Num | English |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0007000Cfun_0002000CanimOh my gosh!delay They should totally
hire you to do that.delayanim You're,delay like,delay
SO good at giving fashion advice!fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0001000CanimI know, delayright?delay I want to do one ondelay
how to dress for the season.fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0007000Cfun_0002000CanimThat would be delaySO awesome!delay
Seasons are hard. delayanimThe weather
totally changes!delay It's confusing.fun_0009000C |
| i10_16 |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0001000CanimThat's why the readers out theredelay
need my help!delayanim Like,delay right now it's
spring, delayso you should wear pastels.
animCherry-blossom pink! delayFresh-grass
green! delaySunshine yellow!delay Not-a-
cloud-in-the-sky blue!fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0001000CanimThat's why the readers out theredelay
need my help! delayanimLike, delayright now it's
summer, delayso you should weardelay neon!
animNeon is hotdelay AND cool,delay just like
summer!delay Put a hot neon shirt in
the fridge,delay and it'll turn icy cool!fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0001000CanimThat's why the readers out theredelay
need my help. delayanimLike, delayright now it's
autumn. delayYou should wear leaves!
animYou heard me right—delayleaves. delayJust
glue a bunch on your skirt, delayanimand do
some twirls!delay It's so delayback to nature!fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0001000CanimThat's why the readers out theredelay
need my help! delayanimLike, delayright now it's
winter,delay so you should wear ice!
animAnd by "ice,"delay I mean diamonds!delay
You'll sparkle and shinedelay just like
a winter icicle.fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0007000Cfun_0002000CanimThat's thedelay BEST fashion advice
I've ever heard.delayanim I would totally
put you on the cover of that mag! |
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| fun_0000000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0001000CanimI've had,delay like, delayNO energy lately.fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0007000Cfun_0002000CanimReally?! delayThat's totally not like
you. delayWhat do you think is going on?fun_0009000C |
| fun_00000009 |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0001000CanimHonestly, delayI think I just need to get
more exercise.delayfun_0004000Canim Do you know any
good workout moves, fun_00080005?fun_0002000Cfun_0004000Cfun_00010008
Do a handstand.
Learn to juggle.
Jump a rope. |
| fun_0002000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0001000CanimSeriously?!delay Although, delaynow that I
think about it,delayanim doing a handstand
sounds like a delayLOT of fun.
animCan you imagine me delaywalking around
town delayupside down on my hands?delayanim I
bet I'd get a lot ofdelay funny looks!fun_0009000C |
| fun_0002000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0001000CanimMe?! delayJuggle?delay That's hilarious!delay
animBut now that I think about it,delay itdelay
COULD be a fun way to work out!
animPlus, delayit would be a great talent
to put on my résumé.delayanim I could be
a major juggling superstar!fun_0009000C |
| fun_0002000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0001000CanimJump a rope?! delaySo simple, delayand yet
so totally brilliant.delayanim I can exercisedelay
AND have fun playing double Dutch!
animOf course,delay I'd have to find a good
delayrope-jumping partner...fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0001000CanimI know!delay Maybe I need to eat foods
that are healthier. delayanimYou know, delaythe
kinds that give you energy.
fun_0004000CanimDo you know any good foods like
that, delayfun_00080005?fun_0002000Cfun_0004000Cfun_00010008
Pumpkin seeds.
Dark chocolate. |
| fun_0002000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0001000CanimReally?!delay I had no idea that pumpkin
seeds were, delaylike,delay healthy.delay They're
so deliciously crunchy!
animIf eating pumpkin seeds all daydelay
makes me a health nut, delaythen count
me in, delayfun_00070005!fun_0009000C |
| fun_0002000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0001000CanimBlueberries?! delayThat's, delaylike,delay the
funniest thing I've ever heard.
delayanimThose things are like delayCANDY!
animWait a secdelay.delay.delay.delay You're not laughing.delayanim
Does that mean blueberries reallydelay
ARE healthy?! delayImagine that!fun_0009000C |
| fun_0002000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0001000CanimYou justdelay BLEW my mind! delayI've heard
stories about chocolate being all
healthy, delayanimbut I just never believed it!
animThis is,delay like,delay a total dream come
true,delay fun_00070005! |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0007000Cfun_0001000Cfun_0007000Cfun_0002000Cfun_0003000CanimWow! That's, like, an AWESOME
suggestion. I'm gonna try that too!fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0002000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0001000Cfun_0003000CanimYeah, you always have the best
advice.delay I'm gonna have delayanimTONS of
energy now! delayThanks a bunch! |
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| fun_0000000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0001000CanimI just bought this delayÜBERcute outfit.delayanim
Don't you absolutely adore it?fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0007000Cfun_0002000CanimThe second I saw your outfit, delayI was
all,delay like, delay"I have delayanimGOT to get myself
an outfit just like that!"fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0001000CanimI know! delayI saw this look on the cover
of delayToday's Stylish fun_0004000Efun_001F0005,delayanim and
I justdelay HAD to get it!fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0007000Cfun_0002000CanimOh my gosh!delay I totally read that
issue.delayanim How did I not notice your
outfit, delaylike, delayright away?!fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0001000CanimHee hee!delay I guess I must wear it a
lot betterdelay than the cover model!fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0007000Cfun_0002000CanimCan you guess where I gotdelay MY new
outfit from?fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0001000CanimHmmdelay.delay.delay.delay Did you get it from that
awesome delayanimfun_00010011's Sassy Style
catalog,delay by any chance?fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0007000Cfun_0002000CanimHa ha ha!delay I totally delayWISH there was
a catalog like that! delayanimI would buy all
my outfits from it!
animWait a secdelay.delay.delay.delay IS there a catalog like
that?! delayanimI think someone's been using
my name illegally!fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0005000Cfun_0001000CanimCalm down!delay There's no catalog like
that.delay Although I think wedelay ALL agree
there should be.fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0007000Cfun_0002000CanimAre you pulling my leg?delay I'm, delaylike, delayanimso
totally confused right now... |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0007000Cfun_0002000CanimAre you pulling my leg?delay I'm, delaylike, delayanimso
totally confused right now... |