Num | English |
| animHeya heya, delayfun_00000005! |
| So, yes,delay Ms.color Isabellecolor, right?delay She tells
me, "The town's being swarmed
with weeds! Please help me!"
animBut there are just so many,delay I think I
must have fainted from the shockdelay.delay.delay. |
| animfun_00040007Take a look. Weeds all over! As far
as the eye can seedelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00050007animfun_00090007pageBreakanimfun_00040007delaysize...What in the world?sizedelayfun_00050007pageBreakanimHeydelay.delay.delay.delay The weeds are all gonedelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimdelayOh, I get it!delay animIt must have been the
mystical guardian of weeding!delay
We're saved, fun_00000005! Rejoice! |
| animOh, delayI'm just so happy!delay fun_0003000Efun_00000005,
allow me to share some of the
happy with you! Don't be shy!
animMy, my. Have I got something good
for YOU.delay Come back when you have
more room in your pockets!
animdelay.delay.delay.delayOh, delaybut I left my shop unattended,
delayso come back here as soon as you
absolutely can, OK?
animIf you wait too long,delay I might forget
and go back to my shop instead! |
| animOh my! delayI'm so happy!delay fun_0003000Efun_00000005,
please, allow me to share the happy
with you right away! |
| That right there happens
to be fun_0002000Efun_00030011.pageBreakThey're not usually for sale,delay so they
can be a difficult variety to grow.pageBreakanimBut if you can get it to bloom up
nice,delay I think the guardian of weeding
will come and bless the town again!
animSo, fun_00000005,delay be sure to plant
that seed somewhere safe, yeah? |
| animLook!delay Weeds everywhere! Dear me!pageBreakanimdelay.delay.delay.delaydelayThis delaycan only mean this town has
been abandoned by theanimdelay mystical
guardian of weedingdelay.delay.delay.
Hmmmmmdelay.delay.delay.delay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimOh, delayI know!fun_00010007 animHow about we all work
together to clean up the town!pageBreakanimIt'll be faster that way, delayand the
guardian of weeding may forgive us!fun_00010007
animWhat do you think?delay Will you help?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Leave it to me!
I'm a little busy. |
| |
| animfun_00040007See? Weeds everywheredelay.delay.delay.fun_00050007fun_00090007pageBreakanimdelayanimdelayWait. Have things cleaned up a bit?fun_00010007
animsizeHmmmmdelay.delay.delay. Maybe a little...size |
| animfun_00040007See? Weeds everywheredelay.delay.delay.fun_00050007fun_00090007pageBreakanimdelayanimHold up.delay Maybe not?fun_00010007 animsizeHmmmmdelay.delay.delay.delay.delay.delay.size |
| delayanimdelayOh!delay Could it be?delay animThe invisible and
benevolent guardian of weeding has
paid our humble town a visit!
delayanimPhew, delayI'm glad!delay Perhaps this town
will somehow bounce back after all!pageBreakanimdelay.delay.delay.delayanimdelayOh, delayan idea!fun_00010007 animHow about we work
together to clean up the town?pageBreakanimIt's quicker,delay and the guardian of
weeding will be so pleased, too!fun_00010007
animHow about it?delay Will you help us out?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Leave it to me!
I'm a little busy. |
| delay.delay.delay.delay.delay.delay.delayanimdelayfun_00090007 |
| animdelayI—delayI delaythink I might pass out from the
utter shock of it alldelay.delay.delay. |
| animHooray! delayThat's great!delayanimpageBreakanimOK, fun_00000005, I'll let you handle
pulling out all the weeds! |
| And then Ianimdelay.delay.delay.delaywill count how many
nasty weeds are left! |
| animAlso, delayfun_00000005, since you've got
your friend here,delay perhaps you'll have
some extra help!
animMeanwhiledelay.delay.delay.delay animdelayI'll keep track of how
many horrid weeds are left! |
| animAlso, delayfun_00000005, since you've got
your friends here, delayyou should see if
you can get some extra help!
animAnd then Ianimdelay.delay.delay.delaywill just keep track of
how many are left! |
| animMake sure you get them all.delay Every
weed! We want the town spotless!pageBreakanimOK, here we godelay.delay.delay. |
| size size
animdelayfun_000B0007sizeSTART!sizedelayanimfun_00090007 |
| animWha—?fun_00010007 What am I doing in a
heartless place like thisdelay.delay.delay.delay?pageBreakanimsizeErmdelay.delay.delay.sizedelay animdelayAck!delay I remember!delay The weeds!
