
Script : [Peppy] GE_Re_FirstD

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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animIt's delayfun_00080005!delay
Did you come overdelayanim to help me
unpack delayand clean this mess up?
animHey! delayRemember when we met delaywhile
I was camping delayand you were all, delaylike,delay
"You have delayGOT to move here"?
animWell, delayI did! delayFate brought us together
again, delayso that means we're gonna
have to be delayreally good friends.
animBut for now,delay I've got to clean up
this mess! delayanimWhy don't you come by
tomorrow, delayand we can play!


animHeya, fun_00080005!delay
animSorry it took me so long delayto get it
together and move to delayfun_00060005!
I mean, delayanimyou totally told me to move
into town delaywhen I was here camping,delay
remember? delayanimSo I did!
animLook, delayI've got to spend some timedelay
straightening up this mess. delayanimBut let's
try to schedule a playdate soon!


animLook—delayit's fun_00080005!delay
animRemember what you said delayback
when we were in delayfun_00020011?
animWell, delayI've taken it to heart, delayand I
decided to move to delayfun_00060005.
animAren't you totally psyched?!
animAs soon as I get this placed cleaned
up, delayI'm gonna take in the sights.delay
animI can't wait to explore this town!


animIt's great to see you, delayfun_00080005!delay
I really owe you one. delayWhat you said
in delayfun_00020011 animchanged my life!pageBreakanimHuh?!delay Don't you remember telling
me to move todelay fun_00060005? delayIt was,delay
like,delayanim the best advice delayEVER!
animSo now I'm here,delay but my place is an
epic mess. delayanimMaybe we can hang out
togetherdelay another time, delayhuh?


animTa-DAAAHHH!! delayIt's fun_00010005!delay
animSurprised? delayI just delayHAD to move
here after we met in delayfun_00020011.
animYou're,delay like,delay a really great town
spokesperson. delayYou made this placedelayanim
sound wayyy magical!
animI'm really swamped today, delaywhat
with unpacking and all. delayanimBut we
should totally hang out soon!


animHey, it's delayfun_00080005!delay
I had, delaylike, delayanimSO much fun hanging out
with you delaywhen I was here camping!
animSo much fun, delayin fact,delay that I totally
decided to move to delayfun_00060005!
animAren't you justdelay head over heels?
animMy place is a mess now, delaybut I'm
gonna go explore delayonce it's all clean.delay
animSee you soon, delaymy friend!


animOh, delayhey there, delayfun_00080005!delay
animRemember when you told me delayhow
awesome this town was? delayWelldelay.delay.delay.delay
animI took it to heart delayand decided to
move here, delayjust like I promised!
animNo need to thank me!
animI've only been in towndelay a little while,delay
but this place is animAMAZING. delayEven
better than when I was camping!


animTa-DAAAHHH!! delayIt's delayanimfun_00010005!
I bet you've been waiting for me
for,delay like, delayAGES! delayBut I'm finally here!
animRemember what you said to medelay
when I was camping here? animYou said
I justdelay HAD to move to this town!
animSo I did!delay I needed a fresh start, delayand
I think delayfun_00060005 is just the place
to do it!


animHey, delayif it isn't delayfun_00080005!fun_00010007
animYou totally sold me on this towndelay
back when we were in delayfun_00020011.
animI promised to move here,delay animand fun_0002000E
fun_001F0005 delayalways keeps her
promise! delayanimLucky for you,delay huh?
animNow that we're neighbors,delay I know
we're gonna beanim good friends delaytoo!delay
Yay for us, delayfun_00070005!


animHeya, delayfun_00080005!delay
animI'm glad you told me about this
town delaywhen I was in delayfun_00020011.
animI decided to take you up on your
offer to move here.delay animIt's delaySO like me
to just delayjump into something new!
animPromise me you'll be a super-nice
neighbor, delayfun_00070005! delayanimIf you do
that, delaywe'll get along just fine!


animfun_0003000Efun_00080005! delayHi there!
You remember meeting me indelay
fun_00020011, delayright? delayanimCourse you do!
animYou were delaySO passionate about me
moving here. delayI just HAD to come
delayanimand see what the fuss was about!
animNow that we're neighbors,delay I can
tell we're gonna be, delaylike,delay really
good friends!


