Num | English |
| animI know it's a little early, delaybut I can't
stop thinking about colorToy Daycolor. delayanimThe
gifts, delaythe food,delay the fun.delay I can't wait! |
| animYou know,delay it's not too early to start
thinking about colorToy Daycolor.delayanim Especially
if you're a reindeer who gives gifts.
animI know you're out there somewhere
listening to this, delaycolorJinglecolordelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animOnly two weeks until colorToy Daycolor! delayIn
other words, delayanimstill time to pick out
the perfect gift for me,delay fun_00080005! |
| animI know colorToy Day coloris coming and
you're getting excited,delay fun_00080005delay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimBut don't panic and try to buy all
your gifts in one day! delayanimThat will just
lead to regifting. |
| animIt's almost colorToy Daycolordelay.delay.delay.delay Do you have
plans? fun_00010007animOh! delayWell, delayyou don't need to
get me anything. delayanimBut colorJingle colordoes! |
| colorToy Daycolor is almost heredelay.delay.delay.delayanim I wonder
how everyone in fun_00050005 will
animMore importantly, delayI wonder what's
on everyone's wish listsdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animWill we see each other on colorToy Daycolor
this year,delay fun_00080005? delayAlso, animdelaywhat
do you want from colorJinglecolor? |
| If I don't get what I want for colorToy
Day colorthis yeardelay.delay.delay.delayfun_000B0007animsizeI WILL BE
animsizePlease make a note of it.size |
| animI'm so exciteddelay.delay.delay.delay Tomorrow is finally
colorToy Daycolor! delayAnd you know what that
means,delay don't you?fun_00010007 animPresents! |
| animThe stockings are hung with care,delay
gifts wrapped, and trees decorated.delay
animcolorToy Day coloris tomorrow! |
| animI wonder what I'll get for colorToy Daycolor
this year. delayanimGuess I don't have to wait
much longer to find out! |
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| animOh!delay I almost forgot to tell you.delay animWhat
I really want from colorJingle colorthis year is
some colorfurniturecolor. |
| animOh!delay I almost forgot to tell you.delay animWhat
I really want from colorJingle colorthis year is
a colorcarpetcolor. |
| animOh!delay I almost forgot to tell you.delay animWhat
I really want from colorJingle colorthis year is
some colorwallpapercolor. |
| animOh!delay I almost forgot to tell you.delay animWhat
I really want from colorJingle colorthis year is
an colorappliancecolor. |
| animOh!delay I almost forgot to tell you.delay animWhat
I really want from colorJingle colorthis year is
a colormusical instrumentcolor. |
| animOh!delay I almost forgot to tell you.delay animWhat
I really want from colorJingle colorthis year is
a colorplantcolor. |
| animOh!delay I almost forgot to tell you.delay animWhat
I really want from colorJingle colorthis year is
a new coloroutfitcolor. |
| animOh!delay I almost forgot to tell you.delay animWhat
I really want from colorJingle colorthis year is
a colordollcolor. |
| animOh!delay I almost forgot to tell you.delay animWhat
I really want from colorJingle colorthis year is
a colortoycolor. |
| animOh!delay I almost forgot to tell you.delay animWhat
I really want from colorJingle colorthis year is
some colorfoodcolor. |
| animOh!delay I almost forgot to tell you.delay animWhat
I really want from colorJingle colorthis year is
a colorlampcolor. |
| animOh!delay I almost forgot to tell you.delay animWhat
I really want from colorJingle colorthis year is
an colorumbrellacolor. |
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| animOh!delay I almost forgot.delay What I really
want from colorJingle colorthis year is fun_0002000E
colorfun_00020012 colorpresent. |
| animSpeaking of colorToy Daycolordelay.delay.delay.delayI hope we get
some fresh snow that morning. delayanimIt
would be so beautiful! |
| Speaking of colorToy Daycolordelay.delay.delay.delayanimnot just
anyone can pull off a Santa suit.pageBreakanimBut on the right person,delay like,delay you
know, delayanimSANTA for example, delayit looks
great! |
| animSpeaking of colorToy Daycolordelay.delay.delay.delayI just know
this year is going to be the best.delay
animYeah! delayGo,delay go,delay gdelayodelayodelayodelayodelayo fun_000B0007animTOY DAY!
animWhoa,delay sorry.delay animI think I just had a
flashback to my cheerleader days. |
| animSpeaking of colorToy Daycolordelay.delay.delay.delayI just know
this year is going to be the best.delay
animYeah! delayGo,delay go,delay gdelayodelayodelayodelayodelayo fun_000B0007animTOY DAY!
animWhoa,delay sorry.delay animI think I just had a
flashback to my cheerleader days. |