There are ever so many weeds! |
| animSo fun_00090004 leftdelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00010007 animWe've got a long
way to go, but we can do it!fun_0005000F
Leave it to me!
I'd like to quit. |
| animSo fun_00090004 leftdelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00010007 animThe task is getting
tough, but let's keep at it!fun_0005000F
Leave it to me!
I'd like to quit. |
| animSo fun_00090004 leftdelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00010007 animIt may be difficult,delay
but we're getting closer to our goal!fun_0005000F
Leave it to me!
I'd like to quit. |
| animSo fun_00090004 leftdelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00010007 animWe're almost there!delay
Keep it up! Don't give in now!fun_0005000F
Leave it to me!
I'd like to quit. |
| animSo fun_00090004 leftdelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00010007 animWe're ever so close
now!delay Keep on keeping on!fun_0005000F
Leave it to me!
I'd like to quit. |
| animC'mon!delay We're doing so well.
Just a little farther to go!fun_0005000F
OK, I'll keep going!
No, I'm done! |
| animExcellent!fun_00010007 animdelayI'll be doing my best too,
delaycounting those nasty weeds as you
pluck them, fun_00000005! |
| animLet's work hard to make sure there
isn't a single weed left by dawn!pageBreakanimHere we godelay.delay.delay. |
| animHaving said that, delayI gotta get going
after 6 a.m.pageBreakanimWe don't have a lot of time,delay but
let's try to pluck every last weed
by then!
animHere we godelay.delay.delay. |
| animI want to share the happy with you,
fun_00000005, so come back once you
have some room in your pockets!
animBut I've gotta go back to the store,delay
so get back here quick as you can!pageBreakanimOtherwise, well,delay I might just forget
and leavedelay.delay.delay. |
| animHeya heya, delayfun_00000005!delay Wait up!pageBreakanimLooks like you've got room for your
share of the happy now!fun_00010007 OK, delayhere
ya go! Hope you like it! |
| animThe number of weeds left is fun_00090004!fun_00010007
animThe place is practically spotless!pageBreakanimI'd say this town is plenty clean,
butdelay.delay.delay.delayanimwill you delayanimdelaystick it out till the
very end?fun_0005000F
I'll do my best!
I'm done! |
| animThat's great!delay animThere's only a bit
more to go, so hang in there until
it's all done! |
| animI sure do understand!delay animWe've already
worked lots today, so let's just go
ahead and wrap this up! |
| animHeya heya, delayhowdy!pageBreakanimSo delayright now I'm doing just a bit
of weeding with fun_00240005.pageBreakanimMaybe if you're a little interested,delay
you'd be really great and help out! |
| animMe and fun_00240005,delay right now we're
just out doing some light weeding!pageBreakanimIf it's not too much to ask,delay it'd be
ever so great if you helped out! |
| animdelayZzzzzzsizedelay.delay.delay.delay Weedsdelay.delay.delay.delay Weeds everywheredelay.delay.delaysizesize.sizefun_00090007 |
| animShooo, weedssizedelay.delay.delay.sizesizedelaysizeanimdelayanimfun_00090007 animdelayAh!fun_00090007 |
| animOh, delayfun_00000005!delay That was certainly
some mighty happy work out there! |
| animWhat'd I tell you! delayBecause we both
worked together,delay things got cleaned
up in no time at all! |
| animThanks to our hard work,delay the whole
town is completely spotless! |
| animSince the two of us were able to
work together,delay we got the town
clean in no time flat! |
| animThis place looks so much better,delay
but only because the two of us
worked so hard to keep it clean! |
| animThis place looks so much better,delay
but only because we spent so much
time cleaning it up! |
| animThis place looks so much better,delay
but only because we spent a ton
of time cleaning it up! |
| animBecause we took our time and did it
right,delay the whole town is completely
spotless and clean! |
| animIt certainly took forever,delay but now
the whole town is spotless! |
| animOh yes, delayand your extra friend's help
made all the difference, fun_00000005! |
| animI-delayI-delayI'm so unbelievably happy!pageBreakI must share this happy with you
right away, fun_00000005! |
| animdelay.delay.delay.delayanimdelayI know!delay animI've got something rather
good,delay so come back when you have
some room in your pockets!