animHey, delayit's delayfun_00080005!delay
animIt's about time I ran into you!delay
Remember me, delayfun_00070005?
animI was so flattereddelay that you invited
me to move to this town delaywhen I
was here campingdelay.delay.delay.delayanimso I finally did!
animI've only been here delayabout a week.delay
animCamping here delayand living here are,delay
like,delay totally different things!
animBut I'm super happy to say delaythat
I love it here. delayPlus, delayI get YOU as
my neighbor, delayfun_00070005!


animHow's it going, delayfun_00080005?delay
Remember me? delayanimYou totally begged
me to move to delayfun_00020011!
animI've only been here delayabout a week.delay
But with all my talent and fame, delayanimI'm
gonna put delayfun_00060005 on the map!


animHeya, delayfun_00080005!
animRemember when I was camping delayand
you told me I delayhad to move here?
animWell,delay I did! fun_00010007animBut I've been totally
bummed out. delayI mean,delay I moved here,
but delayyou were nowhere to be found!
animI've already been here a while,delay so
that's, like, delayDAYS of fun missed.
animWe have to make up delayfor lost time!


animAnd so we meet again!fun_00010007
animRemember me? delayfun_00010005 fromdelay
fun_00020011? delayRing any bells?
animYou totally convinced medelay to move
here! delayanimThere's no WAY delayyou could've
forgotten something like that!
animAnyhoo, delaynow that we're neighbors
and all, delaywe have delayGOT to hang out
together. delayanimIt'll be so much fun!


animThanks for convincing me to move
here, delayfun_00080005. delayanimBut I'm all sick!
animYou know, delayI had delaySO much fun
camping in this town. delayanimI hope living
here delaywill be even better!
animAdelayHdelayHdelayHdelaydelayfun_000B0007CHOOOO! fun_00010007animUgh.delay As soon as
I'm feeling better, delaywe should go outdelay
animand have some serious fun!


animHi, delayfun_00080005!delay
I'm here, delayas promised.delayanim Thanks for
suggesting thisdelay back in delayfun_00020011.
animI'm glad I moved here and all, delaybut I
went and caught a—delayanimfun_000A0007ACHOO!!—delaya
silly cold. delaySniffle!
animAs soon as I'm feeling like my
sparkly self again, delayanimwe should get
togetherdelay for a playdate!


animOh,delay hi there!delay
I'm delayfun_00010005. delayI met delayfun_00000011
when I was camping here.
animfun_0005000E told me I, delaylike, delayHAD to move
here. delaySo I totally did!delayanim But moving
isn't easy, delayyou know?
animI still have, delaylike, delayTONS of boxes to
unpack. delayBut maybe when I'm done,delayanim
you and I can hang out together!


animYou must be delayfun_00000011's friend!delay
fun_0005000E probably told you delayALL about
me. animI'm delayfun_00010005!
animWhen I was camping, delayfun_00000011
practically twisted my arm delayto get
me to move here. delayanimSo I totally did!
animIt's nice to meetcha, delaynew neighbor!
animOnce I finish cleaning up delaythis crazy
mess, delaywe should totally hang out!


animHey there!delay
animIt is delaySO nice to meet you! fun_00010007animI'm the
famous and talented delayfun_00010005!
animI'm sure delayfun_00000011 has told you all
about me. delayI met fun_0005000E camping, and
delayanimfun_0005000E told me to move here!
animDo you wantdelay to be friends with me?delay
I mean, delayanimwe're gonna be neighbors
and all, delayso we might as well!


animHey! delayDo you live here in town?delay
animMe too! delayI'm delayfun_00010005. fun_0003000Efun_00000011delay
convinced me to move here!delay
animSorry about all of the cardboard
boxes. delayOnce I get all unpacked,anim we
should totallydelay hang out, delayOK?


animTime to make a new friend!delay
Hi! delayMy name's delayfun_00010005, and I
just moved here from delayfun_00020011.
animfun_0003000Efun_00000011delay told me delayALL about this
town, delayand it sounded awesome,delay so
I decided I just delayHAD to move here!
animOh, delaybut don't judge me delayby this big
mess of cardboard boxes!delay I'm just
getting everything organized.
animHey,delay you should come back laterdelay
after I'm all unpacked.delayanim I promise
I'm TONS of fun to play with!


