Num | English |
| fun_0003000Efun_00060007Hey, delayfun_00000005fun_00070007!delay
You came all the way to fun_00050005,
so you might as well enjoy yourself! |
| animOh,delay if it isn't fun_00000005!delay
animWelcome!delay Make yourself at home!
animToday's the colorSummer Solsticecolor,delay
animso we have lots of time to hang
around before the sun goes down! |
| animYo! delayWhat's up, fun_00000005?pageBreakanimBet you just had to have a world-
famous fun_00050005 fun_001A0005,
delayright, fun_00070005? |
| animYo, delayif it isn't fun_00000005!delay
animSlummin' it with us bumpkins, eh?pageBreakanimDid you know today's the colorSummer
Solsticecolor?delay animPlenty of time to loaf
about before sundown! |
| animHey! fun_0003000Efun_00000005 from fun_00060005!delay
animLookin' good, kid! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| Yo, fun_00000005!
You came by to hang out!pageBreakanimI just realized it was fun_00030004:fun_00040004!
animIt's the colorSummer Solsticecolor! Lotsa sun!delay
Party all day! fun_0003000Edelayfun_00070005!pageBreakanimActually, I'm tired of partying all
day. animLet's just play a game of
checkers and relax, yeah? |
| Hey, glad you made it, fun_00000005!pageBreakIf you were hoping to get a taste of
the fun_00050005 nightlife, you really
picked the wrong day!
It's the colorSummer Solsticecolor. The sun'll
be up, like, forever.delay Nightlife? More
like brightlife!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animYou're here, delayfun_00080005!fun_00010007
animIt'll be light extra longdelay, so we can
party nonstop! fun_0003000Edelayfun_00070005!
animBut...delaywe'll probably regret not
getting any sleep later,delayanim GAHAHA!delayanim |
| animHey, delayfun_00080005!delay
You hanging out, delayfun_00070005?pageBreakanimThe sun doesn't go down on the
solstice,delay animso I'm going buck wild!delay
animYawn...delay But I might be a bit sleepy. |
| animYo! delayYou're here, delayfun_00080005!fun_00010007
animLook at how bright it is,delay and
it's already delayfun_00030004:fun_00040004!
animI guess that sun just won't give up,delay
animGAHAHA!delayanim fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animYo! delayYou're here, delayfun_00080005!fun_00010007
animLook at how bright it is,delay and
it's already delayfun_00030004:fun_00040004!
animI guess that sun just won't give up,delay
animGAHAHA!delayanim fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |