Num | English |
| animOh, delayMayor! delayDo you need something?pageBreakI hope you weren't looking all over
for me. delayanimI did mention that I was
taking today off, delaydidn't I?
animWell, delayif you need anything in an
official capacitydelay.delay.delay.I'll be back in
the office tomorrow! |
| Oh!delayanim I hope you haven't been looking
all over town for me.pageBreakBecausedelay.delay.delay.animI'm PRETTY sure I put in
a request for time off todaydelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimWell, delayif you need anything in an
official capacitydelay.delay.delay.I'll be back in
the office tomorrow! |
| |
| |
| fun_00030009 |
| fun_001A000A |
| fun_00040009 |
| fun_00040009 |
| animI hope that nothing urgent comes
up while I'm taking this time offdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimHonestly, delaythat's why I don't take
more vacations—delayI don't know how
fun_00050005 can get by without me.
Oops, delayanimdid I say that out loud? |
| animI hope that nothing urgent comes
up while I'm taking this time offdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimHonestly, delaythat's why I don't take
more vacations—delayI don't know how
fun_00050005 can get by without me.
Oops, delayanimdid I say that out loud? |
| This vacation is so relaxing! delayanimAnd
I'm rediscovering everything that
makes fun_00050005 so great!
animTechnically,delay I think that makes this
a work trip for tax purposes, delayright? |
| You know, delayanimI've barely even traveled
outside of fun_00050005.delay Like, delayever!pageBreakanimBut now I want to visit all kinds
of campgrounds in all kinds of
different towns! |
| animSometimes you just need to blow
off work and let loose, right?fun_00010007
animWith permission from your bossdelay.delay.delay. |
| animPlease feel free to look around my
van.delay It can be like show-and-tell!pageBreakanimOh, delayand if you want to buy
something,delay I accept colorMEOW
Couponscolordelay.delay.delay. |
| Why am I wearing glasses? delayanimBecause
I'm nearsighted, delayof course!pageBreakanimOh!delay I just realized that I usually
wear contacts at work. delayanimHeehee! |
| Why am I wearing glasses? delayanimBecause
I'm nearsighted, delayof course!pageBreakanimOh!delay I just realized that I usually
wear contacts at work. delayanimHeehee! |