animdelay.delay.delay.delayOh,delay but I left the store unmanned,
delayso come back quickly, yeah?pageBreakanimOtherwise, delayI might forget and leave. |
| animdelay.delay.delay.delayanimdelayGot it!delay animI have something for you
that's equal to my happiness!pageBreakHere!delay It's your share of the happy! |
| So you see, that there, delaywhy, that's
fun_0002000Efun_00030011.pageBreakI'm rather crazy about flowers, so I
thought I'd try making some flower
furniture in my free time.
animSet it up in your home if it perfectly
strikes your fancy, fun_00000005! |
| That there, delaythat is in actuality
fun_0002000Efun_00030011.pageBreakanimIt's super delicious to eat, but I'd
recommend planting it and taking
care to let it grow into a new tree! |
| Oh yes, that right there is actuallydelay
fun_0002000Efun_00030011!pageBreakThey aren't usually sold. Plus you'll
find them pretty hard to grow.pageBreakanimfun_0003000Efun_00000005, try planting it if you're
up to the challenge! |
| Oh, yes, yes, yes, that is actually
some fun_00030011.pageBreakIf you bury it next to a flower or
tree, it will help it to grow! anim
fun_0003000Efun_00000005, try using it sometime! |
| fun_00040007animsizePhewdelay.delay.delay.sizedelayfun_00050007fun_00090007pageBreakI really worked hard out there.
I guess I'm kinda tired now. |
| animRight,delay well, I think I'm gonna take a
little break and then head on back
to the flower shop. |
| |
| animHeya heya! delayWelcome to fun_00050005!pageBreakanimfun_0003000Efun_00240005delay and I were actually just
doing some weeding out here today!pageBreakanimEnjoy your stay in clean and shiny
fun_00050005! |
| animHeya heya,delay welcome to fun_00050005!pageBreakanimfun_0003000Efun_00240005delay and I were actually just
doing some weeding out here today!pageBreakanimOh, right!delay animYou...delayyou helped us out a
bit, yeah?fun_00010007 animThank you, thank you! |
| animFor helping out, I wanna give you
something happy.delay Come back when
you've got room in your pockets!
animdelay.delay.delay.delayOh, delayand I'm kind of forgetful, animso
don't leave town or anything!delay Come
right back before my memory slips! |
| animWell then, delayenjoy your visit here in
clean and happy fun_00050005! |
| Phew!delay We just now finished with all
of the weeding!pageBreakanimWell then, enjoy your stay in clean
and happy fun_00050005! |
| animHeya heya,delay if it isn't fun_00000005 all
the way from fun_00060005!pageBreakanimWe just now finished our weeding!pageBreakanimOh, right! animYou...delayyou also helped out?fun_00010007
animYes, right! Thank you, thank you! |
| animHeya heya,delay it's fun_00000005 all the
way from fun_00060005!delay Wait up, now!pageBreakanimIt looks like you've finally got room
for my gift!fun_00010007 OK, delayhere you go! Enjoy! |
| animdelay.delay.delay.delayanimdelayI know!delay animLet me give you something
nice for helping out with weeding!pageBreakOK!delay There you go! |
| |
| animMmmm, tidy town, tidy mind... |
| Oh, hey, fun_00000005,delay you should
come see me at my store too! |
| animI worked so hard today. I'm gonna
sleep like a slothdelay.delay.delay. |
| animI hope the guardian of weeding will
show favor and continue to keep
the town so clean and happy! |
| |
| animEnjoy your happy stay in clean
and tidy fun_00050005! |
| I usually run a flower shop over on
Main Street.delay Why not come by and
visit sometime, OK? |
| animThank you so much for your help
with all the nasty weeds. |
| animNow that everything is all tidied up,
I feel happy again.delay Sleepy toodelay.delay.delay. |
| |
| animHeya heya!delay Welcome to fun_00050005!pageBreakanimToday this town was super weedy,
but good fortune and helping hands
made the place all tidy and happy!
animPlease take some time to enjoy
fun_00050005 in all its cleanly glory! |
| animHeya heya!delay Welcome to fun_00050005!pageBreakanimToday this town was super weedy,
but enough love banded together
and now the place is tidy and happy!
animdelay.delay.delay.fun_00040007delayanimdelayOH!delayfun_00050007 animWould you happen to be one
of the animlovely special helpers?pageBreakanimYou must be!delay I'm sure you helped
out with the weed pulling today!delay
Thank you very much! |
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