Num | English |
| animSo that's one of your prized
possessions,delay huh?delay Not worth selling
at any price?delay animNo worries. delayI get it. |
| animOuch! delaySorry, delayanimbut that means I get to
buy it for a mere colorfun_00090004 Bellscolor! |
| animWhoops, delayyou picked the joker.delay animSo
that means I get to buy your prized
possession for just colorcolorfun_00090004color Bellscolor. |
| animOoh, delayso close.delay You almost got 3
aces in a row.delaypageBreakanimWell played.delay animThat means I have to
buy your item for a whopping
colorfun_00090004 Bellscolor! |
| animOh no! delayThree aces in a row?delay Gah!pageBreakanimI didn't expect this to happen. delayanimNow
I have to buy that thing for colorfun_00090004
Bellscolordelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animYes!delay I knew you'd be game.delay animOh,delay
would you like me to explain the
rules a little more clearly?fun_00050008
Yes, please.
I know how to play. |
| animYou got it. delaySo delayI have 2 cards—delaythe
ace of hearts and the joker.pageBreakanimI'll shuffle them,delay and then you can
pick one.pageBreakanimIf you choose the ace, delaythe price of
the fun_00030011 will go
animBut if you choose the joker,delay I get to
buy it at its current price. delayWhich is
colorfun_00090004 Bellscolor,delay by the way.
We'll play 3 rounds.delayanim Are you
ready? fun_00010007OK, delaypick a card, delayany card.fun_00000008
The left one.
The right one. |
| animAh, delayso you've played before. delayanimGood!delay I
welcome the challenge of an
experienced opponent.
Let's get started.delay animWhich card do
you want? delayIf you choose wrong, I
buy your item for colorfun_00090004 Bellscolor.fun_00000008
The left one.
The right one. |
| fun_00020009 |
| All right.delayanim I've got the card you
chose, delayand I'm going to look at it
any second nowdelay.delay.delay.delay
animIt's the ace of hearts! delayWell done. |
| All right.delayanim I've got the card you
chose,delay and I'm going to look at it
any second nowdelay.delay.delay.delay
fun_000B0007Bzzzzt!delay animSorry,delay but it's the joker. |
| So delayyou win round one.delay animThat makes
the price at least colorfun_00090004 Bellscolor.delay Let's
start the next round before I panic.
animWhich card do you want?fun_00000008
The left one.
The right one. |
| fun_00020009 |
| animOK, delayare you sure this is the card
you wanted? delayanimI have a weird feeling
about thisdelay.delay.delay.delay
animfun_0003000Efun_00070005!delay It's the ace of
hearts again! |
| animOK, delayare you sure this is the card
you wanted? delayanimI have a weird feeling
about thisdelay.delay.delay.delay
animWhew.delay It's the joker! |
| You're 2 for 2.delayanim Can you make
it 3 for 3?delay animLet's find out!pageBreakanimIf you choose wrong in this round,delay
the price will be colorfun_00090004 Bells. delaycolorSoanimdelay
which card do you want?fun_00000008
The left one.
The right one. |
| fun_00020009 |
| animOh, delaythe suspense! delayanimDid you just win delay
or fall a little bit short? delayWill I ever
stop talking and look at the card?
animBingo!delay You picked the ace of
hearts again. |
| animOh, delaythe suspense! delayanimDid you just win delay
or fall a little bit short? delayWill I ever
stop talking and look at the card?
animWhammy! delaySo sorry, delaybut you got the
joker. |
| fun_00010009 |
| fun_00010009 |
| animWell,delay I guess the joke's on you this
time. delayanimBut maybe we'll play againdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animTough luck. delayBut we'll play again
sometime, delaywon't we? |
| animAww, delaydon't give up that easily. delayanimI'm
ready for a rematch whenever you
are. |
| animLooks like everything is coming up
aces for you.pageBreakanimYou know what they saydelay.delay.delay.delay "Lucky
in sketchy street card games,delay lucky
in love." delayanimOrdelay.delay.delay.delaysomething like that. |
| animGood game.delay I hope all those aces
bring you good luck in your
everyday life delaytoo. |
| animI hope none of those aces came out
of your sleeves,delay champdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animI hope none of those aces came out
of your sleeves,delay champdelay.delay.delay.delay |