needn't worry about giving me
a single Bell at this point in time!
animI'm quite a generous raccoon! delayMy
heart is about the size of a four-
bedroom, two-bath duplex, hm?
animThat being saiddelay.delay.delay.delayI do need your
down payment before any work
can be done on your home. delayOK? |
| animBut do not worry!delay No, no!delay animThis town
is rich in crops and other resources.delay
You'll find it easy to earn money!
animYou can collect colorfruit colorand colorseashells
colorand take them to the colorrecycling
shopcolor to earn quick cash, yes?
animOnce you've saved a bit, delaybuying a
colornet coloror colorfishing rod colorat the colorstorecolor is
a good idea as well. It is indeed!
animYou can use such tools to go forth
and catch delaycolorinsects colorand colorfish colorto sell
too.delay An easy path to riches, hm?
animMuch faster than delaysearching for
low-paying, part-time employment,
yes?anim Oh yes, yes!
animSo delaycome and see me right away
delaywhen you've saved up color10,000 Bellscolor.fun_00010007
animGood luck, good luck! |
| delayanimdelayOh!fun_00010007 animfun_0003000Efun_00000005, yes, yes, welcome!fun_00010007
animHave you finishedanim everything you
needed to do to move in? |
| animSo you would like
fun_0002000Efun_00030011, hm?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Yes, yes!
Hold it! |
| animThen I shall ask again, and you
shall pick the roof color that
sounds good to you, yes, yes! |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00000005, that happens to be the
same part that you have currently
placed a construction order for!
animThere is no changing or canceling
construction orders! No, no!pageBreakIf you want to place another order
for that same part, I am sorry, but
you will have to do it another day! |
| Ah, the fun_00030011
here will be used in your house
remodel scheduled for tomorrow.
animThe remodel should be done by
tomorrow morning, so look forward
to it, yes, yes! |
| fun_0001000CdelayanimdelayYes!delay fun_0003000Efun_00000005, delayanimyou have a most
excellent sense of timing! fun_00010007Allow me
to introduce you to someone.
fun_0007000Cfun_0008000Canimfun_0000000Cfun_0007000Cfun_0001000CThis is delaythe colorHappy Home Academycolor's
special advisor, delaycolorLylecolor.pageBreakfun_0003000CanimHe's going to start coming out here
on a daily basis to offer advice on
the building of wonderful homes.fun_0009000C |
| fun_0001000Cfun_0007000Cfun_0002000Cfun_0004000CdelayanimHey. You. delayNice to meet ya.pageBreakMe? delayLike the raccoon saiddelay.delay.delay.pageBreakI'm colorLylecolor. Thecolor Happy Home
Academycolor? I'm the fun_00050005-
area manager. Bang!delay Right?fun_001A000A |
| animYou're the mayor? Of this burg?
Lucky me.pageBreakanimYou got a house in fun_00050005?
Congrats. delayYou're good people! |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00050005? Nice place. You bought
a house? delayCongrats! |
| animHere's the deal. The skinny.delay
Happy Room Academy? Was just
roomsdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimNow? Not just one room.
No. We went big! Bang!
We do the whole house.
animWe research day and night!
We're the experts. Here's the truth.
Happy homes make happy people!
animIt's a big step for us. Brave new
world. New ball game. We're ready.
We're the colorHappy Home Academycolor!
animThis here? delaycolorNook's Homescolor created
this space. Just for Lyle. Bang.pageBreakanimWhy? Me. You. Opportunity.
Business basics, right here,
right now. Oh, members only.
animYou want to talk, fun_00000005?
You know where to find me.delay
Come find me. Bang!fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0001000Cfun_0003000Cdelay.delay.delay.delayWell, you heard what he said, hm?delaypageBreakanimIf you have any questions about
putting rooms together,delay you should
ask colorLylecolor for advice, yes, yes! |
| |
| Say,delay I sent you a piece of direct
mail recently, delayfun_00000005.delay animDid you
happen to read it over?
animNo matter, delayno matter! delayYou're here
now, so I can explain this wonderful
new advancement in person!
animYou see, delaywhat's the point of a
wonderfully updated home if it's
constantly filled with clutter?
