
Script : [Cranky] KO_Re_Moveout

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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animYo!delay fun_0003000Efun_00000005!delay animI've finally started
packing up my stuff for my big
move tomorrow!
animPromise me you'll feel a little lonely
after I'm gone, all right?!delay I mean,
why else would I move? animGAHAHA!delayanim


animYo!delay fun_0003000Efun_00000005!delay Did you come to
help me pack?delay animJust kidding!
I'm really counting on you to keep
fun_00050005 going after I leave, so
don't slack off,delay fun_00070005!


animAh!delay fun_0003000Efun_00000005!delay animI know this might
sound sudden to you, but I'm gonna
be moving tomorrow.
I haven't been able to find a good
time to tell youdelay.delay.delay.delay animI'm actually gettin'
ready for the move at the moment.pageBreakanimThanks for everything you've done
for me!fun_00010007 animI hope you always stay your
energetic and silly self!


animHmm?delay Have we ever met?pageBreakanimI'm fun_00010005!delay Nice to meet you!pageBreakdelay.delay.delay.delayanimThing is, I'm actually putting this
town behind me starting tomorrow.delaypageBreakanimdelayI suppose you never know when
you'll meet someone newdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimWell,delay I suppose I don't have the right
to say this, animbut I'm gonna! animI hope
you'll make fun_00050005 a fun place!


animWell, hey!delay If it ain't fun_00000005!delay
Did you come for a visit?!pageBreakanimYou got bad timingdelay.delay.delay.delay animOr maybe it's
actually pretty good?pageBreakanimTruth is,delay I'm moving tomorrow!delay
Today is my last day in town!pageBreakanimI'm glad I got the chance to say
good-bye!delay Take care out there
in the world!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animHmmm?delay This is the first time we've
met, right?delay Did you come for a
short visit?pageBreakanimThe name's fun_00010005!delay
Nice to meet ya!pageBreakdelay.delay.delay.delayanimI'm leaving this town tomorrow.delay
animdelayI suppose you never know when
you'll meet new peopledelay.delay.delay.
animAnyway,delay I won't be around anymore,
but I hope you play nicely with the
rest of fun_00050005!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animYo! delayThat's you, right, fun_00000005?delay
Did you come over to hang out?pageBreakanimYou got bad timingdelay.delay.delay.delay animOr maybe it's
actually really good?pageBreakanimTruth is, I'm moving tomorrow,delay so
today is my last day in town!pageBreakanimAnd you know something?delay I don't
even know where I'm moving to yet!delay
Move to my town!
Ha ha ha.


animHeh heh!delay I'll be fine!delay These things
always work out in the end!pageBreakanimAnyway,delay I'm glad I got a chance to
see you again before I moved!pageBreakanimI'm leaving, but I hope you keep
coming to fun_00050005 to have a
good time now and then!


delay.delay.delay.delayanimWhat?!fun_00010007 Are you playing me?pageBreakanimdelay.delay.delay.delay.delay.delay.delay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimHuh.delay That's not a bad idea!delay I think
I'd have a fun time with you around!pageBreakanimThat settles it!delay animI'm moving my stuff
to fun_00060005! animI'm counting on you
to help me fit in!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!


delay.delay.delay.delayanimWhat?!fun_00010007 Are you playing me?pageBreakanimdelay.delay.delay.delay.delay.delay.delay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimI guess that's a possibility!delay It'd be
kinda interesting to be around you
all the time again!
animThat settles it!delay animI'm moving my stuff
to fun_00060005!pageBreakanimOnce I'm done unpacking,delay we should
have a nice, long chat to catch up!


animHmm?delay We haven't met, right?pageBreakanimanimThey call me fun_00010005!delay
Nice to meet you!pageBreakdelay.delay.delay.delayanimI hate to break this to you, but
I'm gonna be leaving this town
tomorrow morning.
animI haven't exactly pinned down where
exactly I'm moving to yet exactly.delay
Come to my town!
Sounds rough.


animHeh heh!delay Well,delay I'm sure it'll work out
wherever I end up moving to!
It always does,delay fun_00070005!


