Num | English |
| animThat fun_00030011 is,delay
like,delay right at home in fun_00010011's
animI bet he could tell you delayALL about
the color and light and stuffdelay.delay.delay.delayanimeven
if delayyou didn't want to hear about it! |
| animI bet fun_00010011 talks to his
fun_00030011 all the
time! delayanimNot to help the plant grow...
animbut just so he can hear the sounddelay
of his own voice, fun_00070005! |
| animDo I hear fun_00030011?
delayI bet he likes to listen to songs
and delaydaydream aboutdelay.delay.delay.delaystuff. |
| animfun_00010011 must watch a delayTON of
soap operas on TV. delayanimThat's where he
learned to talk all slick and smooth! |
| animfun_00010011 must like to play his
fun_00030011.delayanim I bet that's
how he writes his sappy love songs! |
| animfun_00010011 must be a really good
chef!delay animHe's got some fancy cooking
equipment in here, delayfun_00070005.
animWhat kind ofdelay yummers dish do
you think he could whip up delayusing
his fun_00030011? |
| animfun_00010011delay probably talks WAY too
much in his sleep.delay animHe talks too much
when he's awake, delayfun_00070005! |
| animfun_00010011delay probably talks WAY too
much in his sleep.delay animHe talks too much
when he's awake, delayfun_00070005! |
| animThis fun_00030011 is,
like, totally perfect for fun_00010011.delay
animIt's a really nice touch!
animPlus,delay I bet he likes to sit there and
read fancy French poetry. delayanimDoesn't
that sound SO like fun_00010011? |
| animI wonder if fun_00010011 ever invites
anyone else delayto sit with him on that
animI wouldn't mind sitting there with
him. delayanimWe could talk about all sorts
of delaysuper-fancy things and ideas! |
| animDo you think fun_00010011 delaywould pull
out that fun_00030011 for
a lady delayso she could sit down?
animHonestly! delaySometimes I think chivalry
is, delaylike,delay totally dead! |
| fun_00040009 |
| animI wonder what fun_00010011 is hiding
in that fun_00030011delay.delay.delay.delay
animDon't tell, delaybut I'm gonna peek later! |
| animfun_00010011 is probably really pickydelay
about his coffee. delayanimNo wonder he has
such a nice fun_00030011! |
| fun_00040009 |
| animI bet fun_00010011delay looks really dapper
in his fun_00030011. He
is,delay like, delayanimtotally stylin'!
animMaybe he and I can dress updelay in
matching outfits sometime. delayanimNo
one will be able to tell us apart! |
| animHa! delayI totally knew we were gonna
find fun_0002000Efun_00030011
in fun_00010011's place. delayanimTypical!
animHe's definitely the kind of guy delaywho
would be into a grown-up hobby.delay
animNothing immature about that one! |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
| animfun_00010011 is a total neat freak!delay
I knew it animas soon as I saw his
animAnd he keeps it right out in the
open, delaywhich means animhe probably
uses it delayall the time, delayfun_00070005! |
| animI never thought fun_00010011 would
be willing to get his hands dirty.delay
animBut he must have!
animI mean,delay how else could he dig up
his fun_00030011?
animHis clothes probably got filthy! |
| animDid you know fun_00010011 had
fun_0002000Efun_00030011?pageBreakanimOooh,delay I hope he has a tea party
and delayinvites me! delayI bet he throws,delay
like,delay the most epic parties! |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
| animHe really knows delayhow to brighten up
a room. delayAll you have to do is add
animfun_00010011 obviously pays delayclose
attention to the details. delayanimThat's
so like him, delayfun_00070005! |
| animCan't you totally picture fun_00010011
storing all sorts of fancy ingredients
in that fun_00030011?
animHe probably eats, delaylike,delay the trendiest
foods in town! |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
| animfun_00010011 is a hard-core gamer?delay I
never thought I'd actually see fun_0002000Edelay
fun_00030011 in here!
animShould we tell everyonedelay that he
sits arounddelay and plays video games?
animIt'll, delaylike, delaytotally ruin his image! |
| animWhoa! delayCheck out fun_00010011's little
fun_00030011. delayanimI just want
to cuddle it delayforever and ever!
animMaybe some cute girl won it for
him delayat an amusement park or
something! delayanimHow sweet! |
| animIsn't that adorable?delay fun_00010011 has
fun_0002000Efun_00030011.delayanim I
wonder if he got it as a gift... |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
| animI wonder if everyone in town knows
fun_00010011 delayactually has fun_0002000E
animHe walks around like he's all cool,delay
so it's pretty funny to picture himdelay
with animthis furniture, delayfun_00070005! |
| fun_00040009 |
| animI totally can't picture fun_00010011 asdelay
a pumped-up bodybuilder. delayanimBut he
has fun_0002000Efun_00030011!
animHe's probably trying to get all
macho.delayanim I wonder if he's trying to
impress anyone delaywith his muscles... |
| animI totally can't picture fun_00010011 asdelay
a pumped-up bodybuilder. delayanimBut he
has fun_0002000Efun_00030011!
animHe's probably trying to get all
macho.delayanim I wonder if he's trying to
impress anyone delaywith his muscles... |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
| animfun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011delay.delay.delay.delayin
the middle of the room?delayanim I'm, delaylike,delay
totally speechless right now.
animI know fun_00010011 doesn't really
care delaywhat other people think, delayanimbut
this is just too much! |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
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| animI adore fun_00010011's furniture!delay
animIf my fashion sense had taste buds,
they'd totally be tingling right now! |
| animfun_00010011's done a pretty good
job of making his house a home,delay
don't you think? |
| animLet me know if you see any trendy
furniture items lying around heredelay
I may have missed.
animI want to make sure I see everything
fun_00010011 owns! |
| animI feel like I know him on a much
more personal level delayanimnow that I
can see delayhow he decorates! |
| animDon't tell fun_00010011, delaybut I may
animsteal some of his interior-design
ideas, delayfun_00070005! |
| animNot a bad setup in here!delay animRemind
me to take notes delayso I can borrow
some of these ideas later! |
| animNot a bad setup in here!delay animRemind
me to take notes delayso I can borrow
some of these ideas later! |