animOh, delaywow!delay It's nice to meet you! delay
I'm fun_00010005. delayanimYou probably heard
all about me from delayfun_00000011!
animfun_0005000E totally convinced medelay to move
here. delayI was living in delayfun_00020011, delayanimbut
I was looking for a fun change!
animSo here I am! fun_00010007animBut my place is, delaylike,delay
an delayEPIC mess.delayanim Come over again
later delaywhen I'll have time to play!


animHeya! delayIt's delaySO nice to meet you!delay
animI'm delayfun_00010005. delayDid delayfun_00000011delay
tell you I was moving to town?
animfun_0005000E practically delaybegged me to move
to this town delayafter we met while I
was camping here. delayanimI'm so glad I did!
animMy new life here is going to be,delay
like, delaycompletely epic. delayJust you wait!


animHi! delayI'm delayfun_00010005!delay
I just moved into town.delay animAnd it was
total delayFATE that brought me here!
animIt was delayFATE that led me to that
campsite, delayand it was delayFATE that
led me to delayfun_00000011! animdelayWild, delayright?
animSodelay.delay.delay.delayare you, delaylike, delayfriendly?anim Because
I really love having friends! delayI sure
hope delaywe get along together!


animHave we met before?fun_00010007
animI don't think so! delayI'm delayfun_00010005,delay
the newest additiondelay to this town!
animMaybe animdelayfun_00000011 mentioned me?delay
We met delaywhile I was camping here.
animfun_0005000E said this town was delayWAY cool!
animSo I decideddelay to move here!delay And now
that you and I are neighbors, delayI hope
we can be delaysuper-good friends!


animHey there,delay fellow resident!delay
You're fun_00080005, delayright? delayMy name
is delayfun_00010005!delay animLet's be friends!
fun_0003000Efun_00000011delay animtold me this towndelay just
wasn't complete without me,delay so I
moved here.delay animYou're welcome!
animSeriously, delayI'm going to be the best
thingdelay that ever happened here.delayanim It'll
be a totaldelay fun_00010005 delayrevolution!


animWhoa! delayHave we, delaylike, delayNOT met?fun_00010007
animNice to meet you! delayI'mdelay fun_00010005,delay
formerly of delayfun_00020011.
animfun_0003000Efun_00000011 told me I, delaylike, delaysimply
delayHAD to move to delayfun_00060005, delayanimso
here I am! delayIt seems great so far!
animOooh! delayI sure hope we can be good
friends delaynow that we're such close
neighbors,delay fun_00070005!


animHi!delay Do you live around here?fun_00010007
animWell,delay there you go! delayMy first friend
in this town! delayI'm delayfun_00010005!
animfun_0003000Efun_00000011 said delayI'd really love it
here, delayanimso I decided todelay take a leap
delayand move into town!
animWe're definitely delaygoing to have to
hang out. delayanimI can telldelay we're going to
be good friends, delayfun_00070005!


animHeya! delayNice to meet you!delay
animI'm the one and only delayfun_00010005!delay
I'm pretty new here, delayso be nice!
animI met fun_00000011delay a while backdelay when
I was camping here, delayanimand fun_0005000E said delayI
should totally move into town!
animHey,delay maybe we can go for a little
stroll sometime delayso you can tell meanim
what makes this town awesome!


animWell, delayhey there!delay
animThey call me delayfun_00010005.delay I bet
fun_00000011 told you delayall about me!
fun_0005000E told me delayanimI just delayHAD to move
here, delayso I did! delayI've only been here
about a weekdelay.delay.delay.delayanimbut I love it already!
animYou're fun_00080005, delayright? animI can tell
we're going to get along delaylike two
peas in a pod!


animOoh, delayit's delaySO good to meet you!delay
animMy name is delayfun_00010005, and
I'm, delaylike, delaytotally new in town!
animI met fun_00000011 when I was here
camping, delayand fun_0005000E thought I'd be adelay
perfect fit for this town!
animWe're gonna be neighbors from now
on, delayanimso we'd better be good friends
too, delayfun_00070005!


