
Script : [Cranky] KO_Q02_Req

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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animUggh.delay I ate too much greasy food,delay
and now I have wicked heartburn.pageBreakanimHey, I've got it! I should eat some
colorfruit colorfor dessert!delay That'll make me
feel nice and refreshed!
animfun_0003000Efun_00080005, I'm sorry,delay but I could
really use a favor.delay animCould you bring
me some colorfruitcolor?delay animANY kind of colorfruitcolor?delayfun_0005000F
No, sorry.


animI feel a little hungry!fun_00010007 animI'm in the mood
for fresh colorfruitcolor! animI'm not picky, so any
kind is fine!delay Have you got my back?delayfun_0005000F
You can count on me!
Nope, I'm too busy.


animHey, fun_00080005!delay I have a big favor
I need to ask you.delay animC'mon, could you
help me out here?delay
animI have an upset stomach,delay and it's
not improving. coloranimcolorI think I'll feel better
if I eat some colorfruitcolor, though.delay
animSeriously, any kind would work.
coloranimcolorCan you bring me a colorfruitcolor?fun_0005000F
Sorry, I can't.


animHey, hey, delayfun_00080005!pageBreakanimSorry to ask you for this,delay but animcould
you maybe head out and bring me
animIt's a colorfruit coloryou can find on trees
here in fun_00050005,delay so it's not all
that difficult, right?
animPlease don't tell me to go get it
myself, OK?!delay animWhat do you say?delay Can
you do it?fun_0005000F
Sorry. Can't right now.


animNow that I think about it,delay animI haven't
eaten anything since I woke up!delaypageBreakanimI'm sorry, fun_00080005,delay but can you
run real quickdelay and get me a colorfruitcolor?
Not just any fruit, either!
animdelayIt's got to be a nice, fresh, animjuicy
colorfun_00030011color!delay It's what
I'm craving,delay animthough I just want fruit!fun_0005000F
Sure, I got your back.
Sorry, can't help.


animHey there! animHave you recently eatendelay
fun_0002000Efun_00030011?delaypageBreakanimI don't even rememberdelay when I last
had one!delay animAhh,delay now that I'm talking
about it,delay I'm getting a mad craving!
animBut,delay man, we don't have any
fun_00030011 trees here
in fun_00050005delay.delay.delay.
animHey, fun_00080005!delay I know this is a
super-hard request, but could you
find fun_0002000Efun_00030011?!
Yeah, this means you might have to
travel outside fun_00050005 to find it,
but can you do me this solid?fun_0005000F
That's impossible.


animHey, fun_00080005.delay I have kind of a
selfish request I'd like to ask you
to help me with!
animI reaaally feel like munching on one
specific colorfruit colorright now.delay Likedelay right
this very second.
animAND it can't be found in this town.delay
It's fun_0002000Efun_00030011!pageBreakanimdelayI want to eat it so bad I can't
stand it anymore!delay It's driving me
totally up the walls!
animWould you be a frienddelay animand just help
me satisfy this random craving of
mine,delay fun_00070005?fun_0005000F
You can count on me!
I'm sorry...


animDo you like colorfruitcolor?delay I personally think
all fruits are healthy and animI absolutely
adore how sweet they taste!
animAnd what's best,delay once you eat a
colorperfect fruitcolordelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimAhh man,delay my mouth is watering just
thinking about it!pageBreakanimHey, fun_00080005!delay Could you find me
a perfect fruit?delay animOh,delay and to be clear,delay
animany kind would be fine, OK?!fun_0005000F
Nope, I can't.


animYou've hearddelay about colorperfect fruitcolor,delay
right?!delay animTell me you have!pageBreakOnce you taste them,delay animyou can't go
back to normal fruit. You can't.
It's not possible!
animIt may sound like I suddenly have a
dainty tooth,delay animbut they're so sweet
and yummy that I can't help myself!
animAhh,delay just talking about it makes me
need one of those perfect fruits
right this very seconddelay.delay.delay.
animHey, fun_00080005!pageBreakanimCould you go and get one for me?delay
I'm OK with any kind!delay animPleaaase!delay animI'm
begging you here,delay fun_00070005!fun_0005000F
Can't right now. Sorry.






animAredelay you really sure?!delay animYou're making
me so happy!delay animI'm looking forward to
my fruit, delayfun_00070005!


animYeah, there's the fun_0006000E I can always
trust!delay animI'm really looking forward to
it now,delay fun_00070005!


animAw yeah!delay Thanks! I'll just be waiting
around here for it!


animYeah, I understanddelay.delay.delay.delay animOK!delay I shouldn't
rely on others when I can do this all
on my own!


animAw, I knew you wouldn't do it!delay
animWell,delay I guess I have to control my
fruity appetite for today!


animAhh,delay I knew you'd say that.delay animI guess
I should just go find it myself!


animAhh,delay I knew you'd say that.delay animI guess
I should just go find it myself!


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