Why, delayanimthere's no point at all! delayanimWhich
is why I'm so excited about our
new secret-storeroom offering.
animIt will require just a bit of minor
construction, delayof course,delay so your
current loan must be paid in full.
animIn any case,delay if you find yourself in
need of an advanced storage
solution, do come see me,delay hm? |
| Your home will be finished and look
like that fun_00030011
by tomorrow morning, yes, yes!
animHm, it'll look so nice and new!
You won't believe your eyes! |
| delayanimdelayOh!fun_00010007 animThat reminds me,delay fun_00000005! |
| fun_0001000CdelayanimdelayYes!delay fun_0003000Efun_00000005,delay animyou have a most
excellent sense of timing, yes, yes!pageBreakAllow me to introduce you to
someone very important.pageBreakfun_0007000Cfun_0008000Canimfun_0000000Cfun_0007000Cfun_0001000CThis is the colorHappy Home Academycolor's
special advisor,delay colorLylecolor.pageBreakfun_0003000CanimcolorLyle colorcomes all the way here to offer
daily advice on the building of such
wonderful homes, yes he does!fun_0009000C |
| animHey! It's the mayor! That's good
timing! Good luck! Good business!pageBreakanimCongrats to you. On your move.
Bang! On your mayorship. Bang!
On meeting me. Smart move! |
| animAh! delayI sent you a flyer the other
day.delay animDid you get a chance to read it,
animNever mind. I'll simply summarize it
for you, yes, yes.delaypageBreakanimWe at Nook's Homes have finally
perfected the pinnacle of
architectural splendordelay.delay.delay.
animthecolor secret storeroomcolor!delay pageBreakanimPerhaps it doesn't sound as exciting
as it is,delayanim but no reputable home
should be caught without one.
animIt is the perfect place to store all
those odds and ends you treasure
yet are too embarrassed to display.delay
So if you run out of room in your
cabinets, delayanimplease consider investing
in a secret storeroom! |
| animHave you noticeddelay.delay.delay.delaythat no matter
how big your house is these days,delayanim
you never have enough storage?
animIf that sounds familiar to you,delay I
recommend you consider one of our
new colorsecret storeroomscolor, delayanimhm?pageBreakanimOf course, you'll need to take out a
colorfun_000C0004 Bellcolor loan to pay for the
construction.delayanim Are you interested?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Sounds perfect!
I'll think about it. |
| fun_0003000Efun_00000005, animI really want to tell
you all about the new storeroom,delay
but it's something of a big to-do.
animMaybe you can return when you
aren't quite so busy and expecting
guests and all that,delay hm?delay
Good, good.delay And remember—delayanimI tend
to be a tad long winded, delayanimso stop by
when you've got time to spare. |
| animSo delayyou're running out of space for
all of your things, delayhm?pageBreakanimdelayWould you like to build a new space
to hide your treasures? |
| animCongratulations on your secret
storeroom!delay May it bring you infinite
happiness!pageBreakanimAnd as for the small matter of
payment...pageBreakdelayanimyour bill of colorfun_000C0004 Bells colorcan be
paid at the colorpost office ABDcolordelay. But I'm
sure you remember that, yes, yes!pageBreakanimdelay.delay.delay.animfun_00000010fun_00010010delayHm?fun_00000010fun_00010010delayanim animOh, yes!delayanim Now you may find
it difficult to locate your new
But of course! delayanimIt is a SECRET
storeroom, after all.pageBreakanimTo find it, look to the area just
beside your light switch. delayThere you
will find a hidden entrance.pageBreakfun_00000010fun_00010010animIf you haven't discovered it yet,fun_00000010fun_00010010delayanim
return home and take another look. |
| Before you go, animdelayI have something
of a surprise for you.animpageBreakanimI've noticed that you're quitedelay.delay.delay.delay
passionate about acquiring items
for the home.
