Num | English |
| animdelayYou seem to have blocked off the
entrance to other roomsdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimMaybedelay animyou're trying to keep me
guessing? Hmm.delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005? |
| animdelayThis roomdelay.delay.delay.delay It's really quite untidy.delay
Or would "sloppy" be a better word,
animFirstdelay.delay.delay.delayyou should really gather
everything you don't want and get
rid of it.delay animThat would help a bit! |
| animOoh, I see you've got some furniture
facing the walldelay.delay.delay.delay Does that end up
motivating you to get exercise?
animThat's actually quite innovative!delay
animHeh heh hehdelay.delay.delay.delay I mean,delay animit's not like
you're just lazy, right? |
| animdelayfun_0003000Efun_00080005, your roomdelay doesn't feel
like it's well lived in at alldelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimYou don't have some essential stuffdelay
like a bed or chairs, right?delay animIt just all
looks so uncomfortable.
animYou're trying your hand at a bold,
new style, am I right?pageBreakanim"Endurance is the true key to style."fun_00010007
animSomeone I look up to once told me
that when I was little. |
| animMy, this room is simply perfect in
its comfort, isn't it? delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005?pageBreakanimdelayI seedelay.delay.delay.delay So this must be the room
where you spend the majority of
your time, fun_00080005delay.delay.delay.delay |
| animdelayI seedelay.delay.delay.delay So you don't really like to
put things on your walls, huh?pageBreakanimWelldelay.delay.delay.delaythere's nothing wrong with
being picky about your house! |
| animWowdelay.delay.delay.delay I've never seen the majority
of these items in the store!delay animDid you
have to do a lot of tough searching? |
| animWhoa!delay All the furniture in here looks
really expensivedelay.delay.delay.delay animOh, I probably
shouldn't touch anything then! |
| animI seedelay.delay.delay.delay animThe fact that you purposely
have so little in here is clearly your
inner "artiste" trying to break free! |
| animI seedelay.delay.delay.delay animThis is clearly a daring style
where you stuff as much into the
room as possible,delay yes? |
| animdelayOh, isn't this nicedelay.delay.delay.?delay You know, the
longer I stay here, the more I want
to become your roomie! |
| animdelayOh, isn't this nicedelay.delay.delay.?delay You know, the
longer I stay here, the more I want
to become your roomie! |