
Script : [Characters] NPC_Kaburiba

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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animOh dear. Business can wait, though.delay
Firstdelay you could probably use a
quick lesson in turnipsdelay.delay.delay.delay
Want to hear it, animkiddo?fun_0005000F
Yeah, tell me!
I already know.


animOh, is that so?delay
animWell, thank goodness for that!pageBreakanimTo be honest, teaching everybody
the basics gets old faster than a
batch of turnips!delay animHyeh heh hehdelay.delay.delay.


animProbably for the best!delay Teaching
everybody the basics so often can
really do a number on you, kiddo!


animHmmm.delay Let's seedelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakWell, the first thing you gotta
understand is that, yes, these
turnips are of course edibleanimdelay.delay.delay.anim
animBut it's been out of style to eat
'em for close to 30-odd years
now,anim so no one does!delayanim
animNope,delay these days turnips are all
used for turning a profit. And that's
why they're called TURN-ips!
anim.delay.delay.delayDo you wanna hear more?fun_0005000F
You bet!
No, thanks.


animYou know about that recycle shop
in town, colorRe-Tailcolor?pageBreakYou can sell your turnips there.pageBreakThe price of turnips will go up and
down every day, though.pageBreakSo selling them for more than you
paid animnets you a profit.pageBreakNeedless to say,delay selling them when
the price is lower animonly means you
wasted some Bells.
.delay.delay.delayanimYou still wanna hear more?fun_0005000F
No, thanks.


animWhat I'm about to tell you is very
important. Vital, evendelay.delay.delay.pageBreakThese turnips will rot animafter one
week. That's it. Just one.pageBreakAlso, turnips are very sensitive to
time paradoxes, so any shift in time
will kill 'em in an instant.
animI come to sell turnips every Sunday,
so unless you sell all your turnips
before colorRe-Tailcolor closes on Saturday...
animYou're looking at a total turnip loss!delay
animBe mindful of all your turnips if you
want success in the stalk market.
anim.delay.delay.delayOh my, see? I tend to go on and
on once I get started talking about
turnips. Old habits, I suppose.


animSo anyway, todaydelay the asking
price is colorfun_00080004 Bells colorper turnip.delay
What do you think, kiddo?fun_0006000F
I'm buying!
Explain turnips.
No, thanks.


animOh my.delay Well, that's too baddelay.delay.delay.delay
animMaybe next time.


animI brought a bushel of ripe, fresh
turnips today.pageBreakThe asking price is colorfun_00080004 Bells colorper
turnip.delay What do you think, kiddo?fun_0006000F
I'm buying!
Explain turnips.
No, thanks.


animWell now,delay my wee radish is back!
animThe asking price is colorfun_00080004 Bells colortoday.delay
You decide you want some, kiddo?fun_0006000F
I'm buying!
Explain turnips.
No, thanks.


animMy little customer is back!delay
animThe asking price is colorfun_00080004 Bells colortoday.delay
Did you want some more, kiddo?fun_0006000F
I'm buying!
Explain turnips.
No, thanks.


animAre you ready?delay
I'm going to explain it in one go.delay
Listen real carefully, OK?
The first thing you gotta understand
is that these turnips are, of course,
animBut it's a fact no one here actually
buys these things for eatinganim.delayanim
No, that'd just be silly.
animEveryone uses these turnips to
make a profit in the stalk market.pageBreakanimHmmm. What elsedelay.delay.delay.delay
animRight. You know about colorRe-Tailcolor?delay
You can sell your turnips there.
The price of turnips will go up and
down every day. Very fickle.pageBreakSo selling them when the price
is higher than what you bought
them for? animThat gives you a profit.
animOn the other hand,delay selling them
when the price is lower animwill net
you a loss. Very tricky sometimes.


animWhat I'm about to tell you is also
very importantdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakThese turnips have a shelf life of
one week. animAfter that, they rot.pageBreakOh, and turnips are very sensitive
to time paradoxes, so if the clock
changes, they'll die instantly.
animI come to sell turnips every Sunday,
so unless you sell all your turnips
before colorRe-Tailcolor closes on Saturday...
animWell, you're looking at a big loss!delay
animJust be mindful of all your turnips.pageBreakanim.delay.delay.delayOh, see? I tend to go on and on
once I get started talking turnips.


animAnd sodelay today's asking price
is colorfun_00080004 Bells colorper turnip.delay
How about it, kiddo?fun_0006000F
I'm buying!
Explain turnips.
No, thanks.


animOK then.delay How many do you want?delay
It's colorfun_00080004 Bells colorper turnip, and I sell
them in bunches of 10.


animOh my.delay Well, that's too baddelay.delay.delay.delay
animMaybe next time.


animHyeh heh hehdelay.delay.delay.delay
Come again, kiddo!


animBut my wee radishdelay.delay.delay.delay
You have too many things.
You can't carry the turnips.
animWhy don't you come back after
you've lightened your load, kiddo?


animSo colorfun_00090004 turnips colorwill come out to
colorfun_000C0004 Bellscolordelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimBut it seems you're short on Bells.delay anim
Since you're short on Bells,delay animwould
you like to buy fewer turnips?fun_0005000F
I'll do that!
No, thanks.


animOh dear,delay my wee radishdelay.delay.delay.delay
animI'm glad you want so many,delay but it
looks like you can't carry them all.
animHow about delayanimyou buy fewer turnips?fun_0005000F
I'll do that!
No, thanks.


animSo colorfun_00090004 turnips colorcomes out to bedelay.delay.delay.delay
animcolorfun_000C0004 Bells coloraltogether.delay
Do you wannadelayanim buy them?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
I'm buying!
I'll pass.


animSo colorfun_00090004 turnips colorcomes out to bedelay.delay.delay.delay
animcolorfun_000C0004 Bells coloraltogether.delay
Do you wannadelayanim buy them?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
I'm buying!
I'll pass.


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