animHave we met?fun_00010007
animNo way! delayI wouldn't forget a face
like that. delayanimMy name's fun_00010005!
animDid delayfun_00000011 mention I was
going to be moving into town? delayanimfun_0005000E
suggested it delayin the first place!
animYou're delayfun_00000005, delayright? delaySodelay.delay.delay.delayanimthink
delaywe can be friends?delay I sure hope so!


animCough! delayCough! delayfun_000A0007HACK!fun_00010007
animUgh,delay sorry about that! delayIt's nice
to meet you. animdelayI'm delayfun_00010005!
animDo you know delayfun_00000011? delayI met fun_0005000E
while camping, delayandanim fun_0005000E told me I,
delaylike,delay HAD to move here. delaySo I did!
animBut then I went delayand caught a stupid
cold! delayfun_000B0007ACHOO! delayanimThis is the WORST!pageBreakanimSo, delayfun_00000005delayis it OK if I call you
fun_00000005?delay fun_0003000Efun_00000005, delaywhen I get
better, delayanimlet's totally go out and play!


animCough! delayCough! delayAHHHdelayfun_000B0007delayCHOO!
Sorry about that! My name is
fun_00010005. Happy to meet you!
fun_0003000Efun_00000011 was all, delaylike,delayanim "You delayHAVE
to move to my town!" delaySo I did,delay but
then I caught this silly cold. delayanimfun_000B0007Achoo!
animSo you're delayfun_00000005, delayright?fun_00010007anim I can't
wait until I get all healthydelay so you
and I can go hang out together!


animHey, delaydo you live here?delay
It's,delay like, animSO good to meet you!fun_00010007
animWho am I, delayyou ask? delayfun_00010005!
animI was camping here, delayand someone
suggested I move into town. animBut
then that person moved away!
animWho delayDOES that? delaySuch a cruel trick,delay
if you ask me! delayBut either way,delayanim I'm
gonna make a ton of friends here.
animYou'll be my friend, delayright? fun_00010007animGreat!delay
Once I get this place straightened
up, delaylet's set up a playdate!


animAre you from delaythe moving company?fun_00010007
animOh!delay You must live here! delayLet me
introduce myself. delayI'm delayfun_00010005.
animI met this person, delayand they were all,delay
delay"You totally have to move here."
So I did! delayanimThen they moved away.
animI was kinda worried delayI wouldn't find
any friends, delaybut here you are!delayanim
Friends and neighbors, delayyou and me!


animHey there, delaynew neighbor!delay
Your name is delayfun_00000005,delay right?fun_00010007
animI thought so! delayI'm delayfun_00010005.
animI came here on a camping trip once,delay
and someone wasanimdelay totally bragging
about how awesome this town is.
animI was, delaylike,delay I totally want to move to
this town! delaySo I diddelay.delay.delay.delayanimbut the person
I'd met delaydoesn't live here anymore.
animTotal downer, delayright? delayBut there's
nothing I can do about it,delayanim so I'm
just gonna enjoy my new town!
animWhat this place needs is a little
bit of the olddelay fun_00010005 spark!delay
fun_0003000Efun_00060005 will never be the same!


animHidelay hi! delayDo you live here in town?delay
animThen you're my new neighbor!delay
Nice to meet you. delayI'm delayfun_00010005!
animI met someone from delayfun_00050005,
and they said delayI should totally move
heredelay because I'd love it.delay animAnd I do!
animBut it seems they moved away,delay so
now delayI'm all on my own. delayExceptdelay.delay.delay.delay
animdo delayYOU want to be my friend?
animWhew! delayThat takes care of that!delay
animWe're gonna be, delaylike, delaythe best BFFsdelay
ever in the history of delayfun_00050005!


animOh, delayhey there!delay
I'm new in town—delayjust been here
a week! delayanimMy name is delayfun_00010005!fun_00010007
animSo you're the famous delayfun_00000005,delay
huh?delay You know,delay I met someone from
this town delaywhen I was here camping.
animThey totally talked up this place delayand
convinced me to move here. delayanimAnd
then they up and moved away!
animThe fates are just messing with
me again,delay I guess. But you'll be on
my side,delay animwon't you, delayfun_00000005?


