Num | English |
| fun_00020009 |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00020009 |
| fun_00010009 |
| fun_00010009 |
| |
| |
| animThe colorfireworks showcolor is gonna start
soon!delay I'm already sorta restless. |
| animI've been looking forward to today'sdelay
colorfireworks showcolor ever since early
this morning!delay
It's almost about to begin! animHurry up
and start already!delay animI can't take it
anymore! BOOM! POW! BLAM! |
| animYou can see the fireworks from just
about anywhere!pageBreakBut if you're gonna watch, animmight as
well watch from a spot that makes
for a nice picture,delay fun_00070005! |
| animHoooo, that was a nice one!pageBreakanimFireworks are fun to WATCH, animbut
feeling their boom all the way to
your gut is even BETTER! |
| animThat's a nice one!delay Keep 'em coming!delayanim |
| animThe colorfireworks showcolor's already
started!delay I hope it never ends!
animIt'd better not! |
| animWoohoo!delay animI never get tired of
watching fireworks like these! |
| animSometimes you can even smell the
fireworks too!pageBreakanimI may be called a coot, but I've
always liked the smell of a good
| animA lot of hard, tedious work goes
into making animthat amazing moment
when the firework pops open!pageBreakanimI really respect the folks who make
'em every year! animYou can tell that
they ain't lazy bums!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animWhen I see a really huge firework,delay
I can't help but smile.delay animI don't have
a good reason. I just like fireworksdelay.delay.delay. |
| animIt'd be fun to make fireworks for a
living, but man, animhow could you stand
NOT setting them all off at once? |
| I guess the colorfireworks showcolor is
coming to a close!delay animAll right,delay time to
give my burned retinas a rest! |
| I guess the colorfireworks showcolor is about
to come to a close!delay animIt's a shame,
but at least my blood's pumpin'! |
| I wonder how many fireworks are
leftdelay.delay.delay.delay animI hope they keep 'em coming
until the sun comes up! |
| animAw, it's all over!delay animAt least the ringing
in my ears will keep the spirit of the
fireworks alive, thoughdelay.delay.delay. |
| animWe had some great fireworks this
time around!pageBreakNow we gotta work hard tomorrow
and look forward to the next show!
I can't wait!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| Since I was staring up the whole
time,delay animI've got a wicked neck paindelay.delay.delay. |
| animAwwww, is it over alreadydelay.delay.delay.delay?pageBreakanimThe next fireworks aredelay.delay.delay.delayanimafter the
New Year's countdown?!delay
animBut that's so far away! |
| animAw,delay that's it for this year's
colorfireworks showscolor?delay
animI kind of feel empty now. |
| That brings this year's colorfireworks
shows colorto a close!delay animBye-bye,delay my
dear, sweet summerdelay.delay.delay. |
| Just in case you didn't know,delay animall you
gotta do to look up at the sky is
press up on !
animYup. "Look up." I suppose that's the
long and short of it for viewing
fireworks.delay animGAHAHA!delayanim |
| Just in case you didn't know,delay animall you
gotta do to look up at the sky is
press up on !
animYup. "Look up." I suppose that's the
long and short of it for viewing
fireworks.delay animGAHAHA!delayanim |