
Script : [Smug] ZK_FreeA_Always

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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animDespite my laid-back looks,delay I used
to be in a band when I was a kid!fun_00010007
animWe already disbanded thoughdelay.delay.delay.delay
animOh? delayThe reason we disbanded?delay


animThe music I've been following?delay
animBasically,delay I like up-tempo songs
you can dance to,delay fun_00070005.
animdelayA lot of anime has really up-tempo
theme songs, now that I think of it.
That's probably why I love them!
animI've really been inspired a lot by
those songsdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimI want to see more anime themes
appear in dance clubs.delay animYou can't
deny that'd be awesome!


When you listen to pop music,delay you
often hear them saying "shorty" in
the lyrics over and overdelay.delay.delay.delay
fun_0003000Efun_00080005, animwhat do you think it
actually refers to?fun_00010008
A short person.
Your significant other.
Some kid.


Hey, fun_00080005, did you know?delay
That train that runs through town
is in its fourth iteration.
animUp to the third iteration,delay everything
was based on the first iteration's
designs with only minor changes!
animBut the fourth iteration is radically
different!fun_00010007 animIt inherited the DNA from
the first iteration, butdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakit's the first one that's had a major
change in design,delay fun_00070005!pageBreakanimThe current one has awesome new
variants, such as limited and rapid
trainsdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimdelayI think the red color of the
LE012-series limited train
is simply the best of all!
animGah!delay I've completely rambled about
trains, haven't I?!delay animDon't tell anyone!delay
My train obsession is a secret!


fun_0003000Efun_00080005,delay animdo you by any chance
know the definition of "SF" in
SF movies or SF comics?fun_00060008
Science fiction.
Space fantasy.
I have no idea.


fun_0003000Efun_00080005,delay do you collect anything
as a hobby, like stamps or toys or
baseball cards or video games?fun_00050008
Yes, I do!


animdelay.delay.delay.delayfun_0003000Efun_00080005,delay I have something vital
I must tell you!pageBreakI'm an enthusiast,delay animbut I'm absolutely
not a geek!fun_00010007 animPlease don't confuse
the twodelay.delay.delay.delay


delay.delay.delay.delayanimMy relationship with that famous
actress?delay animAh, delaywe're just good friends
who go way back!
delay.delay.delay.delayanimWhat, really? A press conference?delay
animPlease contact my office for those
kinds of things.
animAll right, I know fun_00050005 has
nothing like that,delay fun_00080005.pageBreakanimI figured I'd just pretend. delayHah ha!delayanimdelay
animBut nowdelay I feel kinda dumbdelay.delay.delay.delay





is the title,delay fun_00070005!pageBreakYou should totally read it sometime!delay
It's definitely worth your time!pageBreakanimAll of my natural swaggerdelay.delay.delay.delay animIt was
probably influenced by this book.


animHopefully you'll get to find a great
book like that,delay fun_00070005!


animThe other members and I,delay we had
very different taste in musicdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimThat can make it very difficult to
keep a band unified, you know?


animThings were going great until we
sold out and went mainstream.pageBreakanimThen it just wasn't about the music
anymore. It was about the imagedelay.delay.delay.delay


We just realized animwe'd reached our
peak!delay We had nowhere further up
to go, so we got boreddelay.delay.delay.delay


animThat's what I assumed they were
talking about too, fun_00070005!pageBreakanimBut all these songs about short
peopledelay.delay.delay.delay Doesn't that seem a bit
excessive to you?


animThat's what I figured. They seem to
just call people whatever they want,
like "boo" or "baby" or "shawty"delay.delay.delay.delay
animSometimes, it can be hard to follow
when you just want a love songdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimAt the very least it seems to refer
to someone they really care about,
so I suppose I'm down with that.
animDo you get it now, delayshorty?


animHeh heh heh.delay That's totally one of
the meanings for the word!pageBreakanimBut I think it's raredelay for you to hear
a pop song talking about "some kid,"
you know? fun_0003000Efun_00070005!
animThat's sort of a shame, though.delay
animI'd totally listen to a pop song
about a really cool kid!


animVarious genres have appeared over
time,delay so pegging down a definition
has gotten a little difficultdelay.delay.delay.delay
animBut "science fiction" was the original
meaning!delay That means it refers to
science-fantasy novels as well!
Me,delay animI don't care as long as there's
a love story in there at some


animYeah,delay fun_00070005.delay When you
watch films that simply ignore
scientific rulesdelay.delay.delay.delay
animI guess it's pretty simple to just
call those fantasy movies, right?pageBreakanimI'm OK with anything,delay animas long as
there's some romance in the storydelay.delay.delay.delay


animYeahdelay.delay.delay.delay There're just so many things
it could be, making it difficult to tell
them apart, huh?
animdelayThere are just too many words that
start with S and F and could fit into
the meaning.delay It's so confusingdelay.delay.delay.delay
animFor exampledelay.delay.delay.delay animSuperdelay Famicom!