animOh,delay hi there!fun_00010007
animWhoadelay.delay.delay.delayI just realizeddelay I never came
by to say hi delayafter I moved in!
animSorry about that! delayI'm delayfun_00010005,delay
the new girl in town. delayanimIt's totally
nice to meet you!
animSomeone from this towndelay totally
convinced me to move here,delayanim but
now it looks like they moved away!
animBoo on them, delayright? delayanimBut don't you
worry!delay I'm good at making friends.
animSodelay.delay.delay.delayyou wanna be friends?fun_00010007anim YAY!
animYou'll have to be my guide delayto all
things fun_00050005. delayanimI can't wait to
explore this town, delayfun_00070005!


animHow's it going?!delay
I am delaySO sorry I haven't come over
to say hi.anim I've been,delay like,delay so busy!
animMy name's delayfun_00010005.delay I was here
camping a while back,delay and someone
told meanim how awesome this town is!
animSo I moved here, delaybut it looks likedelay
they moved away.delayanim I was all,delay like,delay
what just happened?!
animBut then I met you! delayNow I feel like I
have a new friend. delayYou wanna hang
out sometime,delay fun_00070005?


animUhdelay.delay.delay.delayhave we not met yet?fun_00010007
animHow rude of me! delayI'm fun_00010005.
animSomeone invited medelay to move here...
animBut then I found out at the town
halldelay they left town! delayanimI'm, delaylike, delaytotally
bummed out!
animWell,delay forget them!delay I'm going to find
myself a delayanimbunch of new friends and
turn this town upside down!


animCough! delayCough! delayAHHHdelayfun_000B0007delayCHOO!delay
animSorry! delayDid I sneeze on you? delayMy
name isdelay fun_00010005!
animI met someone delaywho invited me to
move to this cute little town,delayanim but
it looks like delaythey moved away!
animAnd on top of that, delayI caught a cold!
delayanimfun_000B0007Achoo! delayMaybe we can talk laterdelay
when I feel better, delayOK?


animNice to meet you!fun_00010007
animCough! delayCough! delayAHHH-delayfun_000B0007delayCHOO!delay
animSorry about that!delay I'm delayfun_00010005!
animSomeone from delayfun_00050005 totally
convinced me to move here, delayanimbut it
looks like delaythey moved away!
animI've been so sad and blue delaythat I
couldn't even fight off this cold.delay
animBut I feel better delaynow that I've met
you. delayI can't wait to hang out with
you delayonce I feel a little better!


animHi there, delayfun_00080005!delay
Miss me much?delay animWe're gonna be
neighbors delayfrom now on. delayYAY!
animI actually met delayfun_00000011 when I
was here camping,delay and fun_0005000E told me
delayfun_00060005's a real hot spot!
animSo of course I decided to move heredelay
and see for myself! delayanimLet me finish
unpacking and we'll hang out,delay OK?


animTa-da! delayIt's me!fun_00010007
animDon't worry.delay I didn't open up delaya
cardboard-box museum in here!
animBut I did move here! delayfun_0003000Efun_00000011
really talked up this place, delayanimso I
decided to see for myself!
animNow you and Idelay are neighbors! delayHow
awesome is that? delayanimBut we'll have to
hang out later.delay I need to unpack!


animHey there, delayfun_00080005!delay
You look like you're totally shockeddelay
to see me. delayanimWell, I just moved here!
animI met fun_00000011 a while back delaywhen
I was camping here,delay and animfun_0005000E told medelay
I just HAD to move todelay fun_00050005!
animNow I can't wait delayto start a new lifedelay
with my awesome new neighbors!


animHey there, delayfun_00080005!delay
animI bet you're wondering delaywhy I'm
here. delayWell,delay I just moved into town!
animI was happy living in delayfun_00020011,delay
but delayfun_00000011 told me all aboutdelay
how awesome delayfun_00050005 is.
animAs soon as I heard about this place,delay
I just delayknew I had to move here! delayNow
we're neighbors, delayfun_00070005!


