Num | English |
| Doesn't look like I'm gonna
be able to dig up that time
capsule. You should go dig it
up and keep the contents.
Thanks in advance! |
| This letter should be worth a
ton, since we should have
won a gold medal by now. If
we haven't, go ahead and
bury this letter until we do! |
| Remember when you buried
this thing? You were in a bit
of a slump at the time. I've
included an item that every
athlete should have. Enjoy! |
| Remember this? No matter
how roughly I treated it,
it just wouldn't give up.
There's a lesson in there
somewhere. And I know my
burly future self will see it! |
| They tell me I always loved
this as a baby. So that must
mean you loved it too! Good
thing you recovered our time
capsule so we can go back
to enjoying it! |
| By the time we open this,
we should be the top athlete
in the world! So congrats!
To both of us! |
| You must be a world-famous
bodybuilder by now, so use
the enclosed outfit to
commemorate your success!
Or bury it again for future
generations to marvel at. |
| This is the uniform of the
soccer team I wanted to be
on. I wasn't quite ready for
it back then, but I know you
must be in prime condition
by the time you get it! |
| These clothes are just too
far ahead of their time! It's
what I get for being such an
innovator. Hopefully the
world will have caught up
with me in your time. |
| These were just normal
clothes when I buried them,
but when you get them, they
should be vintage! So what's
the weather like in your
time? Write back! |
| When I bought these clothes,
they had just gone out of
style. But by the time you
get them, they should be
cool again! |
| Thanks for taking care of my
time capsule the other day!
Man, I was really obsessed
with that thing! Anyway—
take this reward. You totally
earned it! |
| Thank you so much for the
other day! Something about
time makes dudes crazy.
Maybe it's the idea that we
can never do all the push-ups
we want to do? |
| Thank you for all your time-
capsule help the other day!
I feel like we strengthened
our friendship muscles. If
you want to hit some real
weights together, speak up! |
| Thank you for all your time-
capsule help the other day!
I feel like we strengthened
our friendship muscles. If
you want to hit some real
weights together, speak up! |