Num | English |
| |
| |
| animHuh?!delay Is something strange going on
in town, fun_00080005?fun_0005000F
We've got trouble!
It's nothing. |
| animfun_000B0007What?! fun_0003000Efun_00010011's impostor
appeared from out of nowhere?!pageBreakanimYou expect me to believe that?delay
How about if I clobber you with a
fun_0003000Efun_00010005 Punch instead?pageBreakanimI meandelay.delay.delay.delayanimyou're a really good liar!pageBreakanimI almost fell for it! |
| animNothing?delay animOK, you're fibbing, right?pageBreakanimMaaaaaan!delay I just don't know what
to believe anymore! |
| animI feel like something crazy is going
to happen today.delayanim Stay focused! |
| |
| |
| animWhat happened, fun_00080005?delay
What's going on?!fun_0005000F
We've got trouble!
It's nothing. |
| animfun_000B0007What?!delay fun_0003000Efun_00010011 has a twin?! |
| animYou're not telling me everything!delay
I just know it! |
| animThanks for before, fun_00080005!pageBreakanimOur friendship is like the toughest
steel forged by a fiery trial! |
| animYeah, that disguise was amazing.pageBreakanimBut in the end, the impostor's skill
at trickery was no match for my
skill at having bulging muscles! |
| animThis whole impostor business has
really been unsettling.delay I mean, what
if you hadn't been there to help?
animfun_0003000Efun_00080005,delay I really owe you one! |
| animI'm sure I'm way stronger than any
fake me could ever be!pageBreakanimBut since the impostor is gone, I
suppose I can't prove it to you.
delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| |
| |
| animWhat in the world is going on at
fun_00010011's house?!pageBreakLet's go check things out later,
fun_00080005! |
| animI will not tolerate anyone
impersonating me!pageBreakanimAlthoughdelay.delay.delay.delayanim Having an impersonator
means you're pretty famous, right? |
| |
| animAll kinds of craziness is possible
today, so stay on guard! |
| |
| animcolorApril Fools'color only comes around once
every year!pageBreakanimHeh heh!delay Try out a little fib over
here and a little prank over there! |
| |
| |
| animHaha!delay Today's a day to tell fibs and
play tricks on people! |
| animEveryone's on guard today, thinking
they won't be fooled.pageBreakanimBut you know someone is going to
get fooled before the day is over!delayanim |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| animHmmdelay.delay.delay.delay animfun_000B0007That's right!pageBreakanimfun_0003000Efun_00010011's birthday is
fun_000E0004 fun_000F0004!pageBreakanimHeh heh!delay I bet we can use this
information to our advantage! |
| animHmmdelay.delay.delay.delay We need a test.pageBreakanimOh!delay fun_0003000Efun_00010011's favorite phrase!delay
That should help us sort this out! |
| animYep! Only the real deal will know
about that!pageBreakanimSo now all we have to do is put
these knuckleheads to the test!anim |
| animThis could be a fun challenge!delay animOrdelay.delay.delay.delayanim
it could be really scary!pageBreakanimEither way, we probably need some
kind of testdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimOh!delay I got it!pageBreakanimfun_0003000Efun_00010011 is supposed to be really
good at fun_00180012.delay We
can use that info, delayfun_00070005! |
| animThis would be a good time to figure
out something the impostor
wouldn't knowdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimOh!delay I got it!pageBreakfun_0003000Efun_00010011 was talking about how
fun_0008000E the fun_00160012!pageBreakanimWe'll question both of them.delay
The impostor is the one who isn't
the fun_00160012! |
| animWe need to get to the heart of the
matter, and the way to do that is
through the heart!delay Erdelay.delay.delay.delay Yeah!