animHey, it's delayfun_00080005!delay
Long time delayno see. delayanimSodelay.delay.delay.delayhave
you heard delaythe amazing news?pageBreakanimI'm a proud resident of delayfun_00050005
now! delayYup, delayI've been here about a
week,delayanim and I'm totally loving it.
animfun_0003000Efun_00000011 was the one who came
up with the idea delaywhen I was here
camping.delayanim Best idea EVER, delayright?


animLook at that! delayIt's delayfun_00080005!delay
How's it going?delay animDid you know
I moved here delayabout a week ago?
animI ran intodelay fun_00000011 when we were
in delayfun_00020011, and animfun_0005000E told me delayI,
delaylike, delaytotally HAD to move here!
animI'm so glad I took fun_0005000E advice. delayThis
town is totally awesome.delay And I've
got delayYOU as a neighbor, delayto boot!


animCheck it out! delayIt's delayfun_00080005!delay
It's,delay like, delaySO good to see you. animDid
you know I moved to delayfun_00060005?
animIt's true! delayI was here camping, anddelay
fun_00000011 told me I delaytotally had
to move here. delayAnd I did!
animNow I've got you as a neighbor delayand
fun_00000011 as a neighbor, delayand I'm
the luckiest delayfun_001F0005 in town!


animIt's about time delayI ran into you!delay
I'm now officially a resident ofdelay
fun_00060005. delayanimDon't you love it?!
animI was perfectly happydelay in my old
town,delay but animfun_00000011 said I'd bedelay
MUCH happier here.
animNow the three of usdelay are neighbors!delay
We're gonna be, delaylike, delaythe Three
Musketeers or something!


animCough! delayCough! fun_00010007AdelayHdelayHdelayanimfun_000B0007CHOOOO!delay
Hey there, delayfun_00080005. animGuess
what? delayI just moved into town!pageBreakanimI was here camping, and delayfun_00000011
said delaythis was the COOLEST place
to live, delayanimso I had to check it out!
animI'm glad I moved here,delay but I caught
a animreal bummer of a cold in the
process. delayAdelayHdelayHdelayanimfun_000B0007CHOOOO!
animI've got to rest up a little bit now.delay
But when I feel all better, delayanimwe should
totally delayhang out!


animHey there, delayfun_00080005!delay
Cough! delayCough! fun_00010007AdelayHdelayHdelayanimfun_000B0007CHOO!delay Sorry
about that. delayDid I sneeze on you?
animfun_0003000Efun_00000011 told me this town was
delayTHE place to be seen, delayanimso I just
packed up and moved here!
animBut the bad news isdelay I caught a
stupid cold. delayTry not to catch it
from me!delay It's a doozy! fun_00010007Adelayhdelayhdelayanimfun_000B0007CHOO!


animHere to help me unpack?fun_00010007
animHahahaha! delayJust kidding!delay I bet you're
surprised to see me, delayhuh?
animI met someone delaywhen I was camping
here a while ago, delayand they told me
this town was,delay like, delaythe BEST.
So I moved here, animand they moved
away. I'm totally bummed outdelay.delay.delay.delay
but I think I'll survive.
animLook,delay I've GOT to clean this place
up delayand get rid of these boxes. delayanimBut
we can totally hang out soon!


animHey,delay it's the infamous delayfun_00080005!delay
I bet you're,delay like,delay totally shocked
to see me, delayright?
animI heard all about delayfun_00050005 from a
friend,delay so I decided to move here!delayanim
But my friend moved away!delay BOO!
animWell, delayI can't let that bother me now.delay
I have a animlot of cleaning up delayto do!delay
Come by later and we'll play, delayOK?


animHey, delayit's delayfun_00080005!delay
It's delaySO good to see you! animHey, delayyou
and I are,delay like,delay neighbors now!
animI was camping here,delay and someone
told me that only thedelay best celebs
live here. animSo of course delayI moved in!
animBut then my new frienddelay moved
away! delayPretty bad timing,delay right?delay
animOh welldelay.delay.delay.delay At least you're here!
animI'll try my darnedest delayto be a really
good neighbor, delayfun_00070005!


