Num | English |
| animGar?!delay animWait now, might ye be the
wee animfun_00000005 I've heard tales of? |
| animI be known as colorKapp'ncolor.fun_00010007
I ferry folks across the briny deep
to the island and backdelay.delay.delay.delayin me boat. |
| animYar har HAR! delayIf ye gots a mind to
take a ride to the island, delayanimme yacht
is ever at yer command! |
| animWhat's this madness ye spew?delay
animIf ye want to go to the island, it'll
be color1,000 Bellscolor per round trip.fun_0005000F
Nar! |
| animYar, I see.delay So colorKapp'ncolor's boat be not
good enough for ye,delay eh?! |
| animGar?delayanim Forgot something, did ye?delay
A round trip to the island will set
ye back color1,000 Bellscolor.fun_0005000F
I'd like to go again!
Never mind. |
| animYar, fine, then do me a favor.delay
animLet's have us a sumo rassle.delay.delay.delay
animWait!delay Never mind that. |
| animWell, before we do anythin'...delay
Ye got to clean out that there
box on the dock. |
| animI got the power to ferry ye and yer
wee friend from town too,delay but do
that be OK with ye?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Nope. |
| animAll yer wee friends from town are
welcome aboard, delaybut only if ye say
so. delayYe be fine with that, right?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Not really. |
| animOh yar? That's that, then.delay
In that case, animhow 'bout some sumo?delay
animNar!delay That be a bad idea. |
| animWell now, we can be on our waydelay
once we gots all our passengers.pageBreakanimInvite yer wee friend on board
so we can launch into the deeps! |
| animNar, we not be goin' nowheredelay until
every one o' ye guppies is in!pageBreakanimGo wrangle up the layabouts,delay and
tell 'em to get on board soon! |
| animI'll let 'em know that it's time to
close the station ticket gates. delayYar?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Yar, please.
Nar, thanks. |
| animArr, I forgotdelay.delay.delay.delay See, I can't ferry ye
to the island delayunless ye go out after
the ticket gates be closed. |
| animSay now,delayanim who might ye be spendin'
yer time with on the island?fun_0008000Dfun_0006000F
No one!
Other travelers.
Abandon ship! |
| animGar, are ye serious?delay In that case,
animlet's have a quick sumo match, yar?delay
animNar, delaymaybe that'd be weird. |
| Ye can't bring yer effects onto the
island, so I'll just be...animdelayholdin' on to
'em fer ye.
animDon't worry yerself none.delay
Most of yer stuff will still be
here when ye get back. delayYar har!
animAye then, delayhope ye got yer sea legs! |
| animYar, delaywe be landin' soonish.fun_00090007 |
| animNow wait a few while I gets
us ready.delay.delay. |
| |
| animYar, delaywe be here.fun_00090007 |
| animAvast! delayYe don't got the color1,000 Bellscolor!delay
animIt's quite a bardelayrdelayrdelayrdelayrdelaygain,delay if ye ask me! |
| animGar, it be fun_00000005!delay Listen, delaybefore
ye gets in, clean up the booty in the
box on the dock, yar? |
| animYe ready to make fer the island?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Not yet. |
| animYar har,delay that always be the way,
eh?delay I be ready to motor to sea, and
ye be all wishy and washy.delay Ayedelay.delay.delay. |
| animYe gots everyone now?delay
animYar then, to the deeps! |
| animGar, that be right as rain!delay
Leave 'er to me! |
| animYe wee spicy tuna!delay Ye crack the
whip harder than me own missusdelay.delay.delay.delay
animI gots it. We be off. |
| animHeard me a rumor that ye be one
o' them fancy-pants colorClub Tortimercolor
animApparently ye colorClub Tortimer colortypes
can reserve the island for yer silly
parties and such.
An' what's weirder,delay ye can be goin'
with people ye know and people ye
don't alike!
animHar har har,delay what's yer choice?delay
Ye be going it alone, or with the
other colorClub Tortimer colorfolk?fun_0008000Dfun_0006000F
I'll go alone.