I know the real fun_00010011
dreams of becoming fun_0002000E
fun_00170012!pageBreakanimWe can use that info, look into their
hearts, and figure out which one is
real and which one is faking! |
| |
| |
| animfun_000B0007What?!delay Now fun_00010011 has an
impostor?delay Crazy day, huh?pageBreakanimI wonder if it's that same weirdo
who impersonated medelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimfun_0003000Efun_00000005! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!fun_00010007
When you catch that freak, pop 'em
a good one for me! |
| animfun_000B0007What?!delay fun_0003000Efun_00010011 has an impostor
now?!pageBreakanimI bet it's that same weirdo who was
pretending to be me.pageBreakanimfun_0003000Efun_00000005! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!fun_00010007
Unmask that charlatan posthaste!delay
animSorrydelay.delay.delay.delay Been workin' my vocabs. |
| animfun_000B0007What?! fun_0003000Efun_00010011 has an impostor
running around?!pageBreakanimHa ha!delay That's too much!delay This day
just gets weirder and weirder!delayanimpageBreakanimStill, someone who really knows the
real person ought to be able to tell
the difference, right? |
| For exampledelay.delay.delay.delayanimfun_00010011 was born
on fun_000E0004 fun_000F0004!pageBreakanimArmed with that info, you should be
able to figure out who's real and
who's fake! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| Yeahdelay.delay.delay.delayanim Doesn't this person have a
favorite phrase?delay Seems like that
info could help somehowdelay.delay.delay.delayanim |
| animYeah, delayI thought that's what it was!pageBreakanimI'm sure you can use that knowledge
to your advantage, delayfun_00070005! |
| animThat's right!delay Their special skill was delay
fun_00180012!pageBreakanimI don't think too many folks know
that little bit of information. |
| animI'm pretty sure they're the
fun_00160012.pageBreakanimGot it?delay The real fun_00010011 is the
Remember that! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animI'm sure their dream had somethingdelay
to do with becoming fun_0002000E
fun_00170012!pageBreakanimEven if the impostor looks exactly
like them, they probably won't
know that. delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| There's some racket coming from
fun_00010011's housedelaydelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimDo you think fun_00010011 is having
double trouble too?pageBreakfun_0003000Efun_00080005!delay Go check it out! |
| There's some racket coming from
fun_00010011's house.pageBreakanimMaybe you should check it out,
fun_00080005! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animI'm not lying!fun_00010007anim I know today is colorApril
Fools' Daycolor and all, butdelay.delay.delay.delayanimI swear it's
true! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animIf that faker shows up next year, I'll
definitely be ready! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animHey, fun_00080005!delay Did you know? |
| fun_0003000Efun_00010011's birthday is delayfun_000E0004
fun_000F0004! For sure!pageBreakanimYeah, delayyeah!delay I know for a fact that
it's fun_000E0004 fun_000F0004! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!pageBreakanimI swear!delay animThis is not an colorApril Fools'
Daycolor fib! I promise! |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00010011's favorite saying delay
isdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| Yeah, that's it!delay animThey're trying a
little too hard to be hip with that
phrase, don't you think?pageBreakanimBut that doesn't matter!delay What
matters is that you know I'm not
telling an colorApril Fools' Daycolor fib! |
| Actually, delayfun_00010011's special ability
is fun_00180012!pageBreakanimNow that I think about it,delay their skill
at fun_00180012 really is
kind of spectaculardelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimYou believe me, right?delay You have to
know this isn't just another colorApril
Fools' Daycolor fib! |
| animSo I heard that fun_00010011 is the
fun_00160012, you know?pageBreakanimThat's really about the only thing I
know about their family!pageBreakanimdelay.delay.delay.delayanimYou think I'm lying about this?pageBreakanimHa ha!delay This isn't an colorApril Fools'color fib. delay
It's a true story! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| So I know about fun_00010011's big
dream!delay Apparently, it's to become
fun_0002000Efun_00170012!pageBreakWe should cheer 'em on and help
'em reach that goal, fun_00070005!pageBreakanimI'm totally serious!delay This is not an
colorApril Fools' Daycolor joke! |
| |
| animSomething big is going down at
fun_00010011's house!delaypageBreakYou should check it out when your
company leaves, delayfun_00080005! |
| animThat impostor really likes causing
trouble, eh?pageBreakWhoever he is, he won't do anything
when you have guests, butdelay.delay.delay.animhe'll be
up to no good later, delayfun_00070005!delayanim |
| animNobody better impersonate me, I'll
tell you that much, delayfun_00070005!pageBreakanimAlthoughdelay.delay.delay.delayanimI guess if I did have an
impersonator, it would mean I'm
kind of a celebrity. |
| animIt's colorApril Fools' Daycolor, so expect
some craziness.pageBreakanimSomething is bound to happen when
your company leaves town.
delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animAnything can happen today.delay Stay
super frosty! |
| animToday is colorApril Fools' Daycolor, and it
could have enough craziness to last
us for a while!
animI have a feeling some weird stuff is
gonna go down once your company
leaves.delay animI know about this stuff! |
| animToday is colorApril Fools' Daycolor, and it
could have enough craziness to last
us for a while!
animI have a feeling some weird stuff is
gonna go down once your company
leaves.delay animI know about this stuff! |