animAs such, there's someone I think
you'd like to meet...animdelaypageBreakfun_00000010fun_00010010This is colorLottiecolor, interior designer
extraordinaire at the Happy Home
animfun_00000010fun_00010010fun_00000010fun_00000010fun_00010010Actually,fun_00000010fun_00010010delayanim I've asked her to lead a
special seminar on remodelingfun_00000010fun_00010010 for
all our localdelay.delay.delay.delaycollectors.fun_00030010 |
| fun_00000010fun_00020010fun_00000010fun_00010010fun_00000010fun_00010010fun_00000010fun_00010010animI prefer the term "storage impaired."animdelay
Nice to meet you!delay animI'm colorLottiecoloranim from
the Happy Home Academy!pageBreakanimPresident colorNook colordid ask medelay animto
provide you with some simple
redecorating tips.anim Sodelay here I am!pageBreakfun_00000010fun_00010010I hope you'll allow me to fun_00000010fun_00010010help you
make best use of what you have
animanddelay animto share my love of decorating!delayanimfun_00030010 |
| fun_00000010fun_00010010fun_00000010fun_00010010I've already prepared a spacefun_00000010fun_00010010 for
the seminar,delay animso head on over.pageBreakfun_00000010fun_00010010animfun_00000010fun_00010010I do hope you're ready to have
fundelay.delay.delay.animand work hard, yes, yes!delayanim |
| animCongratulations!delay You just paid off
the loan for your secret storeroom
in full.delay
This is a proud day for all!animdelaypageBreakanimOf course...I did enjoy receiving all
those paymentsdelay.delay.delay.delayanim So I encourage
you to take on another project!delay
animWhenever you're ready to expand
your home even further, delayanimjust let me
know,delay hm?anim |
| animCongratulations!delay You just paid off
the loan for your secret storeroom
in full!delay
This is a proud day for all!animdelaypageBreakanimNow you have all the space and
storage you could possibly need delayanimto
create the home of your dreams!
animIf you ever have any questions
regarding home ownership, delayfeel free
to talk to me or colorLyle coloranytime.pageBreakanimAll right!delay animPlease don't forget about
us here at Nook's Homes,delay hm?anim |
| animHmmdelay.delay.delay. pageBreakanimBased on the space that's currently
available in your home, delayI'd
recommend adding a new roomdelay.
animAnd if you want my suggestion,delayanim I
think this area over here would
work quite nicely. delayYes, delayyes!
However,delay if you're not quite up for
another renovation,delay you could
simply install a secret storeroom.
Let's just saydelay.delay.delay.delayanimit's not your average
storage closet. |
| animHmmdelay.delay.delay. pageBreakanimBased on the space that's currently
available in your home, delayI'd
recommend adding a new roomdelay...
or at least increasing your storage
capacity with a secret storeroom.pageBreakOf course, delayanimwe could just expand
one of your existing rooms as well. pageBreakMy, my. delayanimYou've got quite an array
of choices before you.delay
animSo,delay what would you like to do?fun_0006000F
Add something new!
Expand what I have.
Nothing right now. |
| animWhat's so secret about these
secret storerooms, delayyou ask?delayanim
Great question! delayYes, yes!
animWell,delay many collectors prefer not to
display every little piece of their
collection, you see.
animA secret space where one can keep
a back catalog allows the fastidious
collector a bit of flexibility, delayhm?
And for a mere colorfun_000C0004 Bellscolor,delay
comfortably financed. delayanimWell,delay I
believe it's a fantastic product.
animSo what do you say? Shall I
begin drawing up the papers?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Yes, please!
No, thanks. |
| I'd love to tell you all about secret
storerooms and the joy they bring,
animdelaybut unfortunately I'm indisposed.
animPlease stop by another time and
we'll chat! |
| I'd love to tell you all about secret
storerooms and the joy they bring,
animdelaybut unfortunately I'm indisposed.
animPlease stop by another time and
we'll chat! |