I'll go with members.
I changed my mind. |
| animYar delayhar delayhar!delay I hadn't peg-legged ye
as the outgoin' type. animdelayGuess me
compass must be broke.
Well, lemme give ye two rules fer
exploring the seas and hangin'
round people ye've never met.
animRule 1: delayfun_000A0007Mind yer manners!fun_00010007
Rule 2: delayfun_000C0007sizeMIND YER MANNERS!sizepageBreakDon't go sayin' stuff that'll hurt
people's feelings. That be against
the adventurer's code!
Also, don't be givin' out any o' that
personal information ye be havin'.delay
Don't do it.delay fun_000C0007sizeDON'T, I SAY!size
And don't ye be wearin' any
inappropriate garb or usin' any
inappropriate language. Nar!
Remember that others can see both
yer colorTPCcolor and yer colorcustom designscolor,
animYar,delay and one more thingdelay.delay.delay.fun_00010007
animWe always clean the colorClub Tortimercolor
beach nice and tidy once ye leave.
animIf ye accidentally leave anything on
the beach,delay yar! It be gone!pageBreakanimYe be best keepin' yer favorite wigs
and rags on yer noggin, lass!pageBreakanimIn fact,delay ye'd be smart to just leave
all yer valuables at home so's ye
won't have to worry about 'em! |
| Yar, delaynow that I've said me piece,
we'll be off to yer special island.
delayBut first,delay I need to know...
animDo ye wanna hang 'round only
people that live in yer same corner
o' the globe?
animOr do ye wanna sail the seven seas
and visit international waters?fun_0008000Dfun_0006000F
Only North America!
The whole wide world!
I changed my mind. |
| Aye, we'll set sail in just a bit here,
but I need to know...pageBreakanimDo ye wanna hang 'round only
people that live in yer same corner
o' the globe?
animOr do ye wanna sail the seven seas
and visit the international island?fun_0008000Dfun_0006000F
Only North America!
The whole wide world!
I changed my mind. |
| |
| animAvast! delayYe don't got the color1,000 Bellscolor!delay
animIt's quite a bardelayrdelayrdelayrdelayrdelaygain,delay if ye ask me! |
| animTell me now, would ye care fer a
wee bit o' mood musicdelay fer this
pleasure cruise?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Sure would!
No thanks. |
| animGar, then it be shanty time!delay
animAnd shanty fun time. |
| animGardelay.delay.delay.delay Really? Ye dislike shanties?delay
Ye gots problems with yer noggindelay.delay.delay.delay |
| |
| |
| |
| animMayhaps I be gettin' a touch o' the
sea madnessdelay.delay.delay.delayanimbut did ye get even
cuter than on the way over?
Nar, delayit must be the sea madness.delay
Here are yer effects, as promised. |
| animYe seemdelay.delay.delay.delaylike ye got a bit different
vibe than before, lass.delay animNo matter.delay
Here be yer effects,delay as promised. |
| animYar, fare thee well, delayfun_00000005!delay
Here are yer effects, as promised. |
| |
| animAarrr...delay Appears me boat is in need
o' repair.delay Can't take 'er out at the
moment.delay animI'll give ye yer money back. |
| animCome back sometime, and I'll take
ye on a mysterious midnight cruise,delay
animyar har har!
animNar? fun_00010007Well, it be worth a shot. |
| |
| |
| animCatch ye later! Aye, and here be yer
effects back, safe and sound. |
| |
| animSo ye be sayin', butdelay.delay.delay.delay
This colorsystemcolordelay has colorparental controlscolordelay in
place, so I'm afraid I can't take ye.endTag
color colorAvast! I be a parent! |
| animSo ye be sayin', butdelay.delay.delay.delay
This colorsystemcolordelay has colorparental controlscolordelay in
place, so I'm afraid I can't take ye.endTag
color colorAvast! I be a parent! |
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