
Script : [Cranky] Msg--Mail_KO_Q08

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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Sorry about coming over so
randomly the other day.
I'm still thinking about that
odd room we couldn't open.
I've gotta see it sometime
soon! Oh, and here's a gift.


Sorry for bugging you the
other day, but I just couldn't
stand seeing your room so
messy. I won't tell you how
to live... OK, actually I will.
Get to cleaning already!


Sorry for visiting the other
day with nearly no warning.
It's not much, but here's a
little gift from me to you.
I bet you'll like it, and if you
don't, whatever! It's yours!


Thanks for having me over
the other day. I didn't mean
to dig at you about how you
don't have a bed or other
important things like that.
Maybe this'll help?


Thanks for having me over
the other day! It might mess
up the look you've got going
in your place, but take this
gift anyway. Maybe you'll
find you enjoy it after all!


Sorry for bugging you with
the random house call the
other day! Seeing your walls
all empty was a bummer, so
maybe you'll like my little
wall-hanging gift? Good!


Sorry for coming over all of
a sudden the other day! I got
you a gift as thanks. It isn't
too rare, but I want you to
have it anyway! Hopefully
you'll find some use for it!


Sorry for coming over all of
a sudden the other day.
I was out and found this for
your collection. You collect
these, right? Well, now you
do! Deal with it! GAHAHA!


Thanks for having me over
the other day! I bought this,
so hopefully it'll help change
your room's totally barren
atmosphere a little. If it's
not useful, then whatever!


Thanks for having me over
the other day! I don't mean
to tell you what to do...
except I do. Get organized!
Hopefully this gift'll help you
figure that out just a bit!


Sorry for my random pop-in
the other day. I was out and
bought you something I
thought you might like. So
enjoy! Free stuff is always
nice, right?


Sorry for my random pop-in
the other day. I was out and
bought you something I
thought you might like. So
enjoy! Free stuff is always
nice, right?


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