animI knew it!delay animIt's no wonder I felt this
special bond between us!pageBreakanimTo be honestdelay.delay.delay.delayI'm a collector who
likes to collect soda bottle caps.pageBreakanimdelayThere are just so many varieties of
sodas out there,delay and I'm obsessed
with the caps and the fizzdelay.delay.delay.delay
animI feel like my collection will never
be fully completed,delay animbut I'll keep
working on it slowly,delay fun_00070005.
animYou should also get into bottle cap
collecting!delay animMmm, the sound of a
fresh cap is magic. "Ch-kahhhh!"


animI guess you're better off when you
don't have a ridiculous obsession
like I do. animMmmdelay.delay.delay.delay Bottle capsdelay.delay.delay.


animYour eyesdelay.delay.delay.delayanimare very striking!
They're hard to ignore!fun_0001000A


animHeh heh heh.delay I bet you have a hard
time concentrating when you look
in the mirror,delay fun_00070005!


animAh,delay I'm sorry!delay animI was totally absorbed
there for a momentdelay.delay.delay.delay


animdelayWeirddelay.delay.delay.delay I feel like someone's been
watching me all morning,delay
You caught me.
Just your imagination!


animI seedelay.delay.delay.delay So YOU'RE the one animwho's
been staring at me, huh?pageBreakanimWell, don't be shy. I know I'm pretty
fabulous,delay fun_00070005!


animReally? delayWow, I have a super-vivid
imagination thendelay.delay.delay.delay




Hey, delayfun_00080005!delay animAre you good at
making snowmen?delay animI'm what some
may call a "snowman savant."
animIf you roll the snowball too fast,delay
it'll easily break,delay so make sure
you roll it nice and gentle.
animIt's just like a good massage, you
knowdelay.delay.delay.delay? animToo hard or too fast and
you'll break the person in half!
animOnce you've got two nice, round
snowballs, roll them together to
finish up your snowman!
animdelaySounds pretty simple,delay but it can be
pretty difficult to keep a proper
balance between the snowballsdelay.delay.delay.
animThe trick is to have the body a bit
bigger than the head,delay fun_00070005!


Hey, delayfun_00080005!delay Did you know that
snowmen can talk?pageBreakanimIt sounds like a lie,delay but it's a true
story! I swear!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!pageBreakanimNot only that,delay I've heard they have
different personalities,delay depending
on their size.pageBreakanimThe one I'm most interested in animis a
big-sized snowman!pageBreakanimI heard he's quite a gentlemandelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimHeh hehdelay.delay.delay.delay Althoughdelay animno one is quite
as amazing a gentleman as I am!


fun_0003000Efun_00080005,delay do you collect anything
as a hobby?delay You know, stamps or
toys or things like that?fun_00050008
Yes, I do!


animI knew it!delay animNo wonder we have the
same hungry look in our eyes!pageBreakanimTo be honestdelay.delay.delay.delayI collect plastic
bottle caps. All kinds!delaypageBreakanimdelayThere are many different kinds of
plastic bottle caps.delay I just love them!pageBreakanimIt's one of those things I'll probably
never get tired of,delay so I'll take my
time and enjoy collecting!
animMake suredelay.delay.delay.delayanimyou don't go too crazy
collecting things, OK?


Hey, fun_00080005, did you know?delay
That train you see traveling from
town to town is fourth generation.delay
animTill the third generation,delay everything
was based on the first generation's
designs with only minor changes.
animBut the fourth generation is
different!fun_00010007 animIt inherited the DNA
from the first generation, butdelay.delay.delay.delay
It's the first one that's had a major
change in design,delay fun_00070005.pageBreakanimThe current one has various styles,
such as limited and rapid designsdelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimdelayI think the rapid LS012-series with
that white line on the cobalt blue
animlooks sharp! It's my favorite!delaypageBreakanimAre you lost yet? Should I start
from the beginning?delay animI sort of geek
out on trains.delay It's my secret thing.


delay.delay.delay.delayanimWhat?delay Are you asking if I'm trying
to be a real fun_00110005 pro?delay
animNo comment!
delay.delay.delay.delayanimA press conference?delay animOh, please
contact my office for those kinds
of things.
animOh!delay animSorry, fun_00080005!delay You caught
me in the middle of something.pageBreakdelay.delay.delay.delayanimI know there's absolutely nothing
like that in fun_00050005.fun_00010007 animI was just
pretending for a laugh!delay Hah ha!delayanim
animNow I feel kind of dumbdelay.delay.delay.


What happened?
Whatchoo lookin' at?






animI was thinking about somethingdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakI was thinking animit would be great if
we could stay friends forever!


animErrr,delay nothingdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimI was just thinking about how I'd
love to have eyes like yoursdelay.delay.delay.delay
animMy eyes are sooooo last week.


animOh,delay I'm sorrydelay.delay.delay.fun_00010007 animYou can really
hypnotize people with those eyes!
animIf you keep looking at me, Idelay.delay.delay.
animHuh? What were we talking about?


animAh,delay I'm sorrydelay.delay.delay.fun_00010007 animYour eyes are really
good at distracting people.delay Your
nose toodelay.delay.delay.








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