delay.delay.delay.delayanimWhat?!fun_00010007 Are you playing me?pageBreakanimdelay.delay.delay.delay.delay.delay.delay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimHuh.delay That's not such a bad idea!delay
Meeting you at a time like this
seems like fate or something!
animBy the way, you're fromdelay.delay.delay.?
animOh,delay a town called fun_00060005?pageBreakanimThen it's decided!delay animTomorrow I'm
moving to fun_00060005!pageBreakdelay.delay.delay.delayanimOnce I'm done unpacking,delay I hope
you'll come over and chat with me
once in a while!


animDarn!delay I forgot to write down what's
in each box! That was dumb of me!


animAh!delay animI packed my toothbrush way too
soon before movingdelay.delay.delay.


animdelayHmmmmdelay.delay.delay.delay delayNow, where did I put
that fun_000F0005delay.delay.delay.


animI'll never forget fun_00050005 or you!delay
delay.delay.delay.delayanimWell, probably.delayanim GAHAHA!delayanim


I'm moving myself animto fun_00020011!pageBreakanimIf you wanna see me,delay fun_00020011's
the place to go!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!


This rolling stoneanim is rolling on to
fun_00020011!pageBreakanimIf you've heard of it,delay you'll have to
come by to see me sometime!


animThe next time we meet,delay we'll both
be residents of fun_00060005 at the
same time! Cool,delay fun_00070005!


animHeh heh!delay Pretty soon, we're gonna
be neighbors again!


animdelaySince I've made up my mind to
move,delay the next thing to do is pick an
actual destinationdelay.delay.delay.
animDo you happen to have any good
recommendations for me?fun_0005000F
Come to my town!
Nope, not a one.


animReally?!delay animWell,delay I'm sure I'll work
something out,delay fun_00070005!


delay.delay.delay.delayanimWhat?!fun_00010007 Are you playing me?pageBreakanimdelay.delay.delay.delay.delay.delay.delay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimHuh.delay That's not a bad idea!delay animI think
I'd have a fun time hanging out with
you a lot more.
animAll right,delay that settles it!delay animI'm packing
my bags, delayer, delayboxes for fun_00060005!pageBreakanimI'll be counting on your support, so
don't let me down,delay fun_00070005!


delay.delay.delay.delayanimWhat?!fun_00010007 Are you playing me?pageBreakanimdelay.delay.delay.delay.delay.delay.delay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimI guess that's a possibility!delay It'd be
kinda interesting to live around you
and be neighbors again!
animThat settles it!delay animI'm moving my stuff
all the way to fun_00060005!pageBreakanimOnce I'm done unpacking,delay we should
have a nice, long chat and catch up!


animUh-oh! delayanimEh, I guess you caught me.fun_00010007
animWell, delayyou were gonna find out
eventually. delay
animThat's right. I'm leavin' town.delay
animWhy now?delaypageBreakdelayanimWhat makes the answer to that any
of YOUR business?delay Hmm?delayanim Let's just
say I have my reasons.delay
animBut I'm glad I got to say good-bye
before I left.delayanim I hate all those
unfinished-business shenanigans.delay
animNice knowin' ya, kid!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animOh, delayyou tracked me down, did you?fun_00010007
animWell, delayit's exactly what it looks like.delay
I'm skipping town.
animHuh?delay "What's the rush?" you ask?delay
animWell, let's just say I lost a bet. pageBreakanimOr won it,delay depending on how you
look at the situation.delay animEh, at least
that's what fun_00010011 would say. animdelay
animI'm glad we got a chance to say
good-bye before I hit the road.delay animTake
care, delayfun_00070005!


animOh, delayyou tracked me down, did you?fun_00010007
animWell, delayit's exactly what it looks like.delay
I'm skipping town.
animHuh?delay "What's the rush?" you ask?delay
animWell, let's just say I lost a bet. pageBreakanimOr won it,delay depending on how you
look at the situation.delay animEh, at least
that's what fun_00010011 would say. animdelay
animI'm glad we got a chance to say
good-bye before I hit the road.delay animTake
care, delayfun_00070005!


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