animI'm so glad to see you, delayfun_00080005!delay
Remember me? delayanimIt's delayfun_00010005!delay I'm
new to town,delay so be nice to me!
animSomeone from this town told medelay
this was the delaybest place to live,delayanim so
I moved here right away!
animBut when I asked around at the
town hall, delayI was told delayanimmy friend had
moved away. delayI was so bummed!
animBut it turns out delayYOU live here,delay
so everything's OK now. delayI'm gonna
be yourdelay favorite neighbor ever!


animHey there, delayfun_00080005!delay
Aren't you a sight delayfor sore eyes!delayanim
Remember me? delayI'm delayfun_00010005!
animI moved to town delayabout a week ago.delayanim
I was camping here, delayand someone
recommended this place to me.
animSo here I am! fun_00010007animBut the lady at the
town hall delaytold me my friend moved
away. delayWhat are the chances, right?
animBut delayfun_00080005's here, delayso everything
is hunky-dory.anim I feel likedelay I can really
be myself around you,delay neighbor!


animIs that really delayfun_00080005?delay
I haven't seen you delaysince I moved
into town. delayanimBet you're surprised!
animYep, delayI moved in delayabout a week ago.delay I
met someone from delayfun_00050005, anddelayanim
they told me I would love it here.
So I moved in, delayanimbut then they moved
out! delayIt's, delaylike,delay really rotten timing. animI
can't believe delaythey skipped town!
animBut you've been living here awhile,delay
haven't you? delayMaybe you could show
me around town! delayanimThat'd be great!


animHey, it's delayfun_00080005!fun_00010007
animI'm so sorry I haven't swung by delayto
say hi yet. delayanimI've been so busy!
animI met someone while I was camping
here, delayand they really talked up this
town. delayanimSo I decided delayto move here!
animBut when I went to the town hall to
get their address, delayI was told they
had moved away! delayanimBummer, delayright?
animBut don't you worry about me. delayI'll
find delayLOTS of friends. delayanimMaybe you
can be one of them! delayHeedelay hee delayhee!


animHey, you!fun_00010007
animSorry I haven't stopped by delayto say
hi.delayanim Uhdelay.delay.delay.delayyou remember me, delayright?
animIt's me, delayfun_00010005. delaySomeone from
this town delaytold me I should seriously
consider moving here, delayanimso I did!
animBut I just found out delaythey don't live
here anymore.delay I was delaySO sad when I
heard the news!
animBut now that I'm here,delay I'm going to
make the best of it delayand have animthe
time of my life! delayWanna join me?!


animRemember me? delayIt's fun_00010005!delay
animI just moved here delay'cause someone
suggested it when I was camping.
animBut they don't live here anymore!delay
I thoughtanim I'd have a friend, delaybut now I
have nothing.fun_00010007 Except a cold! animfun_000A0007Achdelayodelayo!
animI suppose delayI should try to get all nice
and healthy delaybefore I hang out with
anyone, delayanimso hit me up later,delay OK?


animHey there!delay
What a surprise to see you here.delay
animRemember me? delayIt's delayfun_00010005!
animI got an invite from someone delayto
move into town, delayanimbut it turns outdelay
they don't live here anymore.
animBut I do! delaySo it's time to add a little
fun_00010005-brand excitement delayto this
town!delay Exceptdelay.delay.delay.delayanimfun_000A0007ACHOO! delayI'm sick!
animOnce I get over this silly cold, delayyou
should totallydelay come over and play!


Hey hey, animfun_00080005delay! Ohmigosh,
PLEASE tell me you remember me
from the campground!delay
You better! You did invite me to
move to fun_00060005, after all!pageBreakanimAnd what a great idea it was! delayThis
is, like, the happiest I've ever been!delaypageBreakanimI'm kinda DROWNING in boxes
right now, delaybut we definitely need to
hang out tomorrow, delayfun_00070005!


