Num | English |
| animdelayHmmmdelay.delay.delay.delay I just stopped by to look,
but it doesn't seem like I could buy
anything even if I wanted to! |
| animAwww,delay they don't have anything!delay
animGuess today's not my lucky daydelay.delay.delay. |
| animdelayHmph.delay Last item in stock, huhdelay.delay.delay.delay?
I wonder if there's something wrong
with itdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| delay.delay.delay.delayanimCould it be that this guy right here
has been waiting all this time for me
to come and take him homedelay.delay.delay.? |
| animdelayIf I don't get this item right now,delay
then someone else probably willdelay.delay.delay. |
| I wonder animif they've got anything
I'd really want today... |
| All right,delay animit's time for a very serious
fun_00010005 Check! |
| animdelayI was thinking I might find some kind
of bargain todaydelay.delay.delay. |
| animWell, at least they've got a good
selection today! Can't complain! |
| animI got the pick of the litter right now!delay
animdelaySo the question is, what to getdelay.delay.delay.delay? |
| animWith so many things here,delay it's hard
to decide on just one item. |
| Did you animcome to the shop today to
sell something? Is that your plan? |
| animThis recycling system works out
great 'cause sometimes the things
you don't want are the things I DO! |
| animdelayThe prices here are all set by the
people who own the items, so you
gotta be careful about pricesdelay.delay.delay. |
| animSometimes I see stuff I just have
to have, so animI come here pretty
often to look around! |
| animI got something really good today!delay
animGAHAHA!delayanim |
| animI went with the flow and bought
something today!delay animGuess that's fine
from time to time! |
| animI didn't mean to, but I somehow
ended up buying stuff.delay animLet's just
call it a present to myself! |
| animI got rid of some stress by dropping
some money! Shopping therapy! |
| animHey!delay fun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011!
And you're the one selling the item?delay
animMaybe I'll have to buy it from you!fun_0005000F
It's quite the bargain!
Don't buy it. |
| animWell, hey!delay I see that you're the one
selling the fun_00030011!delay
animThe price is really speakin' to me!fun_0005000F
You should buy the item!
Don't waste your Bells. |
| Were you the one who put the
animfun_00030011 here?!delay
animdelayHmmm. delayI'm kind of tempteddelay.delay.delay.fun_0005000F
Go with the temptation!
You should pass. |
| animHmm?delay animWell, I'm sure there's gottadelay
be a good reason for you to tell me
not to buy something.delay animClose one! |
| animWell, if you think I should snag
something,delay then I KNOW I should!delay
animAll right, delayI'll buy your item! Yeah! |
| animYou think I should go for it?delay animOK,delay I'll
take your item home! And maybe I'll
even pay for it too! animGAHAHA! |
| animHey!delay I'm taking this one!fun_0009000C |
| fun_0001000Cfun_0004000CdelayanimYou don't mind if I just pay you
directly, do you? |
| animdelayHmm. I kinda want the
but that pricedelay.delay.delay.delay
What's a guy to dodelay.delay.delay.delay?fun_0005000F
Just go for it!
You should pass. |
| animThe fun_00030011delay
snagged my attention!pageBreakanimThe only thing is,delay the price is kinda
expensive, don't you think?fun_0005000F
Nah, go for it!
Yeah, that's too much. |
| animdelayI'd really love to get the
but the price is so highdelay.delay.delay.delay
What should I do?fun_0005000F
Buy! Buy! Buy!
Save your Bells. |
| animYou're right!delay animIt's not like I really
need more stuff anyway. |
| animHmmmm.delay Nope!delay animIt's not good to
waste money like that!delay I'm gonna
pass this time! |
| animNah,delay I really need to stop and think!delay
animI've been spending too much lately.delay
I think it's time to start saving! |
| animNope, no matter how you look at it,delay
animthat's just way too expensive! |
| animYou're right!delay You gotta strike while
the iron's hot!delay animTime to buy, baby! |
| animYou're right!delay animThis is no time to get
hung up on little details.delay I'm just
gonna go for it! |
| animYou're right!delay animThere's got to be a
good reason for the price.delay I'm gonna
forget about money and just do it! |
| animWhoa!delay That's cheap!delay animAre you sure
you're all right with selling stuff for
such a low price?
animStill,delay animI am definitely interested.fun_0005000F
You should go for it!
I'd pass if I were you. |
| animHuh?!delay animOh, I gotcha.delay There's a reason
for the cheap price, right? animOK then,
I changed my mind!delay animNo sale! |
| animNo, delayI gotta think this throughdelay.delay.delay.delay
The price may be good, but I don't
need more stuff THAT badlydelay.delay.delay.
animI'm not really into cheap stuff,delay
so I think I'll pass on the sale! |
| animAll right!delay This fella is coming home
with me right now! |
| animdelayHmmm...delay That's cheaper than
something that's brand new, but...pageBreakI suppose even when old,
can be spendy. |
| animHO!delay fun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011
for only colorfun_000C0004 Bellscolor?delay Oh man,
that's such a great dealdelay.delay.delay.
animBut I don't have that kind of money!
I wish I did.delay animThen again,delay don't we all
wish we had more?delay animGAHAHA! |
| animHa!delay fun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011!
Hard to find an item this nice here.
animPretty cool, don't you think?fun_0005000F
Yeah! You should buy!
Nah, save your money. |
| animHuh?delay You really feel that way? |
| animYou and I really think alike!delay
animAll right,delay time to buy! |
| animWhoa!delay What's up with this price?delay
animIt's super cheap, don't you think?!delay
Maybe I should get this item?fun_0005000F
You should buy it!
Don't buy it. |
| animHuh?delay You really feel that way? |
| animWhoa,delay what am I thinking?delay animI need to
remember not to waste my money! |
| animYou and I think alike!delay The only thing
left to do now is exchange Bells! |
| fun_0001000Cfun_0004000CdelayanimI never thought I'd find a bargain
quite like this!delay animGAHAHA!delayanim |
| fun_0001000Cfun_0004000CdelayanimIt's my lucky day!delay animGAHAHA!delayanim |
| fun_0001000Cfun_0004000CdelayanimI got a good deal today!delay animGAHAHA!delayanim |
| fun_0001000Cfun_0004000CdelayanimThat was a pretty fair deal! |
| fun_0001000Cfun_0004000CdelayanimI think I got a pretty decent deal
today!delay I'm totally satisfied! |
| fun_0001000Cfun_0004000CdelayanimIt feels good to get a good deal!
animGood deals are good! |
| fun_0001000Cfun_0004000CdelayanimShopping is all about timing!delay Even if
something's expensive,delay animwhen you
want it,delay you just gotta go for it! |
| fun_0001000Cfun_0004000CdelayanimIt's OK to buy something sorta
special for yourself every once
in a while, right?delay animGAHAHA!delayanim |
| fun_0001000Cfun_0004000CdelayanimAt times like this,delay money is truly no
object!delay animHeh. OK, so that might be
going a little overboard!delay animGAHAHA!delayanim |
| fun_0001000Cfun_0004000CdelayanimAt times like this,delay money is truly no
object!delay animHeh. OK, so that might be
going a little overboard!delay animGAHAHA!delayanim |