animOh, delayfun_00080005! There you are!pageBreakanimYou remember me, don't you,
fun_00080005? You, like,delay invited me to
live here!
delayAs promised, delayhere I am! animMoving here
was such a totally awesome ideadelay.delay
I just love it here!pageBreakanimI can already tell that the best times
of my life are going to happen in
this little town, fun_00070005!anim


animdelayfun_0003000Efun_00080005?delay Ha! I THOUGHT that
was you. We are in dire need of a
catch-up session.pageBreakYou know, delayI feel like we haven't
talked delaysince you invited me to live
Isn't that crazy?! I've been living
here for, like, delaya while now!pageBreakanimYou better not disappear on me
again.delay I feel like I have SO much to
tell you!delayanim


animSniffle...delay Cough cough!delay
Oh, it's you, delayfun_00080005.fun_00010007 animIt's been
animAfter you invited me, delayI moved here
ASAPdelay.delay.delay. What was I saying? animOH! I
caught a cold...
animAchoo! delayAchoo!delay animBeing sick really
brings me down, delay but let's get
together when I'm all better.


animHiya! delayIt's SO good to meet you.delay animMy
name's delayfun_00010005!pageBreakGet this—I was here camping, and I
was having, like, an amazing timedelay
when the coolest thing happened!
animSomeone just INVITED me to move
here! And then I was like, "uh...delaywhy
not?!" You know?
animI would LOVE more than anything to
chat some more, but I seriously
need to start nesting.delay
animWe definitely need to hang out, like, delay


animHey hey!delay The name's delayfun_00010005!fun_00010007
I'mdelay pretty new to this town, but
don't I just fit right in?
animSomeone at the campgrounddelay told
me how fundamentally COOL it was
to live here, and I was like, "I'm in!"
animLet's be friends. delayI have a feeling
that you know literally EVERY cool
thing there is to do here!delay


animHave we, like,delay met yet? fun_00010007I'm
animfun_00010005.pageBreakanimA while back, I was just, like,
visiting the campground,anim and then
I was like, "why don't I LIVE here?"
So delayI just went for it and moved
my entire life to this town.pageBreakanimYou are SUCH a great listener.delay I
cannot WAIT to talk to you again.
See you, fun_00070005!


animCough!delay Ugh... Cough cough!delay
delayHi, I'm fun_00010005.pageBreakanimHave we met?delay I moved hereanim
because someone at the
campground invited me.
animUh, delayI mean,delay I THINK that's
what happened.pageBreakanimAchoo! delaySniffle... Sniffle...delay
animSorry, I get kinda delirious when I'm
sick...pageBreakanimBut I can tell you're a totally
awesome person. Can I call you
later, fun_00000005?delay


animWhat's up, delayfun_00080005?delay You look,
like, amazing!pageBreakanimDid you hear? I was just camping
here, and someone was like, "You
NEED to move in."
It was likeanim fate was talking to medelay,
so here I am!pageBreakanimOhmigosh! delayI guess that means we'redelay
animneighbors now!pageBreakI'm going to unpack, like, SUPER
fast delayso we can hang, fun_00070005!


animIs that you, delayfun_00080005?delay You will
NOT believe what's been going
on lately!pageBreakanimRight, so delayget a load of this...delay
I LIVE here now!pageBreakanimSomeone at the campgrounddelayanim had
the greatest idea in the world and
suggested I move here!pageBreakanimMy life here is, like,delay a million times
better than my old life. I feel like a
whole new person.pageBreakanimNow that we'll be seeing each other
more, delayI'm beyond ecstatic!


animNo way! delayI haven't seen you in SO
long!pageBreakanimDid you even know that I moved to
fun_00060005? delayIt's been delayamazing to
say the least.pageBreakanimI was handpicked by someone at
the town campground to move here,
delayand here I am!pageBreakanimNow that we're neighbors,delay I can't
wait to learn EVERY last thing
about you, delayfun_00070005!


animSniff...delay A-achoo!delay
animHi, delayfun_00080005.pageBreakI don't think we've seen each other
since I moved here...delaypageBreakanimDo you even recognize me all puffydelay
and stuffed up like this?fun_00010007animdelay Wait, what
were we just talking about?anim
I better get back to bed now.delay
animWe need to, like, totally hang outdelay
once I'm better, fun_00070005.


animSniff...delay A-achoo!delay
animHi, delayfun_00080005.pageBreakI don't think we've seen each other
since I moved here...delaypageBreakanimDo you even recognize me all puffydelay
and stuffed up like this?fun_00010007animdelay Wait, what
were we just talking about?anim
I better get back to bed now.delay
animWe need to, like, totally hang outdelay
once I'm better, fun_00070005.


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